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1、八年级上新目标英语Unit1检测亲爱的同学: 喜欢锻炼的Alina 想邀请你join她的club。有兴趣吗? 来吧! 你会有很多收获的哦。I. Alina喜欢exercise, 请帮她把下列频率副词按词义所表达的程度比例由多到少排列!别忘了先翻译哦5分 hardly ever; sometimes; always; often; usually; never _ 100%_ 0%II. Alina 的Club经常组织活动,根据图片,你能说出她参加什么活动(activity)吗?5分 1. She often goes out for a trip. 2. She sometimes _. 3.

2、 She hardly ever_. 4. Her friend Jim usually asks her to_ on Sundays. 5. She usually _on weekends. 6. She likes _.III. 在Club里 Alina爱学习,也想考考你,试试选出你最满意的。(10分)( ) 1. A: How often _ she exercise? B: Twice a week. A. do B. does C. doing D. did( ) 2. I _ like to drink milk. A. not B. doesnt C. dont D. no(

3、 ) 3. Good food and exercise _ me to study better. A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help( ) 4. Is her lifestyle the same _ yours or different? A. as B. in C. at D. to( ) 5. I like _ for breakfast. A. a book B. a ruler C. an egg D. a sofa( ) 6. The _are $21. A. glasses B. shoe C. table D. bike( ) 7.

4、 Tennis _ my favorite sport. A. are B. is C. am D. be( ) 8. I have a tennis and my friend Jim _ two tennis rackets. A. have B. play C. plays D. has( ) 9. “Lets play computer games.” “That _ interesting.” A. looks B. sounds C. listens D. reads( )10. My father likes football. But he _ it. He only _ fo

5、otball matches on TV! A. plays, watches B. play, watch C. doesnt play, watches D. plays, doesnt watch IVAlina的伙伴做题时有些词不会,你能帮助完成吗?你可能成为她的新伙伴哦!(10分)1. He writes to his father t_ a month. 2. Everyone likes to surf on the I_. 3. Mr Smith hardly ever e_ , so he is unhealthy.4. Eating junk food is bad for

6、 your h_. 5. Do you find the d_ between the two words? 6. She got good g_ in the test.7. We m_ study hard at school.8. We should try to eat l_ junk food. 9. Lucy is an a_ girl in the class.10. Her studying h_ is very good.V. 下面是Alina与伙伴一起喝饮料时的对话,看你能不能读懂?5分A: Would you like to have some juice?A. Do y

7、ou like vegetables?B. Sometimes I will have the apple juice for a change.C. How often do you have it?D. How about you?E. Id like a glass of strawberry juice.B: Oh, yes, thank you. 1 A: Here you are.B: Thanks.A: Do you like it? 2 B: Oh, its terrific. I always drink it, about five times a week. 3 A: T

8、hats why you look so healthy. 4 B: No, I hate them. 5 A: Neither do I. But my mother always asks me to have some.VI. 有记者问Alina好多问题,快帮帮忙回答一下!10分1. Lin Tao often helps me with my Chinese. (提问) _ _does Lin Tao help you with your Chinese? 2. Tom goes to bed at ten in the evening. (否定句) Tom _ _ to bed at

9、 ten in the evening. 3. I sleep nine hours every night.(提问) _ _ hours do you sleep every night? 4. The old man is watching TV now. (用often改写)The old man _ _ TV. 5. She has a healthy eating habit.(同义句) Her _ _ _ healthy.6. I exercise every day.(同义句) I _ _ every day.7. He may stay at home. (同义句) _ he

10、_ at home.8. My mum wants me to drink it. (同义) My mum _ _ me to drink it.9. The coffee isnt healthy, but he eats it.( 同义) _ the coffee is _, he eats it.10. She often goes to movies on weekends.(提问)_ does she often _ on weekends?VII. 这是Alina读过的2篇文章,你能帮他挑选合适的词来表达吗?(25分)AHere are the 1_ (结果) of the stu

11、dent sports survey in our class. 2_ (60%) students exercise every day. 3 _ (25%) students exercise three or four times a week. 4_ (15%)students exercise twice of three times a week. 5_ (0%) student exercises only once a week. As for sports, 6_(100%) the students 7 _ (做) morning exercises every day,

12、8 _ (25%) students run in the morning. 9 _ (15%) students play soccer after school. 10 _ (60%) students swim once a month.BHe is pretty h_1._. He tries to exercise e_2._ day. And his eating habits are p_3._ good. He often eats a lot of v_4._, u_5._ ten to eleven t_6._ a week. And he eats f_7._ every

13、 day and he d_8._ milk every day. But he doesnt love j_9._ food very much, so he t_10._ to eat it only once a week. And he sleeps nine h_11._ every n_12._. So you see, he looks a_13._ his health. And it makes a big d_14._ to his grades. Good f_15._ and exercise help him to study better.VIII. Alina找来一些有关谚语和知识性的文章,请阅读后回答问题,有信心吧? (15分) (1)Early to bed,early to get up makes man healthy,wealthy and clever. This is an old English saying(谚语). Have you heard of it before? It means that we must go to bed early



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