2020Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 单元测试人教版选修8重庆专用

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 单元测试(人教版选修8,重庆专用)(满分:120分,时间:120分钟)第一部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1The baby_me while I was on the phone.Ainterrupted BbrokeCstopped Dwaited解析句意:我在打电话时,婴儿干扰了我。答案A2The noise_my attention and I stopped my work

2、to see what happened.Amade BdistractedCarrested Dpaid解析arrest在这里是“吸引”的意思。distract意思是“分散”。答案C3He was never_how much money he earned every day.Arealized Baware forCaware Daware of解析be aware of为固定搭配,意思是“知道,意识到”。答案D4I can meet you at eight oclock;_you can call for me.Aincidentally BactuallyCalternativel

3、y Daccordingly解析alternativelyas an alternative,意思是“作为替代的办法”。答案C5Have_;the bus will come soon.Acare BrevisionCdivision Dpatience解析句意:耐心点,公共汽车快来了。have patience有耐心。答案D6I wont tell the student the answer to the math problem until he_on it for more than an hour.Ahas been working Bwill have workedCwill ha

4、ve been working Dhad worked解析考查动词的时态。句意:直到这个学生在这个数学问题上思考半个多小时,我才告诉他答案。当主句用一般将来时,时间状语从句可以用现在时态或现在完成时态。答案A7After being_for days, the water supply returns to normal today.Acut off Bcut downCcut out Dcut up解析考查短语辨析。cut off切断(电、水供应等);cut down 削减;砍倒;cut out 切除;cut up分割;切碎。答案A8The construction of the two n

5、ew railway lines_by now.Ahas been completed Bhave been completedChave completed Dhas completed解析考查语态。句意:两条新铁路线的建设到现在为止已经竣工了。主语The construction of the two new railway lines和谓语complete之间是被动关系,所以排除C、D两项。construction 是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数,因此A项正确。答案A9As a student,he must spend_time on his studies,which is not d

6、oubtful.Aless BfewCample Dno enough解析ample充足的,丰富的。答案C10Learning foreign languages calls for your memory,time,patience and emotions._,it is not a simple thing.AAs a result BIn conclusionCIn general DAfter all解析in conclusion总之; as a result 结果是; in general 一般来说; after all 别忘了,毕竟。答案B11They are trying th

7、eir best to make a new drug,such as Naolingtong,to_tiredness.Akeep BarrestCaccelerate Dscrape解析此处arrest相当于 stop。答案B12When he still could not see his name appear on the Internet after typing his number into the computer,his_sank.Aradioactivity BbotanyCaccuracy Dspirits解析句意:当他把他的号码输入计算机,但是,网络上仍然没有出现他的

8、名字时,他的心情变得很沉重。radioactivity放射性,辐射;botany植物学;accuracy精确,准确;spirits精神。答案D13Production at the factory was_for two hours because there was no electricity.Ainterrupted BdisturbedCmissed Dlost解析句意:因为没有电,工厂的生产中断了两小时。interrupt打断,中断。答案A14You should also remember you are working in a team. So teamwork is of g

9、reat_.Asignature BsignificanceCsignificant Dsignificantly解析考查“be of 抽象名词”的用法。句意:你们还应该记得你们是在一个团队中工作。因此团队合作特别重要。be of significance重要的。答案B15He always_before doing whatever hed like to.Alooks up Blooks intoClooks ahead Dlooks through解析句意:在未做他想做的事情之前,他总是会考虑未来。looks up查找;look into调查;look ahead考虑未来,向前看;loo

10、k through浏览。答案C二、完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面两篇短文,掌握大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(A)When I was seven,I was admitted to the hospital for asthma.My parents both worked and were too_16_to stay with me at night,or take time off to sit with me during the day.I was alone and terrified and I reme

11、mber_17_myself to sleep.The worst part of the day was when the nurses brought my pills.I felt frightened and_18_up crying,but I couldnt get them down.The nurses were so occupied with work that none of them had the patience to_19_me.On the second day of my_20_,a stranger walked into the room.She said

12、 she was a regular customer at my fathers veterinary practice(兽医诊所)and dropped in to say hello.Soon my pills were_21_and I started to cry.The lady introduced herself to the nurse and_22_to care for me while I took them.The nurse left,_23_relieved.The lady explained patiently about how one should go

13、about swallowing a pill.She_24_for what must have been more than half an hour for me to find the_25_to take that pill and swallow it.She left in a little while and I was too young to remember to ask her name.That strangers brief_26_shines as the only bright spot in a memory that was the most terrify

14、ing experience of my childhood.How I wish I could tell her that even twentysix years later,her_27_has never been forgotten.16A.afraid Bsick Csad Dbusy解析由My parents both worked可知,作者住院时,父母因工作忙(busy)不能陪床。答案D17A.forcing Bcrying Cencouraging Dhelping解析由I was alone and terrified可知,作者当时在医院既孤独又恐慌,夜里哭着(crying)睡觉。答案B18A.picked Bended Cturned Dkept解析由I felt frightened和I couldn



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