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1、种英语常用句型构造 精初学英语的人常常感到在掌握某些英语单词和基本语法后,在英语说和写方面还是很难体现自己,其中一种因素是没有掌握某些英语句型,只有掌握了某些句型才干比较对的、完整地体现自己。下面是某些常用的句型及其例句。 1.否认句型 2.判断句型 3祝愿祈使句式.感慨句型 5.疑问句型 6.数词句型 .关联指代句型 .比较句型 9.比方类句型10条件假设句 11.时间句型1.地点句型 13.因素句型 1.目的句型15成果句型 16限度句型7.让步句型 18.转折句型 19省略句 1. 否认句型1) 一般否认句 Iot kow this. Noews i goo news. he s no

2、pesonnt a eronotany eson in ose. )特指否认He wentohisofc, not o see him. Iam srry fort cing on time.Ion think/elieve/supposeel/mage y are ight )部分否认 I dot know allof them.I cee everybdy/erything. Al the nsws ae not rgt.(并非所有答案都对。) All is nogodtht glts. (闪光的不一定都是金子。) Bh of emare t right.(并非两人都对。)4)全体否认 N

3、one of my fiendssmoke. Ican enothng/nobody. Nhingan be o smpesthis. Nther oftm i right ) 延续否认 Yodint see hi,nether/o did I. You ontkow, I o know eir. edoesntknow English,lt one/to say nthngf/not seak of Frnch. 6) 半否认句 We seldo/hardysarcey/arely her scfinesigi.I know ltle Egsh. aw ewpele 7) 双重否认 Youc

4、nt maksomhing outof nothngWhas one cannotb udone. here snoset wthout swea. Ngiwihot pins.I ch /keep/ lauing whenever I ear it. N man i o oldbt(that) he a lar 8)排除否认Eveone is ready except you e didnothing but a. u for o hlp, I coulnt o it. 9)加强否认 I wono i tal. cat s t moe es o lnge aboy2. 判断句型 )一般判断句

5、 I i imortant fr sto ear English. It kind of you to hlp me. Sncee eans hone. Teoy i le/am om We regarded/cnidered it as an hn. 2)强调判断 tis glsh at weshould an. It ishewho helped mea o. 3)弱式判断 Yu setece oent sound/look/ppear/eel right. Yu ok/seem a if/s thht you hd beehere bor MayePerhap/ she is ill.

6、e is obably il.e is ikel ill. It psibe thathe is le 4) 正反判断That sounds ll right, butinfactt i t.) 互斥判断 e r youare wong Eithe he s right r I am. 6)注释判断 e a alkin ditionry, hatis (osy), he a eember man Engih wrs.7) 比较判断 It is re a picturetha a oem. Incomplt knowdge ostle iswre thauseless 祝愿祈使句式 1)一般句式

7、 Stuyhard nd eep i Bebrave! Dont shy!Geut of ere. 2)强语式 Do ellme.Nerllalie. 3) 委婉祈使句 ease telle h tue. Wold/il/ontd e afor?Would/Do you mn m sok? Wht/How abut ong theeonfoot? 4)建议祈使句 tus go Let us know he tme Dnt let the fir out. ts ot wasethetim. Yud bettr strt ealy.Sll we istn t somemusic? hydt o

8、getsomthing tdink?I ugest we (should) tk thetrain. Suppe/suposig upkme u at about six?)祝愿句Scces to ou! Ws you a god ourny. Hee to our sucess! Ma you have a happyarrie. lowm topopoe a at o urfrinsip! 4. 感慨句型 Hwell he sas! How kind se ! ha ice weathrit is! What beautfu d! e he cos! Suisif! Wondru! Hel

9、! (救命啊!)5. 疑问句型 ) 一般疑问句he doctor? o yute y totstation? 2)反意疑问句 He is teaher, isnt he? t is qte cheap, nt you hink? 3) 特殊疑问句 Wht is te distance / wd size / polatin / emperau / fare? o h? Wha is he?(她是干什么工作的?) What is h ke? How/Wher ishe? Hw do yo iem? t doou tin hi? Whateve do you meab yin his?4)选择疑问

10、句s e a doctr o a rs? D yo loeit o not? 5)间接疑问句 o youknow how o he is?Tell mef(wheh) yulit.Whatd you think/a/uos I shold d? .数词句型 1) 表数目 t is exy te oclock.Itsfvemis away fromere. He s mre thn/ver/ t leat nots than 20.H is uer/at mstno mothan 20. 2)表年月日 He wrn nrl 2, 194/in 199/o the mornng ober1. 3)

11、表年龄 He is 0 yrld. e i 20ears ae.He is at he age of 0.)表倍数 Iti for time tat o as yeTis for tims as bi (ain) as tha oe. Tis isfur te bigger tanta on Theicme s doube what was e ouputooalwas 200%reater tan in 1998. 5)表计量 Itis 0 metes ln/wid/high It costs m 00 an./ Itis wo 10 yuan sent10ors t inish itI t

12、ook me0 days to fiih t. 7.关联指代句型)两项关联 I have tw ok, oe is Chse;te other Engl. I haveebooks, oneis Chese; te others nglish. T say is one thng, bu/n/o is aother. One th one hand, I am yurtece, nd n he ohe hnd, amlso yu friend. Sme like ply fotball, oers are fond of baskebal. 2)先后顺序 First/firsty, Igood health, secndsondy ucess i yourtudy, tir/thirl good ukin evrythin.irsstop, the



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