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1、PART ONE前厅部 Front office DepartmentUNIT 1客房预订 Room Reservation 欢迎问候 Welcome1 Good morning(afternoon, evening), sir(madam).早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。2 How do you do?您好!(初次见面时)3 Glad to meet you.很高兴见到您。4 How are you?您好吗?5 Fine, thanks. And you?很好,谢谢。您也好吧?6 Welcome to our hotel(restaurant, shop).欢迎到我们饭店(餐厅、商店)

2、来。7 Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们饭店住得愉快。8 I hope you will enjoy your stay with us.希望您在我们饭店住得愉快。(客人刚入店时)9 I hope you are enjoying your stay with us.希望您在我们饭店住得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间)10 I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆住得愉快。(客人离店时)11 Have a good time!祝您过得愉快!关于日期 About Date12

3、When for?您哪天要这个房间?13 For what dates?您要订哪天的房?14 Which date would that be?那是哪一天?15 Is it just for tonight?只订今天一个晚上吗?16 When do you need the room?您什么时候需要房间?17 What time will you be here?您什么时间入住?18 For how long?您要住多久?19 For how many nights?您要住几个晚上?20 How long do you plan to stay?您打算住多久?21 How long will

4、you be staying?您要住多久? 接电话 Receiving a Telephone Call22 Hold on, please. Ill check it up for you.请稍等,我给您查一下。23 Hold the line, please. Ill check the room availabilities for those dates.请别挂电话,我查一下那几天的预订情况。24 Thank you for waiting.谢谢您耐心等待。25 Sorry to have kept you wating.对不起,让您久等了。 关于房间 About Room26 Wha

5、t kind of room would you like?您想要什么样的房间?27 Would you like a single or a double room?您想要单人间还是双人间?28 We have deluxe suites, deluxe double rooms, twin-bed rooms with bath and single room. Which do you prefer?我们这儿的房型有豪华套间、豪华双人间、带浴室标准双人间和单人间,您要哪一种?29 Which do you prefer, a double room with bath or a twin

6、-bed room with bath?您是要带浴室的双人间还是要带浴室的标准间?30 Would you like a room with a front view or a near view?您是要临街的还是背街的房间?31 How many people will there be in your party?请问您有几位?32 How many rooms would you like?您想要几个房间? 关于付款方式 About Payment33 How will you be paying?您将如何付款?34 How would you like to make payment?

7、您打算以何种方式付款?35 Who will be paying the bill?谁将支付费用?36 Is the company willing to cover all the expenses?公司是否愿意支付所有费用?37 Which company do you work for?您为哪个公司工作?38 Youll have to send us a deposit of 1000 RMB Yuan.您需要寄给我们1000元人民币的押金。 关于费用 About Cost39 For a single room the price would be 400 RMB Yuan.单人间的

8、价格是400元人民币。40 A double room costs 550 RMB Yuan.一间双人间价格是550元人民币。41 Breakfast is also included.早餐也包括在内。42 The total cost would be 1800 RMB Yuan.全部费用是1800元人民币。43 The rate includes three full meals.此价格包括三顿正餐。44 Well give you 10 percent off.我们可以给您打九折。45 I can give you 15 percent discount.我可以给您15%的折扣。 关于抵

9、达日期和时间 About Arrival Date and Time46 What time will you be arriving?您将何时到达?47 Will you be arriving before 8 a.m. ?您是在上午8:00前到达吗?48 Will you be arriving after 4 p.m. ?您是在下午4点之后到达吗?49 Will you be coming by plane?您将乘飞机来吗?50 Could you give me your flight number, please, in case the plane is late?能把您的航班号

10、告诉我吗?怕万一出现飞机晚点的情况。51 Could I have the flight number and arrival time?请将您的航班号和到达时间告诉我,好吗? 关于客人姓名和联系地址 About Guests Name and Address52 Could you give me your name, please?请问您贵姓?53 May I have your name and initials, please?请问您的姓名和名字的首写字母是什么?54 Whos the reservation for?您为谁预订房间?55 Whats your address, ple

11、ase?请告诉我您的地址,好吗? 预订确认 Confirming a Reservation56 Your reservation is confirmed.您的预订被确认了。57 You can have the room then.届时您可以入住预订的房间。58 We have single rooms available on those dates.那几天我们有空闲的单人房。59 I can book you a double room for the 16th and 17th.我可以为您在16、17日订一个双人房。 预订没有被确认 The Reservation Is Not Co

12、nfirmed60 We dont have any single rooms available. Would you mind a double room instead?我们没有单人房了,双人房行吗?61 I cannot let you have one on the fourth floor.我无法在四楼为您安排一间房。62 Unfortunately, were fully booked for the 25th, but we can guarantee you a room for the 26th.很遗憾,25号那天房间全部订满,但26号我可以保证为您留一间房。63 Im s

13、orry, I cant book you a room for the 7th and 8th.、对不起,我无法为您订7号和8号的房间。64 Were booked solid for all kinds of rooms on that night.那天所有的客房全部订满。65 If there isnt any room, we can get you on a waiting list or we can find you a room in another hotel.如没有空房间,我们可以记下您的名字,一旦有空房间就给您安排,或者为您在其他饭店找个房间。66 This is the

14、 busiest season. Im very sorry, but could you call us again later this week? We may have a cancellation.现在是旅游旺季,很抱歉,请您在这周后几天再打电话过来好吗?也许会有人取消预订。67 Is it possible for you to change your reservation date? We do have rooms available on the following day.您可以改变您的预订日期吗?我们第二天就有空房了。 关于酒店情况 About the Hotel68

15、Our hotel is a 4-star hotel with good reputation.我们是一家信誉良好的四星级酒店。69 Our hotel is beautifully situated.我们酒店环境优美。70 Our hotel is located in the center of the city.我们饭店位于市中心。71 Our hotel is close to the business district.我们饭店靠近商业区。72 Our hotel is near the downtown area.我们饭店靠近市区繁华地带。73 It takes only 15 minutes drive from our hotel to the airport.从我们饭店开车去机场只需15



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