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1、第一单元1、Go to the gardenWater the flowers (浇花) Go to the libraryRead a story-book(阅读故事书)Go to the canteenEat some noodles (吃面条) Go to the teacherofficeHand in the homework (交作业)Go to the playgroundPlay football(踢足球)2、Do you have lunch at school?3、first第一 second 第二4、向别人介绍人或物体用:this is(这是)that is(那是) 5、

2、lets go and have a look (让我们去看一看) look carefully(仔细看)6、Be quiet in the library(保持安静)Dont drink or eat in the computer room(不要喝或吃东西)Dont walk on the grass in the garden(不要踩踏在草坪上)Dont push in the hallway(不要推)Dont waste food in the canteen(不要浪费食物)7、 a 的两种不同发音 Cake snake grapes(葡萄) face apple bag cat ha

3、t8、This way,please.(这边请)9、默写单词:Computer, board, fan ,light,this,is,my,that,your,teacherdesk,picture,wall,floor,yes,it第二单元1、Time for breakfastdrink some milk(喝一些牛奶)Time for lunchhave some chicken(吃一些鸡肉)Time for dinnereat some rice(吃一些米饭)Time for P.Ejump and run(跳与跑)Time for Englishread and write(读与写)

4、Time for musicsing and dance(唱歌与跳舞)Time for到时间了2、school is over(放学了)3、what time is it?什么时候了?几点了?4、Its time to后面跟动词Its time for后面跟名词5、get up 起床,go to school去学校,go home回家,go to bed睡觉6、 e 的两种不同发音: We me he she egg bed desk pen7、wake up(醒醒) late(迟到) naughty(调皮的) 8、April Fool(愚人节) Oclock点钟 clock钟表9、默写单词:

5、One ,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,what,time,its=it is,oclock,math,chinese,English,P.E,music,for,class第三单元1、Put on your T-shirt (穿上) Hang up your skirt (挂起)Take off your jacket (脱下) Fold your dress (折叠)Wash your shirt (清洗) Put away your sweater (收好)2、brown棕色, orange橙色, gray灰色 pink粉色,

6、purple紫色,3、what colour is it?它是什么颜色?4、whose is it?它是谁的?Its your baby brothers.它是你小弟弟的。5、new新的 反义词 old旧的 what for 为什么 6、this is(这个是) 反义词 that is(那个是) these are(这些是) 反义词 those are(哪些是)7、 i 的两种不同发音 bike rice kite ice-cream milk fish pig window 8、certainly当然可以,costume show服装展示,tie系,sleeves衣袖,cut剪,hole洞,

7、draw画,star明星9、默写单词: jacket, shirt, skirt, dress, T-shirt, red, blue,yellow, green, white, no, not, colour10、see you later等会见, wait and see等会再看,wonderful漂亮的11、fashion时尚的,secret秘密,newspaper报纸,balloon hat气球帽12、Its your turn now现在轮到你了!第四单元1、foot(脚) 复数 feet goose(鹅) 复数 geese2、Its rainyopen up your umbrel

8、la (打起你的雨伞) Its windyhold on to your hat (抓住你的帽子) Its sunnyput on your sunglasses (戴上你的太阳镜) Its snowyput on your boots (穿上你的靴子) Its cloudytake your raincoat (带上你的雨衣)3、whats the weather like in,是什么样的天气?4、whats the matter with you?你怎么啦? Not much 没什么。5、what are you doing?你在做什么?6、How about 怎么样 have to必须

9、,不得不 ask问7、 o 的两种不同发音 hole home nose rose box fox orange lock8、have a cold感冒 terrible可怕的 bless 保佑9、Ill=I will我将要10、默写单词:Warm, cold, cool, today, jeans, pants, socks,shoes, lets=let us Play, football, snowy, sunny。第五、六单元1、put on your sneakersrun in the park在公园里散步Put on your sandalswiggle your toes 蠕动

10、你的脚趾Put on your bootssplash in the puddles 在水坑里飞溅Put on your slippersdance in your room 在你的房间里跳舞2、a pair of 一双 how much多少钱 what size?什么尺码?3、them(他们)宾格,一般放在句子的末尾。4、 u 的两种不同发音 Student cute music tube bus umbrella toothbrush cup5、do a good job 做好工作 No problem没问题6、made a mistake 犯了一个错误 youre fired你被开除了7

11、、feed the hens饲养母鸡 ride a horse 骑马 Milk a cow 挤牛奶 shear a sheep剪羊毛 hold a lamb抱小羊 8、sheep 复数 是它本身sheepTomato与Potato 复数 加esTomatoes ,Potatoes9、asas像一样10、bear熊 None 没有 turkey火鸡 mutton羊肉 straw hat草帽11、picnic野餐 hurray欢呼 bring带上 make a salad 做沙拉shopping商店 fruit水果 cookies饼 share分享12、默写单词:horse, cat, rabbit, pig, duck, dog,eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, how many, there



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