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1、副词类的常见问题Otherwise 可用作副词、连词或形容词,意思是“另外、不同”、“不是这样”、“其他方面”、“要不然”、“否则”等。与 no,not,than,and,or 等词连用1)不同,另外的,而却I think it will rain tomorrow, but he thinks otherwise 我认为明天会下雨,而他却不这么想。1 was otherwise engaged that evening 我那晚另外有事。We all wanted to go to the movie, but he was otherwise minded7 我们都想去看电影,而他却另有打算

2、。We all consider it as a welcome opportunity but it is otherwise with him 我们都认为这是个好机会,而他却不以为然。2)不是这样If conditions were otherwise, 1 would not have recommended him 假如情况不是这样的话,我就不会推荐他了。My last comment in an otherwise conciliatory presentation brought Heath into the fray 我的发言基本上是调解性的,但最后一句却有点走味,因而使得希思参

3、加到争论中来。3)其他方面He has a squint, but is otherwise a handsome fellow 他有点儿斜视,但在其他方面却可以说是个美男子。The first designs of Menck were provided with a hydraulic transmissionbut otherwise followed the pattern of their American predecessors门克的原先设计装有液压传动,但在其他方面仍按美国老型号的样子设计。The organization was small, and was loyal to

4、 the system, but otherwise neutral 这个机构很小,而且忠于体制,但在其他方面则保持中立。The rent is high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory 这栋房子租金昂贵,但其他方面却是令人满意的。He had on 8 pair of highly polished leather slippers instead of shoes, but otherwise he appeared to be as formal as ever 他穿了一双锃亮的皮拖鞋,没穿皮鞋,但其他方面却一如既往,穿得整整齐齐。Thi

5、s is an economical and otherwise satisfactory method 这是一种经济的而且在其他方面又令人满意的方法。4)要不然Seize the chance, otherwise you will regret it 抓住这个机会,不然你会后悔的。He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten 他提醒了我,要不然我就会把这件事忘了。The purpose of electronic data processing should not be considered merely as auto

6、mation of calculations which would otherwise be carried out manually 电子数据处理的目的,不应仅仅看成是使计算工作自动化,要不然的话,这种计算工作就要用手工来操 作了。5)否则Put on your raincoat, otherwise you will get wet 穿上雨衣,否则你要淋湿了。The author tried to confuse the reader with many false clues. The truth would otherwise have been self-evident. 作者力图

7、用许多虚假的线索迷惑读者,否则事实真相会是不言自明的。Do what youve been told, otherwise you will be punished 按照吩咐去做吧,否则你将受到处罚。The use of the new materials enables the building of more apartment blocks than would Otherwise be impossible使用新材料可以建造更多的公寓楼,否则那将是不可能的。6)and otherwise 等等 He helped me with advice and otherwise他以劝告等方式帮

8、助我。7) not otherwise 其他方面(原因)不(能)The article is longbut not otherwise blameworthy 这篇文章就是长了些,但其他方面倒没有什么可挑剔的。The information had been acquired the week before from an Asian businessman not otherwise identified 这个消息是上星期从一个亚裔商人那里得知的,此人的其他情况不详。A blasting agent is a material or mixture that(1)consists of a

9、 fuel and an oxidizer,(2)is intended for blasting , (3)is not otherwise classified as an expensive and in which none of the ingredients is classified as an explosive爆炸剂是一种物质或混合物,它(1)含有燃料和氧化剂,(2)用于爆破,(3)在其他方面不属于炸药之列, 其中也没有一个成分可列为炸药。8) not(no)otherwise than 一定,只好The outcome of our struggle can not be

10、otherwise than victory 我们的斗争最终一定会胜利。(直译为:我们斗争的结果除了胜利外,不会是别的什么。)I could do no otherwise than laughing 我只好笑了。(直译为:除了笑之外,我别无其他办法。)9)otherwise than除了,不同于,与不I know him otherwise than in business 除生意外,其他方面我也了解他。He never teaches them anything otherwise than by example 他除了以身示范外,从来没有用其他任何方法教过他们。HOW can the w

11、ound be otherwise than fatal!那样的伤怎么能不致命呢!He acted otherwise than he said 他言行不一致。10 )Would have been otherwise 原先没有His rewording of the statement made it quite different from what it would have been otherwise 他把声明的措词重新改了一下,使之与原先大不一样了。11) or otherwise 或相反I am not concerned with its accuracy or otherwi

12、se 我倒不管它正确不正确。Fine or otherwise, the plane will take off 不管天气好坏,飞机都将起飞。out of question 和 out of the question两者一字(the)之差,意思却几乎完全相反。前者作状语用,相当于unquestionably,表示毫无疑问”,但 一般不常见;后者作表语用,相当于impossibly,表示“不可能”、“办不到”、“不必谈”。见下列各例句:1) out of question 毫无疑问He is out of question a hypocrite 毫无疑问,他是个伪君子。It is out of

13、 question the best dinner I have ever had 毫无疑问,这是我吃过的最好的一餐。She is out of quest ion pregnant and will have her baby after several months 毫无疑问,她是怀孕了,几个月之后就要生孩子。2) out of the question 不可能,办不到,不必谈Thats out of the questionI cant go with you 这是绝对办不到的,我不能同你一道去。Dont ask me to do what I do not like to doIt i

14、s out of the question 不要叫我做我不愿做的事,那是办不到的。Even discussion of it was out of the question 即使是议论它一下也是不可能的。It is out of the question that he will be given more funding 不能考虑给他提供更多的资金。It is out of the question for US to accomplish this project without the support of the local people 没有当地群众的支持,我们不可能完成这个项目。A

15、sking for more time is out of the questionWe must finish on schedule 决不能再要求更多的时间,我们必须按时完成。As, when 和 while 三个词都表示在过去某一较短暂的事情发生之前较长时间内存在的背景情况,而且这种情况还可能要继续 下去。它们还可以与现在时连用,表示未来行将发生的事情。其用法的区别如下:As (WhenWhile)1 was talking to the boy,he suddenly pulled out a switch knife and opened it with a click 我同那个男孩谈话时,他突然掏出一把弹簧刀,“啪”地一声弹开了。I hope youll think of my words as(when , while)you drive 开车时,希望你能想想我说的话。 注意:上述两个分句可以互换位置。as 或 just as 或 just when 都可以用来表示两个同时发生的短暂动作或事情: As 1 was getting off the bus,I saw an old woman falling over 我下公共汽车时,看到一个老妇人摔倒了。Just as the plane touched down on the runway,flames s



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