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1、-语法:比拟级和最高级一、形容词、副词的比拟级和最高级 1它们有三个等级:_ _ _2构成 略见课本P933用法:1不进展比拟用_ 2两者相比程度一样用_ 3两者相比程度不一样用 _ 4表示“更,“较用_ 5三者或以上相比表“最用_二、. 比拟级的用法: 常见句子构造:1A+谓语系动词+比拟级+than + B 2A +谓语系动词+ as + 原级 as + B (3) A +谓语系动词not + as + 原级 as + B (4) 疑问词+谓语系动词+比拟级,A or B5倍数+as+原级+as+比拟对象比拟级+than +比拟对象名词+of+比拟对象Eg: This rope is th

2、ree times as long as that one. =This rope is twice longer than that one.=This rope is three times the length of that one.应用中应注意的问题:(1)上述句子中的than引导比拟状语从句,但从句中常省去意义上与前面一样的局部,而只剩下比拟的对象。Eg: Our teacher is taller than we are. It is warmer today than it was yesterday. I get up earlier than my mother gets

3、up (my mother does / my mother).(2) 同类比拟。The price of the food here is higher than the price of the food there / that of the food there.() The price of the food here is higher than the food there.() 判断:The weather in Chongqing is colder than Beijing.( )(3) 比拟级的修饰词:much / far/ a lot bigger 大得多 some /

4、 any bigger 大一些a little / a bit bigger 大一点 even / still bigger 还要/更大些ten minutes earlier 早10分钟 two years older 大两岁 但是very , pretty, rather相当, too, quite十分 只修饰原级表问句和否认句中还可以用 any / no . 例如:Are you any better today No , Im no better. Im even worse.(4)比拟级是两者相比,具有排他的特点。不可说:Shanghai is bigger than any cit

5、y in China.应改为:Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.判断:Shanghai is bigger than any city in Italy.( ) She is cleverer than any girl in the class.( ) (5) old 的特殊用法:它有两个比拟级和最高级。old-older /elder -oldest / eldest.Eg: My _(old)sister works in a hospital. She is three years _(old) than me. (6) 比

6、拟级+and + 比拟级 表示“越来越Eg: Winter is ing. It is getting colder and colder. Our country is more and more beautiful.越来越多_越来越大_越来越重要_ (7) the + 比拟级 + 主+谓 ,the +比拟级+ 主+ 谓。表示“越就越Eg: The harder you study, the more knowledge you will get. The careful you are, the fewer mistakes you make.(8) )表“两者中较为的那一个,用the+比

7、拟级+ of+the two/the twins/ones parents.He is the taller of the two.注意句中的the.(9) Less + 原级 + than “不及She is less beautiful than her sister.=She isnt so/as beautiful as her sister.(10) 在比拟级前有的可以加数词。例如:Peng is three years younger than his best friend.(11) 在比拟级中主语是不可数名词时,than 之后要用that 来代替,主语是可数名词单数时,用the

8、 one来代替,主语是可数名词复数时,用those来代替。例如:The weather of Chongqing is much hotter than that of Chengdu.The apple in your hand is redder than the one on the table.The bananas on this tree are bigger than those on that tree.三、最高级1表示三者或三者以上人或事物的比拟用最高级,形容词最高级前面一般要加定冠词the,副词最高级前可加可不加定冠词the,后面可带of,in,among短语来说明比拟的范

9、围。“of(among)+同类名词或代词的复数,而“in+表示范围、处所的名词。如:He is the tallest of the four boys. ( He 与boy属同类名词)He is the tallest in our class. (表示范围) Of all the boys in our class, Tom is the youngest.She is the youngest of the three children.He is the youngest_ all the boy students _ our class.用of 、in填空2.表三者或三者以上比拟的构

10、造:the +形容词最高级+ of / in / amongthe+副词最高级+ of / in / amongwho / which等+ v. + (the) 最高级,A、B or C Eg : Autumn is the best season in Beijing.She is the oldest among the three sisters.Of all the boys he reads most clearly.Who is the tallest, Tom, Li lei or Mike 3.表“最的之一:one of + the +最高级+名词复数The Changjian

11、gRiver is one of the longest rivers in the world.4.当最高级前面有物主代词、指示代词或名词所有格修饰时,其前面不用定冠词the. Eg: Friday is my busiest day. John is Jims best friend.5副词的最高级与形容词最高级的区别在于副词最高级前定冠词the可加可不加。如:He runsthefastest of the three. 三个人中他跑得最快。6.表示“第几最时,用“the+序数词+最高级+单数名词+inof.如:The Yellow River is the second longest

12、 river in China. 黄河是中国第二长河。John is the third tallest of the ten boys. 约翰是这十个男孩中第三高的。7.形容词最高级有时不表示比拟,而表示“非常的意思。这时用不定冠词“a , an修饰最高级,意思相当于“very。This is a most beautiful park.Autumn is a best season.8可以用原级,比拟级,最高级三种形式来表示最高级的意思。如: “他是他们班上最高的学生。有以下表达方式:He is the tallest student in his class. He is the tal

13、lest of the students in his class.He is taller than the other students in his class.He is taller than the others in his class.He is taller than any other student in his class.He is taller than any of the other students in his class.No one / Nobody else is as tall as him in his class.Everyone / Every

14、body else is shorter than him in his class.Everyone/ Everybody else is not as tall as him in his class.形容词、副词的比拟级和最高级专项练习题1The bo* is _ of all. A. heaviest B. the bigest C. the heavier D. the biggest 2. _,English, math or Chinese A. What do you like best B. Which do you like best C. What do you like better D. Which do you like better 18. I think Liu Dehua is one of the _ movie stars in China. A. popular B. popularest C. more popular D. most popular 1


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