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1、笔试部分:必修二 Unit 1Cultural relics 单元测试 3I.单项选择从A B、C D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Many in teresti ng customs and traditi ons have survivedthe past, so we should pass themdow n.A. onB. asC. atD. from22. They con sider that vase to be a treasure, but in my opinion, it is just aA. valuableB. rareC. com monD.

2、 worth23. A police car,there are two policeme n, stops on the side of the road.A. thatB. in itC. which D. in which24. I m not sure whether he has the key thattheA. had bel on ged toB. bel onging toC. bel ongs toD. is bel on ged to25. What did you think of the film last night? Really wonderful! It s

3、well wort h.A. see ingB. to seeC. being see nD. to be see n26. The factory produces half a millio n pairs of shoes every year and 80% .A. of whichB. of whomC. of thatD. of them27. Because the two coun tries were atwar, the people hadA. /; theB. the; theC. /; aD. a; a28. There is no doubtevery one wi

4、ll un ite and work for better days.A. whetherB.thatC. whatD.how29. I ve just talked to the businessman fromA. whichB.thatC. whoD. whom30. The rescue workers are worki ng day and ni ght,still might be alive.A. looking forC. finding out31. The road isbottle.door of the classroom.are sold abroad.hard l

5、ife.you bought your computer.the ruins of the buildi ngs for those whoB. search ingD. findingto conn ect the village with the city. Con struct ion will begi n n ext monthand will be finished in a year.A. ledB. repairedC. desig nedD. built32. Dada lot of alcohol, but now he has give n it up andA. use

6、d to drink; is used to drinkingB. was used to drinking; used to drinkC. used to drink; used to drinkingD. was used to drink; is used to drink33. A terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan,A. thatB. whereC. whichD. what34. We should bring in somemach ines to replace those old on es.A. moder nB. fancy

7、C. freshD. sta ndard35. Most of our classmates don t like theWell, I th ink he is alright.soft drinks.drew the attentionof the whole nation at once.new teacher.A. Why do they think that way?B. What about you?C. Do you know that?D. What do you mea n?第二节完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项

8、。A long time ago, in a small house in Scotland, two friends lived together. Their names were John and Bobby.John and Bobby we re not 36 , and they had few things except friends, 37 they werewarm fire when it was cold outside. They had food to eat when they werehappy. They 38 a They were n everJoh nh

9、ungry.39 because they had each other.and Bobby 40 totake long walksthe dinner. Joh n and Bobby ate the dinner and the n43 but happy life.Then John developed a(n) 44 disease a grave ( 坟墓).After that, Bobby stood at Joh n s 47 said.It s time to go home.He 49 n ear it. He stayed there all ni ght.at the

10、 grave site the next day, and the day after. For the next 14 years, Bobby.When the weather was cold, he slept i n a small 52 n ear the grave.,he slept on the ground near John s grave.John s friends buried him in as best friend, was a dog.D. funnyD. soD. burnedD. separateC. imagi nedD. walkD. studied

11、D. simpleC. bigBobby50n ever left the51When it was53545Why was Bobby36. A. rich37. A. and38. A. set39. A. lo nely I40. A. failed41. A. work42. A. sang43. A. hard44. A. serious45. A. put46. A. shouted47. A. frie nds B. children48. A. nodded49. A. got up50. A. kno cked51. A. garage52. A. garde n53. A.

12、 cool54. A. Luckily55. A. largein 1872, Bobby died, too. s grave so little? Bobby, Joh nB. luckyB. or C. butB. caughtB. aloneC. beautifulC. litC. worriedB. competedC. runC. satC. easyB. un healthyB. escapedB. dancedB. restB. talkedB. sadC. storedC. criedC. pare nts cameB. turned downB. laughedC. sta

13、yedB. graveC. homeB. ground C. chairC. wetIB. Quickly(C. firmB. returned C.B. warmB. small第三部分阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每小题后所给的42together. After their 41Johnin front of the fire. They had a(n)usuallycookedand died in the spring of 1858. He was 45s grave and 46.“ Come on, Bobby,Bobby went home, but later he 48 toD

14、. buriedD. discussed;D. brothersD. droveC. sat dow nD. poin tedD. townD. houseD. rai nyC. Fi nallyD. weakD. sick55 graveD. put upD. likedD. In teresti nglyin” John the grave.near John s.D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A难度:It was a rainy day and I was walki ng dow n the street feeli ng comfortable and happy. I wan ted to do someth ing kind for some one else without any reas on and purpose, almost as if I was just trying to spread the abundance ( 充足)of love I was receivi ng.It was then that I saw a teenage girl dre



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