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1、 高中英语语法经典例句集锦一、动词的时态和语态 1、如果明天下雨,我就待在家里。If it rains tomorrow, Ill stay at home.2、他总是给我们讲同一个故事。He is always telling us the same story.3、他说他不认识我。He said that he didnt know me.4、他直到10点才回来。He didnt come back until ten oclock.5、我们教室需要打扫了,老师要我们打扫一下。Our classroom needs cleaning. The teacher asked us to cle

2、an it.6、不准我们进去.We were not allowed to go in.7、正在给他作手术。He is being operated on.8、那车开起来很平稳。That car drives smoothly.9、我们要保持教室整洁。We mast keep our classroom clean and tidy.10、昨晚八点我在看电视。I was watching TV at eight last night.11、在过去的几年时间里,我国发生了巨大变化。Great changes have taken place in our country in the past

3、few years.12、他父亲已经去世六年了His father has been dead for six years.His father died six years ago.Its six years since his father died.13、他说如果天下雨就不和我们一道去。He said he would not go with us if it rained.14、我一到家电话铃就响了。I had hardly got home when the telephone rainy.I had no sooner got home then the telephone rai

4、ny.15、她说自从1980年以来她就在那家工厂工作。She said she had worked in that factory since 1980.16、我们在这儿等了几乎一个小时了。We have been waiting hear for almost an hour.17、他看过那部电影了,他昨天下午和我一起去看的。He has seen the film. He went to see it with me yesterday afternoon.18、大楼下个月就要完工了。The building is going to be finished next month.19、他

5、去日本了,这是他第三次去日本了。He has gone to Japan. This is the tired time that he has gone to Japan.20、穿上衣服吧,不然你会着凉的。Put on your coat, or youll catch cold.21、我认为物理不容易。I dont think physics is easy.22、他住在一间窗户朝南开的屋子里。He lives in a room whose window (the window of which) opens to the south.23、他一到教室就开始读英语。As soon as

6、he come to the classroom, he began to read English.24、这是我叔叔为我生日买的电脑。This is the computer which my uncle bought for my birthday.25、多么令人惊讶的消息啊!我们听到这个消息都感到很惊讶。What surprising news it is! We are surprised to hear the news.二、非谓语动词1、为我们的未来制定计划很重要。To make a plan for our future is important.Its important to

7、 make a plan for our future.2、我们的困难是在何处弄到足够的食物。Our difficulty is where to get enough food.3、我们感到房子摇动。We felt the house shake.The house was felt to shake.4、我们有许多作业要做。We have a lot of homework to do.5、他总是第一个来最后一个走。He is always the first to come and the last to leave.6、请给我一些写字用的纸。Please give me some pa

8、per to write on.7、他已经长大足可以照料自己了。He is old enough to take care of himself.8、对年轻人来说掌握两种外语是必要的。It is necessary for the young to master two foreign languages.9、你帮助我们真是太好了。It is very kind of you to help us.10、我没有别的办法,只好等医生来。I could do nothing but wait for the doctor to arrive.11、除了放弃这个计划我别无选择。I dont have

9、 any choose except (but) to give up the plan.12、我宁愿待在家里也不愿和他们出去。I would ratter (sooner) stay at home than go out with them.I prefer staying at home to going out with them.I prefer to stay at home ratter than go out with them.13、他假装正在专心听讲。He pretended to be listening attentively.14、对不起,让你久等了。I am sor

10、ry to have kept you waiting so long.15、据说这本书已被译成多种语言。The book is said to have been translated into many languages.16、他们发现这个讲座难理解。They found the lecture difficult to understand.三、动名词1、给他写信没用,他从来不回信。It is no use writing to him; he never answers letters.2、讨论这样的事情是浪费时间。It is a waste of time discussing s

11、uch matters.3、她的工作是护理病人。Her job is nursing patients.4、她建议在农村再待一周。She suggested spending another week in the country.5、她没有向我们告别就走了。She left without saying goodbye to us.6、我按时完成工作有困难。I have some difficulty completing my work in time.7、我女儿睡得很晚令我担心。My daughter(s) staying up so late worried me.8、我为我没有遵守诺

12、言向你表示歉意.I apologize for not having kept my promise.9、此地不许吸烟。Smoking is not allowed here.10、我后悔做了这样一件事。I regretted having done such a thing.11、我们遗憾地通知你们,你们将不能参加这个班。We regret to inform you that you wont be able to attend the class.12、这房子需要修理了。The house wants / needs / requires repairing.四、分词1、她看起来失望。S

13、he looked disappointed.2、今年夏天的天气令人失望。The weather this summer is disappointing.3、站在门口的那位妇女是谁?Who is the woman standing by the door?4、这是学生们自己建立起来的实验室。This is the laboratory set up by the students themselves.5、你最好理个发。Youd better have (get) your hair cut.6、她让我们天天干活。She had us working day after day.7、当加热

14、时,冰会化成水。When heated, ice will be changed into water.8、在工厂劳动时,我们从工人那里学到了很多东西。Working in the factory, we learned a lot from the workers.9、我看到一个老人正在上公共汽车。I saw an old man getting on the bus.10、我看到一个老人上了公共汽车。I saw an old man get on the bus.11、正在讨论的问题很重要。The question being discussed is very important.12、

15、修建过的那个建筑物是我们的图书馆。The building repainted is our library.13、他的母亲病了,他今天没来。(独立主格)His mother being ill, he is absent today.14、他满脸是汗地冲进了房间。He rushed into the room, his face covered with sweat.五、名词性从句1、我们必须尽可能多地掌握英文单词,这是很重要的。That we must master English words as many as possible is very important.2、无论谁说那件事都是错的。Whoever says that is wrong.3、我们将在什么时候开运动会还是个问题。When we shall have our sports meet is still a question.4、众所周知,癌症是可怕的疾病。It is known to all that cancer is a terrible disease.



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