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1、七下重点句子Module 1 1.我们正有一个欢乐时光!Were having a great time! 2.我正站在中国的长城上和跟你说话。 Im standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you. 3.我们正参加学校旅游和我们正有一个欢乐时光。Were on a scholl trip and were having a good time. 4.其他人正在做什么?What are the others doing? 5.Wang Hui正在照大量的相片和Lingling正在买一些礼物和明信片。 Wang Hui is taki

2、ng lots of pictures and Lingling is buying some presents and postcards. 6.Daming正在吃午饭和躺在太阳里Daming is eating lunch and lying in the sun. 7.你可以也送我一张明信片吗?Can you send me a postcard too? 8.我们非常喜欢学校的这次旅游。Were enjoying the school trip a lot. 9.此时,世界不同地方的人正在做不同的事情。 At this moment, in different places of th

3、e world people are doing different things. 10.他们正在等公共汽车和追赶火车。 Theyre waiting for buses and running for trains. 11.有些人正在家里喝下午茶或者在走向酒吧,喝上一杯。 Some are having afternoon tea at home or walking to pubs and having a drink. 12.有些人要去听歌剧或是看芭蕾。 Some are going to the opera or watching a ballet. 13. 人们不是正在起床,洗刷或

4、者穿衣服。 People arent getting up,washing or getting dressed. 14. 他们正在会见朋友,打电话回家或者购物。 Theyre seeing friends,calling home or shopping. Module 21. 我们正为春节作准备。Were getting ready for the Spring Festival. 2. 正发生什么事情? Whats happening? 3. 那些男孩正在学习舞龙。The boys are learning a dragon dance. 4. 我正在做灯笼。 Im making lan

5、terns. 5. 她正在打扫地板。 Shes sweeping the floor. 6. 她正在做饭。 Shes cooking the meal. 7. 他在工作。 Hes at work. 8.在春节你们有什么传统?What traditions do you have at the Spring Festival? 9.我们打扫我们的房子和扫去坏运气,然后我们把门和窗户涂成红色。 We clean our house and sweep away bad luck,and then we paint doors and windows red. 10. 它意思是好运气。It mean

6、s good luck. 11. 我们通常用剪纸来装饰门和窗户。 We usually decorate the doors and windows with paper cuts. 12. 每个人都剪头发。Everyone has a haircut. 13. 在新年那天,我们穿上我们的新衣服。 On New Years Day, we put on our new clothes. 14. 新年在两个星期后的元宵节结束。The New Year Festival finishes at the Lantern Festival after two weeks.15. 我们通常吃一种叫做元宵

7、的米团子。 We usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao. 16. 他们是圆的所以他们一年到头都带给我们好运气。 They are round and so they bring us good luck all the year round. 17. 在春节前夕的午夜有很多焰火。 There are fireworks at midnight on Spring Festivals Eve. Module 3 1. 在周末你打算做什么? What are you going to do at the weekend? 2. 你的

8、计划是什么?What are your plans? 3. 我打算看我的电子邮件然后打算做作业。 Im going to check my email and then Im going to do my homework. 4. 我打算上一节钢琴课。Im going to have a piano lesson. 5. 我打算为考试复习Im going to revise for my test. 6. 我们打算野餐。Were going to have a picnic. 7. 我们打算登上长城Were going to walking up the Great Wall. 8. 我正期待

9、看我的女儿和孙女。 Im looking forward to seeing my daughter and granddaughter. 9. 我打算乘飞机去北京因为他们住在那里 Im going to take the plane to Beijing because they live there. 10. 我们打算游览观光因为我们喜欢中国文化。 Were going to do some sightseeing because we like Chinese culture. 11. 我打算学习英语因为我想交一些美国朋友。 Im going to learn English becau

10、se I want to make some American friends. 12. 我打算躺在沙滩上因为我喜欢太阳和海洋。 Im going to lie on the beach because I enjoy the sun and the sea. Module 4 1. 将来会有学校吗?Will there be schools in the future? 2. 不,将不会。No,there wont 3. 我想每个人将会在家里学习和将使用电脑。 I think that everyone will study at home and will use computers. 4

11、. 他们将把作业通过电子邮件发送给老师吗? Will they send their homework to the teachers by email?5. 学生将在电脑上跟他们的老师谈话。 Students will talk to their teachers on their computers. 6. 老师将不会用粉笔在黑板上写字。 The teachers wont write on a blackboard with chalk. 7.将没有人用纸。No one will use paper. 8. 飞机将很大所以乘飞机旅行将很便宜。 Planes will be very la

12、rge so flying will be very cheap. 9. 北极将变暖所以海洋将很汹涌。 It will get warm at North Pole so the seas will be very rough. 10. 将会有暴雨和强风。There will be heavy rain and strong winds. 11. 我们将利用太阳来为我们的房子供暖。Well use the sun to heat our homes. 12. 人们将在一个星期工作三天。People will work three days a week.Module 5 1. 你可以为我的作业

13、回答一些问题吗? Can you answer some questions for my homework? 2. 上海的人口是多少?Whats the population of Shanghai? 3. 香港比上海大吗?Is Hong Kong bigger than Shanghai? 4. 香港有七百万人,所以上海比较大。 Hong Kong has seven million people, so Shanghai is bigger. 5. 上海是一个比香港大的城市吗?Is Shanghai a newer city than Hong Kong?6. 上海有七百年历史。Shan

14、ghai is seven hundred years old. 7. 它是一个在英格兰东部的小城市,它大约有一百万人。 Its a small city in the east of England, and it has about 100,000people. 8. 它因剑桥大学而出名。Its famous for Cambridge University. 9. 伦敦是英国的首都,有着七百万人,所以它比剑桥要大要繁忙。 London is the capital of the UK,with seven million people, So its bigger and busier

15、than Cambridge . 10. 伦敦在英格兰南部和位于泰晤士河河畔。 London is in the south of England and its on the River Thames. 11在海岸上有大量的小村庄。.There are lots of small villages on the coast. Module 6 1.骑自行车比游泳更危险。Cycling is more dangerous than swimming. 2.乒乓球比体操更流行。Table tennis is more popular than gymnastics. 3. 它比乒乓球更激动人心。Its more exciting than table tennis. 4. 跑步比篮球更令人厌烦。Running is more bori



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