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1、2022年高考英语一轮复习Module6TheTangPoemsAnimalsinDanger高效演练稳达标外研版必修. 单句语法填空1.The negative association with square dancing usually involves (practice) it at the wrong place and time. 2. The government should focus how much money the state-owned enterprises(企业)make. 3. They want to set an organization to help

2、 those “empty nest”families. 4. is known to all, the printing was first made in China. 【变式备选】There is no such person you are looking for. 5. They have been struggling (understand) what the teacher said. 6. The mother is always thinking how to protect her only son from (hurt). 7. is no wonder that ma

3、ny people are living happily.答案:1. practicing 2. on 3. up 4. As 【变式备选】as 5. to understand 6. being hurt 7. It . 单句改错1. He will endanger his life if he wastes time play puter games. _2. Do you think a extinct dinosaur is likely to e back to life? _3. We are struggling against a better life. _4. He se

4、ems to have told the result so there is no need to tell it to him again. _5. The lake lying west of the city worth a visit. _6. Many alive concerts have been held by some famous singers at Beijing National stadium known as the Birds Nest. _答案:1. play改为playing2. a改为an3. against改为for4. have后面加been5. c

5、ity后面加is6. alive改为live【教材变形题组】. 教材与语法填空根据课文内容, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。On a freezing cold day in January 1994, Jiesang Suonandajie gave 1. _ (he)life when fighting with the poachers 2. _ were killing the endangered Tibetan antelope. The reason why the poachers kill the antelopes is 3. _ the wool of

6、 the Tibetan antelope is the most expensive in the world. For poachers the 4. _ (profit)can be huge. Often 5. _ (work)at night, the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time. The animals 6. _ (skin)on the spot and the wool taken to India, where it is made into the shawls. The business is 7.

7、_ (legal). In 8. _ 1990s the Chinese government began to take an active part in 9. _ (protect)the antelopes in the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve and made some progress. International co-operation seems to be working too. Since 1997 the antelope population has 10. _ (slow)begun to grow again. 答案: 1. his 2.

8、who 3. that 4. profits 5. working 6. are skinned 7. illegal 8. the 9. protecting 10. slowly . 教材与短文改错根据课文内容, 对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。The WWF was the worlds largest organisation for nature conservation. It founded in the UK in 1961 and opened an international office in Switz

9、erland at the same year. The WWF believes that we world has a future only if people learn to conserve the nature and not waste energy. The WWF has worked with the Chinese government since 1980, which Dr George Shaller arrived to working with Chinese scientists on the panda project. Today there is mo

10、re than thirty staff worked on twenty projects all over the country. They include work in forests, energy and in environment education as well as saving the panda, of course. 答案: 1. 第一句wasis2. 第二句It后面加was3. 第二句atin4. 第三句weour5. 第三句去掉第二个the6. 第四句whichwhen7. 第四句workingwork8. 第五句isare9. 第五句workedworkin

11、g10. 第六句environmentenvironmental. 教材与话题写作用本模块所学知识完成下列句子, 并按照逻辑连成短文。1. The panda is _ . 大熊猫是濒危物种之一。2. Its _ is in China. 它的栖息地在中国。3. The bamboos that it _ are _ or cant grow well. 大熊猫赖以生存的主食竹子被砍伐或者长得不好。4. Some poachers _ and even _ . 一些偷猎者捕猎大熊猫, 并且现场剥掉它的皮。5. The government should _ more nature reserv

12、es for pandas and let the public know the importance of _ . 政府应该为大熊猫建立更多的自然保护区, 并且让公众知道保护野生生物的重要性。答案: 1. one of the endangered species2. habitat3. feeds on;cut down 4. hunt it;skin it on the spot. 5. set up;protecting wildlife 组篇公式: 句2改成定语从句; 加入适当过渡词_【参考范文】The panda is one of the endangered species,

13、 whose habitat is in China. First of all, the bamboos that it feeds on are cut down or cant grow well. Whats more, some poachers hunt it and even skin it on the spot. In my opinion, the government should set up more nature reserves for pandas and let the public know the importance of protecting wildlife.


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