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1、通用版2022中考英语二轮复习介词讲义学员姓名: 年级:九年级 辅导科目:英 语 学科教师: 授课日期授课时段08:00-10:00授课主题介词专项教学内容课前回顾1. 单词默写2. 作业讲解知识梳理知识点一、方位介词:1. at、 in 和on 的用法区别:at表示较小的地点。 at the bus stop at home in表示较大的地方 in China in the world on表两物体接触。 There is a plate on the table.或表示在一个平面上 on the farm over above和on 的用法 over指在正上方表垂直在上。 There i

2、s a bridge over the river.above指在上方属于斜上方 Raise your arms above your head. 2、in front of 和in the front of in front of 表“在之前”范围外 There are some trees in front of the classroom. in the front of表“在的前部”范围内 Our teacher usually sits in the front of the classroom. 3、in 、to和on in表示在某一地区的某方位属于某范围 A in B to表示某

3、一地区之外的某方位不属于该范围 A to B on表示两地有地方相接 A on B Beijing is in the north of China. Japan is to the east of China. Korea is on the east of China.知识点二、时间介词at、in和on at表具体的时间点:at one oclock、at noon、at night in表世纪、年、季、月、星期:in the 1980s、in xx 、in spring ,还可以表示某一天的某个部分。 in the morning/afternoon/evening 【例】36. The

4、 artist became well known _ . A) in his thirties B) of thirty C) about thirty D) the thirtiethon 表具体某一天或具体某一天的上午:on a cold morning on Teachers Day. 【例】32. Shenzhou VII was launched September 25, xx. A) at B) during C) in D) on注意在含有this that 、next、 last 、tomorrow、 yesterday等词或词组前不用介词。 【after和in】 表示“时

5、间”时的区别 :in和after表示时间时都是“在以后”的意思。in表示从现在算起到若干时间以后用于一般将来时、过去将来时。 Hell e back in a week. after表示从过去算起到若干时间以后用于一般过去时. He came back after a few days. 【辨析】in只可接时间段,after除接时间段以外还可接时间点。表示在将来某个时间后。【例】35. The plane will take off three hours. I must get to the airport at once.(xx闵行一模) A) at B)in C)on D)by注意:un

6、til和by的区别1、 by意为“不迟于某时间”其前多用结束性动词。 We can finish the work by the end of this month. ;2、until用于否定句中意为“直到才”其前的谓语动词多用结束性的用在肯定句中意为“直到为止”其前谓语动词须用延续性动词。 I didnt go to bed until my mother came home. I waited for my mother until she came home.巩固练习1. You can always see people exercise in that park, even _ co

7、ld winter mornings. A) onB) inC) atD) from2. She told me they arrived in Shanghai _the evening of October 20th.A. on B. in C. to D. at源:3. Our family celebrated Thanksgiving Day _ November 28th, xx.A. for B. atC. inD. on4. The English teachers had a special training session _ Sunday mornings. A) in

8、B) to C) on D) at5. The opening ceremony of Wulong International Kite Flying Festival was held _ the morning of April 4, xx in Chongqing. A) at B) in C) on D) by6. The little boy wants to know which animals e out for food only_ night. A) for B) at C)on D)in A A D C C B【易混知识】 1. between 和among的区别betw

9、een常指 “在两者之间”。among用于指“在三者或三者以上的人或物之间”。如强调三者以上的人或事物之间也可用between. 如:Maria sits between Lucy and Lily. Miss Wang stands among her students. You shouldnt eat between meals. 2. across和through的区别两者都用于表示“穿过越过”。across含有“从表面穿过”之意或沿某一条线的方向而进行的动作。through含有“从中间穿过”之意。表示游渡 乘船过海或河时用across. He can swim across the

10、river. She had to push her way through the crowd to get to her son. 3. in with和by表示“用”时的区别in主要表示 “用语言、声音等”with表示“用具体有形的东西”by表示“用手段或方式”后常接动名词。 Can you sing this song in English ?I write my homework with a pen. The girl made money by selling flowers. 【例】1. Finally the Greeks managed to capture the cit

11、y of Troy_a trick in one night. A) with B)on C)by D)forC4. but、besides和except的区别but表示 “除之外”常与有否定意义的词连用。当but前有动词do时but后接动词原形except所带的人或物前面常有all every any on及其他复合词但在否定句中except 却没有排斥性besides表示“除之外还有”它的意义是在原来的基础上加上besides除外的人或物其前常有other another other any other a few等词。 We can do nothing but wait.除了等我们什么

12、也做不了。 All the students go to the zoo except Jim. 除了Jim所有的学生都去动物园了。 I have a few good friends besides you. 除了你之外我还有几个好朋友。5. by in和on表旅行方式by: 不涉及交通工具的名词时用:by sea 、by air涉及交通工具的名词用单数用前面不加冠词或任何修饰语,如by ship by plane。 当旅行方式涉及确定特指的交通工具时用on或in名词前应有冠词物主代词指示代词等修饰语。在开放或半封闭型工具前用on 在封闭型工具前用in。如on my bike in a ca

13、r. 巩固练习1. Were doing much better_ English _ our teachers help. A. in at B. at in C. in with D. with with 2. Its very nice_ you to get me two tickets _the World Cup. A. for of B. of for C. to for D. of to 3. With the development of transportation, its convenient to go anywhere in Shanghai _underground.A) in B)by C)with D)onC B B知识点三:介词固定短语1. put+介词put down 镇压,写下来put forward 提出,提前,提供 put off 推迟,延期,打消,关上put on 穿上,上演put out 扑灭,关灯,生产,出版put up 张贴,留某人过夜,建造put into use 投入使用put ones heart into 全心全意投入2.look+介词look about around(1) 环顾四周。(2) 随便看,到处看。(3) 到处寻找。 (4) 仔细考虑。look after 照顾,照料,关心。look at (1


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