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1、The lawyerappliesthe lawto specificcases.He investigatesthe factsand the evidencebyconferring with his client and reviewing documents, and he prepares and files the pleadings in court.At the trial he introduces evidence, interrogates witnesses, and argues questions of law and fact. Ifhe doesnotwinth

2、ecase,hemayseeka newtrialorreliefinanappellatecourt.In many instances,the lawyercan bringaboutthe settlementof a case withouttrialthroughnegotiation, reconciliation, and compromise. In addition, the law gives individuals the power toarrange and determine their legal rights in many matters and in var

3、ious ways, as through wills,contracts, or corporate bylaws, and the lawyer aids in many of these arrangements. During the20th century a rapidly developing field of work for lawyers has been the representation of clientsbeforeadministrativecommitteesandcourtsandbeforelegislativecommittees.A lawyer ha

4、s several loyalties in his work. They include that to his client, to the administration ofjustice, to the community, to his associates in practice, and to himself. When these loyalties conflict,t h es t an d a r d so ft h ep r o f e s s i o na r ei n t e n d e dt oe f f e c tar e co n c i l i a t i o n.


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