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1、2002patr II vocabulary31.An enormous number of people in the worlds poorest countries do not have clean water or adequate sanitation_A. capacities B. facilities 常用复便利, 设备, 器材, 工具, 装置; 机构C. authorities 当局, 负责人; 官方 D. warranties (正当)理由, (合理)根据, 授权, 担保, 保证, 根据32.Family-planing clinics give out _advices

2、 to people who have decided to limit the size of their families.A.insensitive 对.没有感觉的, 感觉迟钝的 B.interrogative 表示疑问的, 质问的C.contraceptive adj.避孕的n.避孕品, 避孕用具D.communicative adj.无隐讳交谈的, 爱说话的, 畅谈的33.Caffeine is the _drug that will just about 几乎, 正是 get you out of the door on time to catch the bus.A.miracl

3、e 奇迹, 奇事 B.myth n.神话, 神话式的人物(或事物), 虚构的故事, 荒诞的说法 C.trick n.诡计,窍门, 诀窍vt.欺骗, 哄骗 D.legend 传说, 伟人传, 图例34.Today investigators are still far from 远离, 远非, 远远不, 完全不, 非但不_ a master map原图of the vasculature of the heart.A.constituting制定(法律), 建立(政府), 组成, 任命 B.decoding译码, 解码C.drafting起草, 为.打样, 设计D.encoding35.I ha

4、ve never seen a more caring, 人的,人道的,有同情心的_ group of piople in my life.A.emotional 情绪的, 情感的 B.impersonal非个人的 客观的 C.compulsory必修的,义务的 D.compassionate 富于同情心的+36.By the time I reached my residency, I _ treated the patient as a whole human being.A.yearned for渴望,可怜 B.broke into破门而入, 侵占 C.pass for被称为, 被看作

5、D.made for.倾向于, 导致;向前进,有助于37.We now obtain more than two-thirds protein from animal resources, while our grandparents _only one-half from animal resources.A.originated B.digested C.deprived D.derived38.Obesity carries an increased risk of _.A.mortality B. mobility C.longevity n.长命, 寿命,供职期限,资历longevi

6、ty of service使用寿命长 D.maternity n.母性, 母道adj.孕妇的, 产妇的, 产科的a maternity nurse助产士; 产科护士/maternity bag接生包/maternity benefit产期津贴39.The best exercise should require continuous _ , rather than frequent stops and starts.A.compassion n.同情,怜悯 B.accelerationn.加速度 C.frustration D.exertionn.尽力, 努力, 发挥, 行使, 运用be no

7、 exertion to不费力/use exertions尽力/make exertions尽力/put forth exertions尽力40.Environmental officials insist that something be done to _ acid rain.A.curb n.路边vt.控抑制; 约束curb ones anger抑制愤怒 B.sue vt.控告, 向.请求, 请愿vi.提出诉讼, 提出请求sue for为.提出诉讼, 诉请., 请求; 乞求/sue out请求法院而得到 (赦免, 赔偿等)/sue sb. for控告某人违犯.; 向法院起诉要求某人赔偿

8、 C.detoxifyvt.使解毒 D.condemn condemn sb.s behaviour谴责某人的举动condemn sb. to death判某人死刑41.It would be wildly optimistic to believe that these advances offset such a large reduction in farmland . offset vt.弥补, 抵销, 用平版印刷vi.偏移, 形成分支offset the loss弥补损失A.take in v.接受, 接待, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 轻信, 注意到, 欺骗 B.make upv.弥补

9、, 虚构, 缝制, 整理, 包装, 和解, 编辑, 化妆补足,拼凑C.cut down v.砍倒, 胜过, 削减, 删节D.bring about v.使发生, 致使42.To begin with ,it is impossible to come up with a satisfactory definition of what constitutes happy and unhappy marriage. come up with v.赶上, 提出;提出,拿出A.explain B.oppose C.represent D.propose Man proposes, God dispos

10、es.谋事在人, 成事在天。43.Politicians often use emotional rather than rational arguments to win the support for their actions and ideas. rational adj.理性的, 合理的, 推理的n.有理数A.applicable adj.可适用的, 可应用的an applicable rule切实可行的规则applicable to all cases适合于一切场合B.favorable adj.赞成的, 有利的, 赞许的, 良好的, 讨人喜欢的, 起促进作用的 C.sensiti

11、ve D.reasonable adj.合理的, 有道理的, 通情达理的, 讲道理的44.Tests are one way for a teacher to assess how much a student has learned.A.observe B.appraise C.appreciate D.induce 45.Through live television电视实况转播, the world is now able to witness historical events历史事件 as they happen.A.reserve n.储备(物), 储藏量, 预备队vt.储备, 保

12、存, 保留, 预定, 预约 B.confirm确认 C.perceive D.transmit传输,传导46.Most experts say that the new tax plan will have a negligible effect on the countrys economic problems.A.indefinite adj.模糊的, 不确定的, 语不定的 B.indispensable n.不可缺少之物adj.不可缺少的, 绝对必要的 C.infinite n.无限的东西(如空间、时间), 数无穷大adj.无穷的, 无限的, 无数的, 极大的 D.insignifica

13、nt adj.无关紧要的, 可忽略的, 无意义的47.I dont know how you could have left out the most important fact of all.A.omitted B.fabricated vt.制作, 构成, 捏造, 伪造, 虚构 C.pinpointed n.精确adj.极微小的v.查明pinpoint hole针孔pinpoint bombing精确轰炸 D.embraced vt.拥抱, 互相拥抱, 包含, 收买, 信奉vi.拥抱n.拥抱embrace sb. in ones arms拥抱某人, 抱某人embrace Buddhism

14、信仰佛教48.Family and cultural beliefs and norms are important predictors of health-seeking behavior. norm n.标准, 规范A.formulations B.standards C.principlesn.法则, 原则, 原理 D.notions 49.There must be a systematic approach to retrieving notes and analyzing them. retrieve v.重新得到n.找回A.regain v.收回, 恢复, 重到, 重新夺得 B

15、.relieving vt.减轻, 解除, 援救, 救济, 换班 C.reversing adj.相反的, 倒转的, 颠倒的vt.颠倒, 倒转 D.rectifyingvt.矫正, 调整, 50.To study the distribution of disease within an area, it is useful to plot the case on a map. plot标绘A.mark B.allocate vt.分派, 分配 C.erase vt.抹去, 擦掉, 消磁, 杀死 D.pose Allow me to pose a question.请允许我提一个问题。part III close (10%) You feel generally depressed and unable to concentrate. Your pattern of daily 51 activity may change: you find yourself52 awake and active at


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