23学案设计 (2)

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1、Unit 2My names Gina. Period 3Section B 1a1d【课型】听说课学习目标1.能进一步学习和运用相关词汇和目标语言: grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, son等,谈论自己和他人的家庭成员。2.能进一步理解并掌握目标语言在语境中的运用。3.能基本听懂含有本课重点词汇和目标语言的听力材料。学习过程【自主学习】写出下列缩略词的完全形式thats whore whos theyre 【师生互动】新课导入1.Daily greetingsGood morning/afternoon.Whos on duty today?Is everyone he

2、re today?2.RevisionHave you brought your family photos?Now please take out your family photos and introduce your family members.新知呈现1.通过多媒体展示一张全家福,介绍上面的人物,呈现生词dad和mom。2.照片中人物做自我介绍,呈现生词son和daughter。3.通过出示图片做猜测游戏呈现uncle和aunt。4.通过展示叔叔一家的图片,引出cousin。5.Work on 1a(1)In my family,my grandpa is the oldest.W

3、ho is the oldest in your family?(2)Check the answers and read aloud the words.(3)Look at the family tree.My grandpa and grandma have a son and a daughter.One is my dad,the other is my aunt.My dad and mom also have a son and a daughter.I am their daughter.My brother is their son.I am my brothers sist

4、er.My aunt and uncle only have one daughter.Shes my cousin.新知学习课堂探究一1.Listen to the recording in 1b.Check only the words.2.Check the answers and read the words aloud.3.Look at the two pictures in 1c.Who are the people in the first picture?One is a picture of Jiang Taos family,and the other is a pict

5、ure of Toms family.Which one is Jiang Taos and which one is Toms?Listen to the recording and find out the answers.4.Play the recording once again,listen and find out the answers.5.Check the answers and play the recording,listen and repeat.观察与思考1 听力1b和1c中的家庭成员的称呼有:,等。它们的复数形式分别是,等。跟踪训练11.Lucy is my si

6、ster.She is my fathers .2.Jim is his fathers .3.My fathers sister is my .4.Kates fathers brother is her .5.Tims father is my uncle,so Tim is my .课堂探究二全班分为几大组,用学过的物品名称为自己的大组取名,在黑板上写好这几组的名称,如:Cup group,Map group,Pen group等等,然后用英语说最近所学的表示家庭成员的单词,快速站起来拼单词,最先站起来且拼对的同学所在的大组得一分。Work on 1d1.Draw a picture o

7、f your family and friends on the blackboard and introduce the people in the picture.2.Now you can draw a picture of your family and friends.3.One or two show pictures and tell the class who the people are.4.Now you can tell your partner about your picture.课堂练习一、用单词的适当形式填空。1.Look,this is (I) mother.2

8、.These are his (parent).3.His father (be) a teacher.4.My friends (be) students.二、单项选择1.Thanks your family photo.A.ofB.forC.from2.Her are Tina and Jim.A.friendB.brotherC.friends3.This is a photo my classmate.A.inB.ofC.at 4.Your aunts son is your .A.brotherB.cousinC.sister 5.Your fathers brother is yo

9、ur .A.cousinB.uncleC.nephew三、填空1.My grandparents are my and .2.My father has no brothers,so I dont have an .3.My father has two sisters,and I have two .4.I am the only child of my .I have no or .自我反思1.我的收获:Words and expressions:Sentences:2.学习本节后,我能用英语进行3.我的易错点:参考答案跟踪训练11.daughter2.son3.aunt4.uncle5.cousin课堂练习一、1.my2.parents3.is4.are二、15.BCBBB三、1.grandma;grandpa2.uncle3.aunts4.parents;sisters;brothers


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