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1、Business Center Everyday EnglishGreeting 问候1. Welcome to Business Center欢迎光临商务中心。2. Good morning/afternoon/evening Sir/madam先生/小姐/早上好/下午好/晚上好。3. Have a good trip!祝您旅途愉快!4. I hope I m not bothering /disturbing you.我希望我没有打扰您。5. Have a seat please您请坐。6. I hope to see you again soon,我希望能尽快见到您7. Nice to

2、meet you很高兴见到您!8. How are you doing/going!您过的好吗!9. Excuse me Sir, here is non-smoking areao 对不起先生,这里是非抽烟区。10. Would you like some water?请问您要喝点水吗?During working 工作操作copy复印1. I d like to copy/type/print this我想要复印/打字/打印这个。2. How many copies would you like?您需要复印多少份?3.1 page of each?/l sat?请问每样一张吗? /一套吗?

3、4 3yuan per page for XX.XX三块钱一张。5. Would you like it enlarged?(reduced/dark/light)请问您需要放大吗?(缩小吗/加深吗/浅一点吗)6. Would you like to make it a littie darker/1ighter?要不要我(把颜色)调深/浅一些?7. Here is your original file/papero这是您的原件。8. I 11 leave the original file here Please call me when the copy is ready.我把原件先放在这

4、里,等复印好了就打电话通知我吧。9. Would you like it copied to transparency?请问要复印成胶片吗?10. Do you need binding?复印好后,是否需要分页装订。11. Would you like me to staple these for you?我为您装订好这些好吗?12. Shall I staple them on the left side or at the top?我是装订在左侧还是上边呢?13. Shall I enlarge/reduce this to fit A4 paper?我是不是把它放大/缩小到适合A4的纸张

5、呢?14. Shall I copy these on both sides of the paper?我进行双面复印好吗?15. We don* t have paper that large enough Shall we copy it to two pieces, and then tape them together?我们没有这么大的纸。我们分开两块复印,然后粘在一起,好吗?16. The paper is jammed卡纸了。17. It is out of ink没墨了。18. Your original is not very clearI can t guarantee th

6、e copy will be good您的原件不太清晰,我不能保证复印件的效果很好。Print打印s warming up, just moment please正在预热,请稍等。20. We have only ink jet for color printing彩色打印只有喷墨的。21It s take one hour to finish this typing Are you waiting here or come back later打印这些文件需要大约一个小时的时间,您是在此等候,还是先去办事,稍 后再来取。22. Excuse me, sir, I have finished

7、typing your documents, would you please come down to proof-read it.对不起,先生,您的文件打印完了,请您校对,看有无需要修改的地方。23. Yes, I? 11 store it in the computer. We are glad to be of service.好的,我会帮您存在电脑里,如您需要修改,您随时都可以来。Fax传真1. I d like to send a fax我想要发份传真。2. May I have your fax number?请问传真号码是多少。3. To where?发去哪里?4. What

8、s the cost?你们如何收费?5. It s 10 Yuan per minute To XX, including/excluding service charge发传真到XX是每分钟10元,包括/不包括服务费。6. The minimum charge is 15 Yuan.最低收费是15元。7. Please write down the country code, the area code and their number请写下国家代号、区号和对方的号码。8.1 m sorry , the fax number is wrong , would you check it ?对不

9、起,传真号不对,请您检查一下好吗?9. The paper is too thick/ It may jam the machine这张纸太厚/薄,可能会卡纸的。10. Shall I make a copy of this, and then send the copy?我复印一份,然后将复印件传真过去好吗?11. Faxes are to be sent in Business Center They can be received in Guest Service Center发传真在商务中心,收传真在大厅。12. Mr. X , this is XX from the Business

10、 Center. We have received a fax for you should we send it to your room or collect it by yourself?X先生,我是商务中心的XX。我们收到给您的一份传真。我们把它送上您的 房间还是您自己下来取?13.1 m afraid the fax not clear Would you like send it again?恐怕对方收到传真后字迹不是很清楚,您介意我再发一遍吗?14.1 m sorry , our fax machine doesn t work对不起,我们的传真机坏了。15.I apologiz

11、e for this我为此道歉。16. We 11 send your master copy to your room after we have faxed that.我们发出传真后,会把您的原稿送到您的房间去的。17. Fax rate are: one paper 7Yuan, add telephone charges发传真的费用是:一张7元钱,另收电话费。18. Could you draft the fax , please?请您写下传真的草稿好吗?Type/ Image Scanning 扌丁字/扫描1. What font and size would you like?您想

12、要什么字体,多大号的?2. Shall I make the space larger?我把行距拉开一些好吗?3. Could you check it?您检查一下好吗?4. Please indent the first line of each paragraph 请把每个段落的首行缩进一些。5. Shall I save it to your disk?我把它存在您的磁盘上好吗?case of any6. I m afraid we can only save it on our disks,invirus恐怕我们只能存在我们的磁盘上,以防有病毒。7. Would you want th

13、e Image Scanning?请问您要扫描吗?8. What formant would you like to save?请问您要想以什么格式储存扫描的文件呢?Internet 上网1. Please check the virus scan before you place information on the memory stick or disk您使用u盘或磁盘时,请先执行扫描病毒后再使用。2 How much does it cost to use the internet?上网要多少钱?3. We have internet services in the business

14、center. It costs 100 Yuan for one hour我们商务中心提供上网服务,费用是100元每小时。Book ticket 订票1. Is there a non-stop flight to London?有直达伦敦的航班吗?2. There are several flights a day.每天有儿次航班。3. We can book a ticket for you.我们可以为您订票。4. I would like a non-smoking seat我想要非吸烟区的座位。5. I d like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.我

15、要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。6. Id like to sit in the fro nt of the plane 我要坐在飞机前部。7. Which date / day would you like a ticket for?您要哪一天的票。8. The Fare is flexible/floating, now it s 50% discount, but It can change every few minutes票价是弹性的/浮动的。现在是5折,可能儿分钟后价格会上升或是下降。9. Which seats would you like?您要什么位子?10. First class Business class Economy class?您要头等舱还是经济舱?11 Are the seats together?座位是要连在一起的吗?12. Which train would you like to take?您想坐哪次车?13. Would


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