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1、新标准英语一年级起点四年级下册M7U1 Whats the time?教学设计 执教者:锦泉小学 宋柏萱 一、教材分析本课是新标准英语一年级起点第八册第七模块第一单元内容。课文情境是Miss Smart告诉Sam 晚8点电视上播放Sam喜欢的卡通片中华小子。因为他迫不及待地想看动画片,所以他相继问了妈妈、爷爷和爸爸。这时Amy让Sam陪她一起玩,于是他们一起开火车。等到八点之钟的时候妈妈叫她快看中华小子时,他已经筋疲力尽,在沙发上睡着了。时间表达是本模块重点学习内容。 学生只是在二年级时接触过At seven,I get up.这一课。但之前对如何询问并回答时间并不了解, 但好在文章内容比较简

2、单,容易理解。对于时间的合理的提问与恰当的回答,是对下一个单元进一步学习非整点时间的表达做铺垫。所以本模块乃至课在教材中具有十分重要的意义。二、学情分析四年级学生具有非常浓厚的英语学习兴趣,具有一定的英语学习能力。学生对时间的表达并不是很熟悉。学生的阅读理解能力语言组织能力逻辑思维能力及综合运用能力有待提高,对所设计的活动任务一定要由易到难,层层递进,使得所有的学生都参与到课堂活动中来。三、教学目标1.知识目标功能:可以询问并回答整点的时间。语法:能够运用“Whats the time?”询问时间并做恰当的应答。 词汇:能够听、说、读、理解并运用单词time, much, cartoon语音:

3、感知学习字母i和字母组合ch的读音2. 语言技能目标 听:能够在图片提示和问题的牵引下听懂课文大意。 说:能够用单词和目标语句表演对话。 读:能够正确优美生动分角色朗读或者表演课文。 写:能够准确写出单词time和much。3. 情感目标 能够珍惜时间,遇到困难时大胆求助二、教学重难点重点:理解语篇,并运用新单词和新句型对话。难点:运用目标语句询问时间并回答。三、教学准备:学生:学生用书,学习用具 教师: 学生用书,课件,教具 四教学过程:I: Warm-up & lead-in1 .Greeting T: Hello,children. S:Hello,Miss Song.2. Guess

4、the riddle.: clockT: Firstly, Lets guess a riddle! What has a round face and two hands.One is short,the other is long. It has numbers on his face, They are 1-12.What is it?Please guess!S: clock!说明评价方式。T:Yes,youre right.Today, I will divide you into 2 groups. You are the first clock. You are the seco

5、nd clock. If you do it well, youll get one score for your group. Children, are you ready?【设计意图:明确学习任务,获得学习动力。同时小组之间的竞赛体现了协作和团队精神。】T:And what can the clock tell us?S:时间T: How to speak it in English? Let me tell you! time. Teach “time”.T: Can you read this word (PPT呈现time ) Look at PPT. How to read th

6、is word?(bike nine nice surprise)在黑板拼写单词【设计意图:用谜语的形式引出闹钟从而引出time这个四会单词,为下一步学习学生转换思维,快速进入英语课堂;回顾旧知,也为下一步新知识的引入做好铺垫】2.A1 (1)T: What do these little sheep ask? Lets watch and find the answer. S: Whats the time,Mr Wolf?T: What does Mr Wolf answer? S:Its ten oclock.(2) Listen and repeat. T: Children, let

7、s listen and repeat.(3) Read it together. T;This time,lets read it together.After class, you can play this game with your friends.【设计意图:导入新知,为课文学习内容做好铺垫.】II: Task-Presentation1.Present the task.T: Today, well talk about time今天我们将一起学习询问并回答时间And then lets read a story “Whats the time Mr wolf?”and do a

8、 report.2. Read and write the title.T: Well learn M7U1, Show me your finger. Lets write together. Read one by one. (Read together)III: Text-learning1. Watch ,Listen,and find.Sam is excited,because he want to watch a cartoon. Which cartoon does Sam want to watch?Now, Lets listen and find.(设问) 【设计意图:带

9、着问题去看动画,初步接触课文内容,提出问题并引导学生回答,以帮助学生初步理解课文,激发学生寻求答案的兴趣】T: I will give you two choices. A. Shaolin kids. B. Snoopy (预设)Ss: Shaolin kids.T. What is Shaolin kids?(追问)Its a.S; Chinese cartoonT: Does Sam like this cartoon?S: Yes, he like it very much.Teach “much”2. T: Children, I like cartoon very much. Re

10、ad after me,much. “ch” pronounce “t”T: Now ,children Sam like Shaolin Kids very much and he cant wait to watch the cartoon. Now,lets Listen, repeat and answer what does he ask?(设问) (预设: S:Whats the time?Whats the time , grandpa? Is it 8oclock now? )板书:Whats the time? Is it 8oclock now?T: How do Sams

11、 family answer? Can you find in the text?T:How does mum answer?S: Its 2 oclock. (板书)T:How about grandpa?S:板书:Its 4 oclock.T:How about dad?S:板书:Is it 8 oclock now?Its 6 oclock. T:Children, when is the Shaolin kids? S:Its at 8 oclock.Does Sam watch the Shaolin Kids?预设:S: No, he doesnt. 追问: Why?S:He is

12、 tired.T:Yes, he is sleepy. And what does Mum say?S: Its 8 oclock. (板书)【设计意图:理清并理解课文内容,突出重点句。旨在使学生掌握篇章的细节信息。】 提示oclock 的拼写Now, lets read the sentences again. Follow me!(讲完单词后再回到句子读2遍。)【设计意图:理解并学会询问和回答时间。通过图片调动孩子们的视觉听觉和记忆力来参与语言活动。】3. 小小知识窗理答:观察黑板板书总结询问时间以及回答时间的方式T; Excellent!【设计意图:通过一起总结知识窗,让孩子利用有意注意

13、思考并记忆本课重点句型】4.Sing a song : Whats the time? 【设计意图:通过让孩子们利用无意注意用手臂做动作跟唱完全符合本课重点句型的歌曲。帮助孩子巩固记忆重点句型】5.Reading time.T;Which group can try? (2-3 组读课文) T:I think they read correctly,fluently and beautifully.So 123 score for you. 【设计意图:模仿语音语调,能够准确,流利并优美的朗读或表演对话,提高学生的口语能力。】IV:Practise.1. Look and say PPT出示图

14、片师生问答,同桌问答【设计意图:练习询问并回答时间】2. Do、 ask and answerT: Children, you can read the text well. But can you do 、ask and answer very well? Now,take out your clock, and lets do the practice. T: I need someone help me. Whats the time?(表盘拨到相应的位置)T:Its .oclock.(encouragement)T:Now,Lets practice with your partner

15、.【设计意图:反复练习、 一个接一个提问,进一步理解课文,不断操练重点单词,进行语篇练习,对课文内容和语言点进行巩固,并使语言点的运用落实到篇章中,使运用更有意义。】V: Task-Completion听读绘本小故事“ Whats the time, Mr. Wolf?”完成填空小组交流汇报【设计意图:练习如何询问并回答时间,以个人小组全班的模式,逐步以学生不同的掌握情况为基础,促进学生不同层次的发展。在较为真实的运用中,学会使用语言,即引导学生在用中学在乐中学。】VI:Summary & Homework 1.T:Children, lets look at the blackboard.What have you learnt today?S:.T;(Let me help you.)We have learnt M7U1 together. How to ask and and answer time. I hope you can rem


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