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1、2022年考博英语-浙江工业大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The girl began to cry and tears slowly( )down her face.问题1选项A.oozedB.trickledC.dribbledD.leaked【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项oozed“渗出,泄漏(有慢慢渗出来的意思)”;B选项trickled“滴,细细地流”;C选项dribbled“流(口水);滴下”;D选项leaked“使渗漏,泄露”。句意:女孩哭了起来,眼泪慢慢地从脸上_。只有B选项可以与后面的down搭配,意为“一滴滴落下”;A选项与out搭配,表示“泄漏”

2、;C选项一般后面不跟介词;D选项与out搭配,意为“漏出”。而本句表达的是“眼泪一滴滴滑落”,因此B选项符合题意。2. 单选题In a sudden( )of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.问题1选项A.attackB.burstC.splitD.blast【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项attack“攻击,抨击”;B选项burst“爆炸,猝发,突然爆发”;C选项split“劈开,裂缝”;D选项blast“冲击波,一阵”。句意:那人_,把伸手可及的一切东西都撕碎了。这句话表达的意思是“那人勃然大怒”,因此B选项符合题意。3.

3、 单选题An important part of the national government is the Foreign Service, a branch of the Department of State.问题1选项A.a unityB.a divisionC.an embassyD.an invasion【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项a unity“一个个体”;B选项a division“一个部门”;C选项an embassy“一个大使馆”;D选项an invasion“一次入侵”。句意:国家政府的一个重要组成部分是外交部,它是国务院的一个分支。也就是说外交部是国家政府的

4、一个部门,因此B选项符合题意。4. 单选题Emotions are defined as strong, relatively uncontrolled feelings that affect our behavior. Everyone experiences a wide range of emotions. Think for a moment about a recent emotional experience. What characterized this experience? All emotional experiences tend to have several el

5、ements in common.Emotions are generally triggered by environmental events. Anger, joy and sadness are most frequently a response to a set of external events. However, internal processes, such as imagery, can also initiate emotional reactions.All emotions, as subjectively experienced and identified,

6、appear to be associated with physiological changes.The emotions labeled as “joy”, “fear” and “anger” occur in conjunction with very similar physiological patterns. Current thinking leans towards accepting the primacy (首要性) of physiological changes, which are then interpreted based on environmental o

7、ccurrences. For example, a sudden falling sensation will initiate physiological changes. These changes would be interpreted on the basis of the situation in which they occur, exhilaration or excitement of bungee jumping; fear of falling from a ledge (岩脊).Another characteristic feature of an emotiona

8、l experience is cognitive thought. Emotions generally, although not necessarily, are accompanied by thinking. The types of thoughts and our ability to think “rationally” vary with the type and degree of emotion. Extreme emotional responses are frequently used as an explanation for inappropriate thou

9、ghts or actions: “I was so mad I couldnt think straight.”Emotions also have associated behaviors. While the behaviors vary between individuals and within individuals across different times and situations, there are unique behaviors characteristically associated with different emotions: fear triggers

10、 fleeing responses, anger triggers striking out, grief triggers crying, and so on.Finally, and most importantly, emotions involve subjective feelings. In fact, it is the feeling component (成分)that is generally referred to when emotions are mentioned. Grief, joy, anger, jealousy and fear feel very di

11、fferent from one another. These subjectively determined feelings are the essence of emotion.While all individuals generally evaluate emotions in a consistent manner and within individuals over time, there are some individual and situational variations. For example, few people generally want to be sa

12、d or afraid, yet we all occasionally enjoy a movie or a book that scares or saddens usor even some of the frightening ride sat theme parks(主题乐园)!If asked, we could doubtless name numerous emotions. A group of 20 or so people can generally name or describe several hundred emotions. Therefore, it is n

13、ot surprising that researchers have attempted to categorize or type emotions into more manageable clusters. Plutchik lists eight basic emotional categories: fear; anger; joy; sadness; acceptance; disgust; expectancy; surprise.According to Plutchik, all other emotions are secondary emotions and repre

14、sent combinations of these basic categories. For example, delight is a combination of surprise and joy, and contempt is composed of disgust and anger.61. What are the elements that produce human emotions?62. The two examples given in the third paragraph shows that( ).63. Which of the following state

15、ments about emotions is NOT TRUE?64. The passage indicates that individual emotions( ).65. Why do the researchers try to classify emotions?问题1选项A.Some strong uncontrolled forces which trigger emotions.B.Internal processes such as illnesses, happiness, anger, etc.C.External happenings such as deaths, divorce, promotions, etc.D.External environmental events as well as internal mental processes.问题2选项A.emotions are the results of physiological reactions based on external eventsB.excitement and fear are commonly seen human emotionsC.physiological changes determine all human actio


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