Lecture 1 翻译与商务翻译

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《Lecture 1 翻译与商务翻译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Lecture 1 翻译与商务翻译(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案第1页 课 题Lecture 1 Introduction to translation and Business English translation 授课时数2授课类型Lecture教 学目 的1. To let students know some basic knowledge of translation;2. To have a good command of feature of business English and criteria of its translation;教 学重 点1. Six features of business En

2、glish;2. translation criteria of business English: faithfulness, idiomaticness and consistency; 教 学难 点Idiomaticness的准确含义;主要知识语言点1. You-attitude;2. Consideration;3. Idiomaticness,;4. Faithfulness;5. Consistency教 学 过 程学时分配教 学 过 程学时分配Period 1Step 1 Introduction I. Objectives1. To translate business inf

3、ormation and materials from English into Chinese and vice versa;2. To grasp translation skills focusing on business information;3. To emphasize the translation of business letters, advertising and contracts and so on. Course Requirements1. Attendance;2. Written Assignments;3. In-class Exercises. Sum

4、mary of Gradingv Attendance 10 % v Written Assignments: 20 % v In-class Exercises: 10 % v Final Written Examination 60 % v Total: 100% Grading Procedure1 Attendance: You can lose points for things like being late often, not answering questions, not working well with a group, or sleeping in class.2 H

5、omework and class work: you may have a homework assignment to turn in, class activity to do.3 Final Exam:Your favorite part of the course! The final exam is a big part of your total grade. Dont worry! Im not here to make you suffer! We are on the same team! Lets work together! v I dont expect you to

6、 like every part of the course, but I expect you to do your best in the course. Its my job as a teacher to provide a good learning atmosphere. There are some times when we will have to spend extra time to translate in class, because this is a translating class. . Rules-Turn off cell phones. - Respec

7、t each other. - Do not cheat.Step 2 PresentationBasic knowledge about translation1. Definition of Translation v a. a linguistic activity to produce the meaning and style of the source text in another language;v b. a trans-cultural communicative activity; Translation consists in reproducing in the re

8、ceptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (E. A. Nida) (翻译就是译语中用最切近而又自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先是意义,其次是文格。)2 Process of translation1) Understanding (理解)2) Representation (表达)3) Proofreading (校正)理解原文是整个翻译过程的第一步。这是最关键,也是最容易出问题

9、的一步。理解是译文这座大厦的基地,地基没打扎实,大厦迟早要倒塌的。没有正确的理解,翻译者传达的就不是原作的意思,翻译活动就从根本上失去了意义。1)正确理解应做到以下几点:a. 除查字典、上下文的考查理解词义外,还要留意动词的时态、语态和语气等的用法,因为它们往往用来表达说话者的感情、态度、意图等方面的细微差别。 e.g. The famous actress was rather difficult. 这位著名的女演员相当难对付(经常)。 e.g. The famous actress was being rather difficult. 这位著名的女演员正在大闹别扭(一时之情况难以对付)。

10、e.g. She is silly 傻 (state)犯傻 e.g. She is being silly 这样做很傻,发傻(一时的状态) b. 结合原文涉及的理论、专业知识、历史背景和地理环境等去理解原文,这一点很重要。They did it under the bush of the United Nations. 他们是在联合国的幌子下(旗帜下,招牌下)干(做)这件事的。(可视事件的正义与否,来选择不同的词。) e.g. Good wine needs no bush. 酒香客自来。2) 表达的问题(Representation)理解好原文是翻译的关键,理解是翻译中的主要矛盾的主要方面,

11、有了正确的理解后,就涉及到了表达的问题。关于表达,涉及的问题很多,最重要的是要防止机械主义,自由主义两种倾向(dead, machnical; liberal)。 机械主义:死扣原文字面,按字面的意思来译e.g. “我骂得他狗血淋头” *I cursed him till the dogs blood went to his head. (出现在金瓶梅Golden Lotus 译文Better translation: I cursed him soundly. Or I give him a good scolding. 赛珍珠译水浒传(All Men are Brothers) 中机械主义

12、的翻译(Pearl. S. Brek) e.g. 你在家时,谁敢来放个屁。 When you were at home, who dared to come near and pass his wind?When you were at home, who dared to come and insult me? 自由主义:不顾原文字句的意思,随心所欲地来进行翻译的一种表达方法。3) 校改的问题 一 校改的必要 二 去除翻译腔:文字修饰 惯用法,即同样的意思,译语习惯用什么样的方式表达。 在不降低表现力的情况下,尽量选用简洁的表达法。 为了译文明白顺畅,有时宜加一些“范畴词”。例如: 3. S

13、trategies of translation1) Literal/liberal translation;直译/意译; 直意: Crocodile tears. 鳄鱼的眼泪。Armed to the teeth. 武装到牙齿。Chain reaction. 连锁反应。One country, two systems. 一国两制。纸老虎 Paper tiger.习语翻译直 译意 译七嘴八舌With seven mouths and eight tongues.Everybody being eager to put in a word.卡脖子To have sb. by the throat

14、.To give sb. tremendous trouble.软骨头A soft bone.A spineless man三头六臂(of a person) have three heads and six arms.A superman意译: Shakespeare put his hometown on the map. 莎士比亚使他的家乡声名远扬。 Darling, I think you talked so much. 孩子他妈,我看你硬是比祥林嫂还能说。2) Domestication/Foreignization; 归化:“以译语文化为导向、以信息接受者为核心。” e.g. 亚洲四小龙:The four Asian tiger.异化:“以源语文化为导向、保留民族文化差异”。 e.g. 铁饭碗:Iron rice bowl 纸老虎:Paper tiger4. Criteria of translation1) Faithfulness (信)2) Expressiveness (达)3) Elegance (雅)Period 2Business English Transl



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