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1、北京语言大学21秋汉语写作在线作业三满分答案1. 衡量一篇文章的质量、价值与作用的重要尺度是( )。A.主题B.为情造文C.语言D.结构参考答案:A2. She wanted to know _ child it was on the grass. A) that B) whose C) what D) whomShe wanted to know _ child it was on the grass.A) thatB) whoseC) whatD) whomB这里需填一个引导定语从句的词,并且在从句中要作child的定语,因此只有whose符合。3. We very much regret

2、 that we are not in a(1)to supply you with enamelware direct, as we are already(2We very much regret that we are not in a(1)to supply you with enamelware direct, as we are already(2)by Messrs Freemen & Brothers Co Ltd for the sale of this commodity in your districtposition$represented4. Nuclear scie

3、nce should be developed to benefit the people _ harm them. A) more than B) rathNuclear science should be developed to benefit the people _ harm them.A) more thanB) rather thanC) other thanD) better thanBrather than“而不是”;more than“比更多”;other than“不同于,除了”;better than“比好”。句意:“发展核学应该造福人类,而不是危害人类。”5. 体验者

4、要想寻找、看见、捕捉、发现属于自己的东西,仅仅沉在生活底层,和对象打成一片并获得某种思想或感情的认同就足够了。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A6. 运思中确定主题提炼的方向和类型是一个首要问题。它将制约择体、选材和理序。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B7. 蒙太奇原本是建筑学上的用语,意为装配、安装。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A8. The work _ in two days. Ahas been finished Bwill finish Cwill be finishedThe work _ in two days.Ahas been finishedBwill finishC

5、will be finishedDare finishedC9. 下列属于人物肖像描写的是( )A.容貌、身材B.表情、衣着C.姿态、气质D.感情、感受参考答案:ABC10. What&39;s the matter with you? I didn&39;t pass the test, but I still _. A) hope so BWhats the matter with you?I didnt pass the test, but I still _.A) hope soB) hope toC) hope itD) hope thatBI still hope to是I sti

6、ll hope to pass the test. 的省略说法。11. Bill of Exchange The majority of international payments are made by way of bills of exchange eitheBill of ExchangeThe majority of international payments are made by way of bills of exchange either with or without a documentary credit. There are five parties to a b

7、ill of exchange : drawer, drawee, payee, acceptor and endorser.The drawer is the person who draws the bill and the drawee is the person( or firm) on whom the bill is drawn. The payee is the person or firm to whom the bill is payable and it is most frequently the drawer. The acceptor is the person wh

8、o undertakes to pay the bill by writing his acceptance across the face of the bill. An acceptance is a legal undertaking to pay the amount of the bill. An endorser is a person who endorses a bill by signing his name on it(usually on the back).A bill is negotiated when it is transferred from one pers

9、on to another in such a way as toconstitute the transferee , the holder of the bill. A bearer bill is one that can be passed on by mere delivery. It is one that has been made out X days after date pay the bearer,etc. or one made out to a fictitious payee , or one which has been endorsed in blank,i.

10、e. the last endorser has not given any instructions but merely signed his name. A bearer bill does not need to be endorsed by those who negotiate it , but to some extent it is less reliable than a bill with many endorsements. Bills which are not bearer bills are negotiated by endorsement and deliver

11、y. Those endorsing a bill as agents or representatives of a company can make this clear so that they are not personally liable.When a bill is presented for acceptance, the drawee should accept it, if he refuses to do so, claiming perhaps that he has not authorized the bill to be drawn and knows noth

12、ing about it, the bill is dishonored by non-acceptance. If a bill is presented for payment on the due date,and the acceptor refuses to pay it,then the bill is dishonored by non-payment. It is now necessary for the holder to take certain action to protect himself. He must give notice of dishonor to t

13、he drawer and all other endorsers of the bill. In practice he usuaUy gives notice of the dishonor to the person from whom he obtained the bill , whogives notice to the person from whom he obtained it and the bill moves backwards towards the drawer. The process could be short-circuited if certain of

14、the endorsers were famous names, for example accepting houses, whocouldeasily beapproacheddirectly to honor the bill. Eventually the drawer must honor it, and he will bring an action against the acceptor. If it is a foreign bill, he must protest the bill, to safeguard his rights against the drawer a

15、nd endorsers. There are two ways of obtaining formal evidence of the dishonor of the bill. The first is called notingthe bill. The holder asks a notary public to re-present the bill. This official,when refused either acceptance or payment as the case may be,then writes on the face of the bill that it was dishonored. The noteconstitutes formal evidence of dishonor , so it is necessary to use the bill as evidence in court. With foreign bil



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