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1、Unit 11 Shapes知识梳理一、 Words:1shape 形状 24circle 圆形 57well 好8二、 Phrases:1. how many 多少2.look at3two squares 两个正方形45very well 非常好67nine rectangles 九个长方形 8三、 Sentences :picture 图画 3 star 五角星形 6 rectangle 长方形 9square 正方形today 今天 triangle 三角形看six circles 六个圆形 some biscuits 一些饼干 draw an orange 画一个桔子1How man

2、y squares are there? 有几个正方形呢? 2There are two squares.有两个正方形。3Look at the picture. 看那张画。4Here are some biscuits for you. 这儿有些饼干给你。 5I can draw an orange in it我能在里面画一个桔子。重点点拨1. how many的意思是“多少”,后面接可数名词复数;例如:how manysquares 多少个正方形 how many circles 多少个圆形。2. Here is. /Here are.表示“这儿有”的意思,Here is后面接单数名词或不

3、可数名词, Here are 后面接复数名词例如: Here is a star. 这儿有一个五角星 Here are some biscuits. 这儿有一些饼干。单词播音园大声朗读下列短文,体会粗写的单词中字母a的发音/ e?/或/ ? /进行归类。Lisa has a cat . Its nameis Sam. It is lazy so its fat . It never catches mice. It can jump and dance. It oftenmakes Lisa happy./ e?/ (3 个单词)/? / (8 个单词)训练大本营核心模块一. 看图,读一读,用

4、正确选项填空A. There is B. There are C. some D. any()1. There arepears in the picture( )2. Are thererectangles in the picture?()3. two boys in the picture.()4. a circle in the picture.二. 看图,选择正确的回答。()1. - Whats in the picture? -A. They are circles.B. There are three squares.C. They are stars.( )2. - How m

5、any circles are there?-There are circles.A. two B. three C. six( )3. - Are there any rectangles in the picture?-A. No, there arent.B. No, there isnt.C. Yes, there are.( )4. - How many stars are there?-There are stars.A. five B. six C. seve n()5. - Is there a tria ngle in the picture?-A. No, there is

6、nt. B. Yes, it is.C. Yes, there is.三. 看图,根据句意和首字母填空。1. There are three t 2. There are two s 3. There is a c and two stars.4. There are e stars.5. There are three r 四. 看图,读一读,选择正确答案()1. - Are there three circles in the picture?- A. Yes, there is.B. No, there is nt.C. Yes, there are.( )2. - How many s

7、tars are there? -A. There are two.B. There is one. C. There is no one. ( )3. - Are there four tria ngles in the picture?-A. Yes, there are.B. No, there arent. C. There are four.()4. - How many recta ngles are there? -A. Yes, there are.B. There is one. C. There are two.()5. - Can you see any squares

8、in the picture? -A. Yes, I can.B. No, I ca nt. C. Yes, there is.五. 看图,读一读,完成下列试题。A. Oh no! B. Can I come in? C. Is an ybody home? Can I come in?D. Please come in, Un cle Circle. We arehav ing a party (聚会).E. No, you cant.rm a star. Youre a circle. The circle house is on theright (在右边).F. No. Im a tr

9、ia ngle. Youre a circle. The circle house isover there(在那边).综合模块一. 找出下列每组单词中划线部分发音不同的一项二. 看图,读一读,选出正确的单词填空circles square stars tria ngles recta ngles1. There are fourin the picture.2. There are fourin the picture.3. There are three in the picture.4. I can see three in the picture.5. There is a in th

10、e picture.三. 根据所给情景选出适当的问句或答()1. - -Yes, there is.A. Is there a bird?B. Is it on Gree n Street? C. Are there any shops?( )2. - There are seven stars.A. Are there seve n boys?B. Is there a circle? C. How many stars are there?()3. - Is your home on Star Street? -A. Yes, there is.B. No, it isnt.C. Yes,

11、 it does.( )4. - How many recta ngles are there? -A. Yes, there is.B. No, there arent.C. There are six recta ngles.( )5. - There are some biscuits in it.A. Whats in the box?B. Are there biscuits? C. Do you like biscuits?四. 选择填空,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。( )1. How many are there in the picture?A. squareB. tri

12、a ngles C. circle( )2. Thereone star on the wall.A. isB. areC. have()3. How are these books?A. manyB. muchC. far( )4. Are there circles in the picture?A. someB. anyC. lots()5. Here your bag.A. isB. areC. has( )6. - squares are there? - There are two.A. How many B. How much C. How old五. 看图,选出适当的短语,完成

13、对话look at some biscuits two circles a square one recta ngle1. - Here are r you.-Thank you, Mum.2. - Look at my clock.-Its.3. - Whats in the picture? -Theres 4. - Pleasethe picture. Whats in it?-There are some stars.5. - How many circles are there?-There are 六. 仔细看看下面这个机器人,判断句子正(V)( )1. There are fou

14、r circles in the picture.( )2. There are three tria ngles in the picture.()3. There are ten recta ngles in the picture.( )4. This robot has one star.()5. This robot has four squares.参考答案核心模块I. 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. AII. BBABCIII. 1.tria ngles 2. squares 3. circle 4. eight5. rectanglesIV. CCABAV. 1. B 2. E 3. C 4. F 5. A 6. D 综合模块I. ABACAII. 1. stars 2. triangles 3. circles4. rectangles 5. squareIII. ACBCAIV. BABBAAV. 1. some biscuits 2. a square3. one rectangle 4. look at5. two circlesVI. VVxxV


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