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1、Environmental problems caused byIstanbul subway excavation and suggestionsfor remediation伊斯坦布尔地铁开挖引起的环境问题及补救建议Ibrahim OcakAbstract:Manyenvironmental problems caused by subway excavations haveinevitably become an importantpoint in city life. These problems can be categorized astransporting and stocki

2、ng of excavated material, trafc jams, noise, vibrations, piles of dust mudand lack of supplies. Although these problems cause many difculties,the most pressing for a bigcity like Istanbul is excavation,since other listed difculties result from it. Moreover, theseproblems are environmentally and regi

3、onally restricted to the period over which constructionprojects are underway and disappear when construction is nished. Currently, in Istanbul, there arenine subway construction projects in operation, covering approximately 73 km in length; over 200km to be constructed in the near future. The amount

4、 of material excavated from ongoingconstruction projects covers approximately 12 million m3. In this study, problemsprimarily, theproblem with excavation waste(EW)caused by subway excavation are analyzed and suggestionsfor remediation are offered.摘要:许多地铁开挖引起的环境问题不可避免地成为城市生活的重要部分。这些问题可归类为开挖肥料的运输和储存、交

5、通堵塞、噪音污染、震动、成堆的灰尘和泥浆以及物资不足。虽然这些问题引起很多困难,对于一个像伊斯坦布尔这样的城市,最亟待解决的问题是开挖的问题,因为其他一系列问题都是由此引起的。此外,这些问题受环境和地域限制并具有周期性,他们随工程项目开始和结束而出现和消失。最近,伊斯坦布尔有 9 条地铁项目在施工,总长约有 73km,另外,将有超过 200km 的地铁线会在不久的将来动工。正在施工的3的问题,并对补救办法提出建议。Keywords: Environmental problems.Subway excavation .Waste management .项目将产生约 1200 万 m 的工程垃圾

6、。本文将分析由地铁建设带来的问题,主要是开挖废料Excavation waste关键词:环境问题 地铁开挖 废物处理 开挖废料I. OcakRail Transport Construction Department,Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality,IETT General Directorate, Karakoy-Istanbul, TurkeyI. Ocak (邮件)Mining Engineering Department, Istanbul University,Avclar-Istanbul, Turkeye-mail: iocakiett.go

7、v.trIntroductionNowadays, cities are spreading over larger areas with increasing demand on extendingtransport facilities. Thus,all over the world, especially in cities where the population exceeds300,000400,000 people, railway-based means of transportation is being accepted as the ultimatesolution.T

8、herefore, large investments in subway and light rail construction are required. Theconstruction of stated systems requires surface excavations, cut and cover tunnel excavations,bored tunnel excavations, redirection of infrastructures and tunnel construction projects. Theseelements disturb the enviro

9、nment and affect everyday life of citizens in terms of running water,natural gas, sewer systems and telephone lines.简介:现如今,城市的大面积扩张要求交通设施快速增长。因此,全世界,特别是在人口超过 30 万-40 万的城市,轨道交通逐渐被认为是最终的解决办法。正因如此,地铁和轻轨上的大规模投资是必然的。整个轨道交通系统的建设包括地表建设、明挖隧道开挖、钻孔隧道开挖、地下建筑的改造和隧道建设项目。这些都会影响周围的环境并在自来水、天然气、排污和电话线等方面影响市民的日常生活。On

10、e reason why metro excavations affect the environment is the huge amount of excavatedmaterial produced.Moreover, a large amount of this excavated material is composed of muddy andbentonite material. Storing excavated material then becomes crucial. A considerable amount ofpressure has been placed on

11、ofcials to store and recycle any kind of excavated material. Wastemanagement has become a branch of study by itself. Many studies have been carried out on thedestruction, recycling and storing of solid, (Vlachos 1975; Huang et al. 2001; Winkler2005;Huang et al. 2006; Khan et al. 1987; Boadi and Kuit

12、unen 2003; Staudt and Schroll 1999;Wang 2001; Okuda and Thomson 2007; Yang and Innes 2007), organic (Edwards et al. 1998,Jackson 2006; Debra et al. 1991; Akhtar and Mahmood 1996; Bruun et al. 2006; Minh et al.2006),plastic (Idris et al. 2004; Karani and Stan Jewasikiewitz 2007; Ali et al. 2004; Nish

13、ino et al.2003; Vas ile et al.2006; Kato et al. 2003; Kasakura et al. 1999; Hayashi et al. 2000), toxic(Rodgers et al. 1996; Bell and Wilson 1988; Chen et al. 1997; Sullivan and Yelton 1988), oily(Ahumada et al. 2004; Al-Masri and Suman 2003), farming(Garnier et al. 1998; Mohanty 2001)and radioactiv

14、e materials (Rocco and Zucchetti 1997; Walker et al. 2001;Adamov et al. 1992;Krinitsyn et al. 2003).地铁建设影响环境的一个原因是开挖产生的大量垃圾,而且大部分开挖垃圾都是泥土。工程垃圾的处理是关键,负责储存和回收利用这些工程废料的人员承受着非常大的压力,废物处理也因此成为一个单独的研究分支。关于这些垃圾的销毁、回收利用和储存的研究已经开展了很多:泥土(Vlachos 1975; Huang et al. 2001; Winkler 2005;Huang et al. 2006; Khan et

15、al.1987; Boadi and Kuitunen 2003; Staudt and Schroll 1999; Wang 2001; Okuda and Thomson 2007;Yang and Innes 2007)、有机物(Edwards et al. 1998, Jackson 2006; Debra et al. 1991; Akhtar andMahmood 1996; Bruun et al. 2006; Minh et al. 2006)、塑料(Idris et al. 2004; Karani and StanJewasikiewitz 2007; Ali et al. 2004; Nishino et al. 2003; Vasile et al.2006; Kato et al. 2003;Kasakura et al. 1999; Hayashi et al. 2000)、油脂(



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