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1、七上U6 Do you like bananas?讨论话题:喜爱的食物语言目标:1. Do you like salad? Yes , I do/ No, I dont. 2. Do they like pears? Yes , they do./ No, I dont. 3. Does she like tomatoes? Yes, she does./ No, I dont. 4. I like oranges. I dont like oranges. 5. We like rice. We dont like rice. 6. He likes ice-cream. He doesnt

2、 like ice-cream教学重点:1.实意动词在一般现在时中的用法,尤其是现三单的用法 2.do,does的用法。 3.可数名词和不可数名词 4. 一般现在时的句子的肯否定形式以及一般疑问句及其肯否定回答。学习效果:1.学生能准确表达自己或他人喜欢和不喜欢的食物 2.能完成练习册上的练习教具准备:食物图片(草莓、苹果、橘子、梨子、冰淇淋等)第一个100分钟(SA) Step1:review what ss have learned from U 5.(复习学生五单元所学重点内容)(5-10分钟) I have a basketball. Do you have a basketball?

3、 Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Does she have a basketball? Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt. Do they have a basketball? Yes, they do. / No, they dont. (这个部分先由老师示例,然后交给学生们来互问互答以及老师的反馈型教学。最后再根据黑板上的句子进行总结:do,does,球类单词以及第三人称单数的用法。)Step2:引出本单元重点句型及单词和操练。Lead in the key sentences and words through the knowledge

4、 ss have learned before & practice(20分钟)(1).在黑板上画画(苹果),让学生猜: 老师问:Whats this? 学生猜:Its an apple.(老师在画的过程中可以慢慢画而不是一次性就画出一个苹果,那样可以充分激发学生的积极性) T: I have an apple. Do you have an apple? T: I like apples. Do you like apples?(可多询问几名学生,从成绩好的学生到基础稍差的学生,从而使学生有足够的安全感)(2).得用图片或者动作引出其他食物的单词并进行大量的操练,(当出现新词或较难较长词时注

5、意学生单词拼背能力的训练)。在老师问完其中一个学生Do you like ?后可随机抽班上的同学回答问题Does he/she like.?从而提醒学生集中注意力。(且老师在板书的时候可以刻意一边写可数名词,另外一边书写不可数名词,从而方便学生认知) Step3:输出(10分钟)当这些关键句型及词汇操练到位后老师可抽班上成绩较好的学生示例对话然后由学生分成小组进行对话训练。(这个过程同样可以使用反馈性教学从而使学生集中注意力)学生对话完成后归纳总结本单元重点句型及语法。1. Do you like salad? Yes , I do/ No, I dont. 2. Do they like p

6、ears? Yes , they do./ No, I dont. 3. Does she like tomatoes? Yes, she does./ No, I dont. 4. I like oranges. I dont like oranges. 5. We like rice. We dont like rice. 6. He likes ice-cream. He doesnt like ice-cream (尤其重视可数与不可数以及现三单的用法)Step4:listening practice(1b, 2a, 2b)(5分钟) 学生对知识点把握了过后就可以进行一定的听力练习从而

7、巩固学生课堂所学Step 5:role-play的呈现及操练(20分钟) 1. Free talk to lead in:My fathers birtnday is next week. I want to get some food for him.Lets think about the food.(解决对话中的长难句,让学生通过大量的听说认知并仿照难句) My fathers birthday dinner is next week.Can you help me? Lets think about the food. How about food? 2.画一个小男孩John在黑板上

8、T:This is my friend John. His birthday is next week,too. Now his friends Jack, Bill and Tom are thinking about the food. All of you just listen and then answer my questions:1) Does John like hamburgers?2) Does John like salad?3) What fruit does John like? 3.用半句式英语引导学生将对话内容转换成小语篇进行口头输出Johns bitrhday

9、dinner is next week. His friends think about the food. John likes hamburgers. Jack doesnt like salad but John likes salad and its his birthday so they have salad. John likes strawberries and apples so they have strawberries and apples. 4.解决对话中出现的语法知识点及短语如think about等. Think about 考虑 认为 Next week 下周

10、Lets + 动原 I think我认为. What about?=how about.? .怎么样?Step 6 课堂练习:笔头练习,巩固学生今天所学知识点(10分钟) 1. I like oranges.(改为一般疑问句和否定句) 2. She likes apples.(改为一般疑问句和否定句) 3 .My mother (like) pears. 4. They like (strawberry). 5. I like (bread).Step 7 订正家庭作业(20-30分钟)第二个100分钟(SB) Step 1: review what ss have learned from

11、section A(五至十分钟)(这个步骤可以充分借助于图片进行快速的复习)(互问互答:先师生,后生生)(复习完了过后及时进行总结)Step 2: reading (50-55分钟)1 .Free talk(操练文中的新句型如what do you like for.? What fruit do you like?): I like bread and milk for breakfast. How about you? What do you like for breakfast?同样的方法操练lunch和dinner2.通过身边的体育明星引出课文:Do you know Liu Xian

12、g? He is a sports star. I ask the sports star, Liu Xiang, about his eating habits. All of you just guess. What does he like for breakfast/lunch/dinner? What fruit does he like? Does he eat ice-cream after dinner?(问题需逐一呈现在黑板上,并让学生思考后说出答案)3.让学生阅读课文填空(也可采用听力形式,但采用听力时应该降低难度分节呈现):(思维导图呈现):I have a good f

13、riend. His name is David. He likes a sports star very much. All of you just guess who she is. Who is she? What does she like for breakfast? Do you know? Maybe you are right. Now all you just listen and then fill in the blanks below. Who: Cindy Smith Job:volleyball star 1.breakfast : fruit (healthy)

14、likes: oranges and apples doesnt like: bananas 2.lunch : likes salad David asks about her 3.dinner: doesnt like: hamburgers (not healthy) eating habits likes chicken 4. one last questioneats ice-cream after dinner? Likes but doesnt eat (want to be fat)(上图为本篇文章的思维导图) 3.语篇叠加复述(分节总体, 学生由总体小组或个人),再现全文4.点状语法梳理 Sports star运动明星


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