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1、2023年安徽大学英语考试真题卷(6)本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Which do you think is true of the attitude of the authorAThe government ought to do more than making and saving money.BThe government should take measures to make enforceable laws.CThe government should le

2、gally turn the vices into order and profits.DThe government is effective in stopping the commercial vices. 2.What do you think is the cause of corruption that the author would like to agree toAUnderdogs.BMoney.CPower.DPolitical system. 3.Of all American people, Jewish millionaires areA1%.B2%.C5%.D50

3、%. 4.The Bushes thanked Clinton again and again as their drowning son was saved by his _ action.AurgentBinstinctiveCpromptDhasty 5.Even though African game preserves have saved many animals, there are _ that will not be saved.Asome otherBall otherCmany moreDmuch more 6._ hardships, well carry the re

4、volution through to the end.AIf or not there areBIf there areCWhether or not there will beDWhether or not there are 7.I _ the train but I overslept that morning.Acould catchBmight catchCmust have caughtDcould have caught 8.A survey was carried out on the death rate of new born babies in that region,

5、 _ were surprising.Aas resultsBwhich resultsCthe results of itDthe results of which 9.Word came from my hometown _ an earthquake had taken place there, 200 persons their lives.Awhere., to costBwhich.in order to costCthat.costingDthat.cost 10.The visitors, men and women, old and young, had walked for

6、 many hours, _ of them got .very tired, but_ of them would stop to take a rest.Aall., neitherBboth., noneCall., noneDboth., everyone 11.How I wish that the engine_ down on our way back home last night.Adidnt breakBwould not breakChadnt brokenDshouldnt break 12.Although some students graduate from hi

7、gh school, they are virtually illiterate _ writing a business letter.Ain the event ofBin the light ofCin case ofDin terms of 13.The wings of the birds still _ after it had been shot down.AslappedBscratchedCflappedDfluctuated 14.If only the committee _ the regulations and put them into effect as soon

8、 as possible.AapproveBwill approveCcan approveDwould approve 15.Do you have any idea what Jim does all Sunday He spends as much time idling about as he does_.Ahis studyBstudyingCto studyDon his study 16.Convinced of the importance of education, modem states invest in institutions of learning to get

9、back interest in the form of a large group of _young men who are potential leaders.AenlightenedBcultivatedCqualifiedDnourished 17.About _ of the population here _ peasants.Athree fifths., isBfive twelfths. areCeighty percent.areDthree fourths.is 18.His use of color, light and form quickly departed f

10、rom the conventional style of his _ as he developed his own techniques.AdescendantsBpredecessorsCsuccessorsDancestors 19.He _ a well-wished but unsuccessful campaign to ease East-West tensions calling for arms reduction and a summit of the nuclear powers.Aembarked onBreckoned onCcaught onDdwelt on 2

11、0.The Industrial Revolution _ in the invention of the steam engine.AoriginatedBstemmedCderivedDdescended 21.Some diseases are _ by certain water animals.AtransplantedBtransformedCtransportedDtransmitted 22.I think you can take a (n) _ course to improve your lecturing skills.AintermediateBmiddleCmedi

12、umDmid 23.The motion picture is only a series of still photographs which are split and viewed in rapid _ to create the illusion of movement and continuity.AsequenceBsuccessionCtransmissionDconveyance 24.Operations which left patients _ and in need of long periods of recovery the now leave them feeli

13、ng relaxed and comfortable.AexhaustedBabandonedCinjuredDdeserted 25.Im one of. the students _never later for school.Athat isBwho areCwho amDwho is 二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.在兽类中我最爱虎,在虎的故事中我最爱下面的一个。深山中有一所古庙,几个和尚在那里过着单调的修行生活。同他们做朋友的,除了有时上山来的少数乡下人,就是几只猛虎。虎不惊扰僧人,却替他们守护庙宇。作为报酬,和尚把一些可吃的东西放在庙门前。每天傍晚,夕阳染红小半个天空,虎们成群地走到庙门口,吃了东西,跳跃而去。庙门大开,僧人们安然在庙内做他们的日课,也没有谁出去看虎怎样吃东西,即使偶尔有一两个和尚立在门前,虎们亦视为平常的事情,把他们看做熟人,不去惊动,却斯斯文文地吃完走开。 2.Tom Granger,19岁,是一所大学极限运动俱乐部(The University Extreme Sports Club)的成员。他在一次进行高


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