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1、 财务类的英文简历财务类的英文简历模板 光阴快速,一挤眼就过去了,我们找工作的日子已静静来临,该为自己写一份简历了哦。好的简历都具备一些什么特点呢?下面是我细心整理的财务类的英文简历模板,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有须要的挚友。财务类的英文简历模板1范文参考 DateofBith: Apil. 1986 Degee: MasterTEL: 13xxxxxxxxx E-mail:XXX范文参考co ADD: No., e123, ob Rd obDistri,Shangha,iadcatin20x.09 - esnt EstChn Unersity ofScience ad Technolg

2、y MasterShl o Bsiness,Maor in Acountin,To1. (ExpectedGraduation Dte: Mrch20x)Maroues: vadSatiics, Ecooetrics, RercMngeentMethod, Accountig Thoy,Avand nancalAcntn, M&A Resarch,et. Pass two exms o the CA texs,incldin aconti, nacial nagee. 20xx9 20x.East Chia Universty f Scince andTecholoy achelo Bclor

3、 o minsraion,jo iccoutin Intership 0xx.5 - 0xx.06 Shanai old echane InernAnnter of memrip artmn.For fle datacompltin,at oessin, translin, ecaiciatedin te gol radeqlifcatio traing, larnig t nledgeo gldtradig, and thrgh te linin emnaton f gld trading. 20xx.7 20x4Sujct dyMember Involvig e Idustr Stuypj

4、t.Inchge o writing theustrysudy reports,hance th derstadig of th facil analysisyste Andhavei-dehstudes(ndr the uidace of the teahe) toward bn,resauat, o, tavel, cment, glas, eatpoduct, er,sga, ransportton idustry,etc. 2x. - reset ontinui Educatn Colege ECUSeacher Teahmicroconomics, taxplanin, mnaeme

5、 onsultin, ec. Capusctite20x.09 - Preset Teachingassisan of Chnauniversityof scienceadtecholog newrk institut20x.3 0x. Member of tu ecation ost estimtespjet.20x9-20xx7Mebeo Business Pactie eparen, paiipe in ouner actvtis. ertiiates & wads Forign Languae E Compuer AbltLeel 2 Shghaiompter Test Use WOD

6、, EXCEL, PPT adroity Awars 2xx9Firt Pize Schoarsip o Acadei Caeer20xx.9 Fist PrieSolarshp of Academic Cree 2x.3 ThidPrize Schlrip fr Coures Sel AssesmetStoglarnig ability ad a soundasis ofrofessiolnowlege.Expessin, omunitio, Cooperion,dapabili.icr, ptisc, Confide, Pssioe.财务类的英文简历模板2 Name: OJCTIV:udi

7、orpstion in th public accuntngfield in teicoare. UMMAY: Moretan two yearof rogressv cconngdaudiin perience. Auditor intenshth rt & Yungin New York Cty. Magn u Laude graduawthBBA in AccountingPrficent ihMSffce,Winos20xx/X,ad th nrnet.EDUCATION:Bachelor ofusns Administrtion iAcctig,May 0x lis Sateniei

8、y,Noma,Ilinos Grde Magna Cm Laude with aGPA of 36 on a 40 le Curses aknluded:Manaerial coutngCopra Audit nd Reconiltion Inrmte Aouting I&II nancial Manment AconngI & II ntrnaAui Acconng for Not-For-ProfitsManerial conmics XPERIENE: Adtor Internship,a 0xx o August 20x Ernst & ong,e Yk,New Yoarticipte

9、d in teannu auit of Omeg eithcHolins,icludin develent of thefil tificionreportartiipte inqatrly audito AhBak Corporation,incudingientification nd orrection f ver wty mar accontg erors Developed sera Exelspras macros curetlyin use r reungtry timean amticlly r-refenifr erors ceid Employof the Month aw

10、a ticefst intreve towin ard.Accots PaybeBokkepig Cerk,May 20xx to Pren Ant Tand Bookeepin Serice,Antown,Nw r Assist (via reot) with ayrll,tax,andaccout prcg eelope autmated monthl sal tax pyment ystm. Implme RapidTax Refudservice forinpidualcustomers. ATIE:Vice Prsident,Studen Accountn hpt,x- Tasurer,ea Gama Sima honors society,xx- rm esidnt Assist,20xx- 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页



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