2011年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3Celebration庆祝名师金学案 北师大版

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1、类别课标要点重点单词1. vt.毕业2. adj.高兴的,愉快的3 n. 场合 4. n. 祝贺5 n. 权力,影响力 6. vt. 破坏,毁坏7 vt. 招待,侍候;服务 8. n. 接待;招待会9 vi. 退休 10. n. 入口11 n. 典礼,仪式 12. vt. 出席,参加13 n. 信封 14. vt. 吞下;咽下15 adj. 传统的 16. vt. 包括,包含17 vt. 装饰,布置 18. vt. 申请,应用19 vt. 捐献,贡献 20. adv. 不幸地graduationmerry occasioncongratulation powerdestroy serve re

2、ceptionretirentranceceremony attend envelopeswallowtraditional includedecorate applycontribute unfortunately 常用短语1. 参加,参与2. 根据,依据3 准时 4. 即使5 给吹气 6. 继续,坚持7 一点儿 8. 扑灭9 尽可能长的 10. 烧毁take part independ onon time even if/thoughblow up carry on a bit of put out as long as possible burn down典型句式1.On Christm

3、as Eve,the whole family helped to the house, the Christmas tree,the decorations and the balloons.圣诞前夕,全家人都来帮忙装饰房屋,布置圣诞树,挂起装饰品和气球。2 the bottom of the bed the stocking,now all kinds of small presents and sweets.装满了各种各样的小礼物和糖果的长统袜放在床的底部。3I put food in my mouth sometimes was hard .有时我把如此多的食物放入嘴中以致难以下咽。4

4、It didnt ,but we carried eating.这看起来好像不可能,但是我们继续吃。5My sister,Alison,and I sat down in front of the fire and wrote a to Father Christmas him about all the presents we wanted.姐姐、艾莉森和我坐在火炉前,给圣诞老人写信,告诉他我们想要的礼物。decorateput up At wasfull of so much that it to swallowseem possibleonletter tellingcelebrate

5、vt.庆祝;称颂celebrate sth.庆祝某事hold a celebration举行庆祝会in celebration offor the celebration of为了庆祝 We are going to celebrate my mothers sixtieth birthday.我们打算庆祝妈妈的六十大寿。We held a party in celebration of/for the celebration of this victory.我们举行了晚会以庆祝这次胜利。 celebrate与congratulate用法比较:(1)celebrate表示“庆祝、祝贺”之意,限

6、于事物,如节日庆典、结婚纪念日、生日庆贺等,是指以仪式、典礼等活动庆祝令人欢乐的事或日子。(2)congratulate指对人进行祝贺,如表达“就某事祝贺”,应用介词on,即congratulate sb.on sth./doing sth.。Congratulate you on your achievements!祝贺你的成就!I offered my congratulations on his success.我祝贺他成功。 1.We congratulated him_the college entrance exam.Afor him to passBon his passingC

7、passing Dto have passed【解析】congratulate sb.on sth./ones doing sth.因某事祝贺某人。【答案】Bmarry vi.& vt.结婚;与结婚;出嫁marry sb.与某人结婚get married to sb.(不和段时间状语连用)be married (to sb.)已经(与某人)结婚marry sb.to.把某人嫁给/娶给 Joan didnt marry until 30.琼30岁才结婚。Hes going to marry her daughter to a merchant.他打算把女儿嫁给一位商人。Its eight yea

8、rs since they got married.他们结婚八年了。 get/be engaged to sb.与某人订婚be engaged in (doing) sth.从事于/忙于(做)某事The guests were engaged in conversation.客人们忙着交谈。 2.The old couple_for forty years.Ahave married Bhave got marriedChave been married Dmarried to each other【解析】和段时间连用,用be married,表状态。【答案】Cserve v端上(饭菜等);服

9、务;服役;作之用serve as充当;担任 用某物招待某人 The old couch had to serve as a guest bed.这张旧沙发只好用做客人的床了。He served in the army.他在部队服役。The waiter served us (with) wine./The waiter served wine to us.服务员给我们倒酒。 service n服务;侍候;接待at your service愿为您效劳;听候您的吩咐Im at your service.我随时为您服务(有什么事,请随时吩咐)。 3.The weather station_warn

10、people of the coming of strong winds and predict their movement.Aserves to Bserves forCserves as Dservices【解析】句意为:该气象台的职责是提醒人们强风的来临,并预测其动向。for与as后都要用名词或动名词,所以首先排除B、C两项。service服务,为名词,也要排除。【答案】Aapply v应用;运用;申请;请求apply to sb.for.向某人申请apply to适用于apply.to.把应用到 What you said doesnt apply to me.你所说的并不适合我。You cant apply this rule to every case.这个规则并不能适用于所有的情况。She applied for a job as an English teacher.她应征英语教师的工作。We had to apply to the government for financial help.我们只好向政府申请财务援助。 apply oneself to (doing) sth.专注于;专心做某事He ap



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