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1、此文根据尼克松演讲集收录的文本为基础翻译。整个辩论当中,尼克松和赫鲁晓夫的个人魅 力得到了最彻底的彰显,两人不同的性格,说话风格,以及对于本国政策和政治制度的辩护 以及理解,都是非常深入到位的。At the gate of the Exhibition, Mr. Khrushchev voiced a gibe about the United States banon the shipment of strategic goods to the Soviet Union.(在展览馆大门口,赫鲁晓夫先生以嘲弄的口气抗议美国针对苏联的战略物资禁运。)Khrushchev: Americans h

2、ave lost their ability to trade. Now you have grown older andyou dont trade the way you used to. You need to be invigorated.赫鲁晓夫“美国人已经丧失了他们贸易的能力。你们现在已经变老了,不再像你们过去那样 热衷于往来贸易了。你们需要重整旗鼓。”Nixon: You need to have goods to trade.尼克松“你们必须有东西,才能拿来交易。”The statesmen went on to look at television and video tap

3、e equipment for playing back recordings. Mr. Nixon took a cue from it.(国务院工作人员前去查看电视和录像设备,以便检查之前录像内容。尼克松先生从之得到 了提示。)Nixon: There must be a free exchange of ideas.尼克松“我们必须要允许思想的自由交换。”Mr. Khrushchev responded with a remark touching on the reporting of his speeches on his recent Polish tour.(赫鲁晓夫先生根据他最

4、近波兰访问中的一篇讲话,做出了回应。)Mr. Nixon said he was certain that Mr. Khrushchevs speeches and those of Frol R. Kozlov, First Deputy Premier, had been fully reported in the West.(尼克松先生说,他很确定赫鲁晓夫先生的演讲,以及波兰第一副总理Frol R. Kozlov的那 些演讲,都已经被西方完整的报道过了。)Khrushchev (indicating cameras recording the scene on video tape):

5、Then what about this tape? (Smiling.) If it is shown in the United States it will be shown in English and I would like a guarantee that there will be a full translation of my remarks.赫鲁晓夫(指着记录现场谈话的摄影机)“那这盘录影带呢?”(微笑中。J如果它会在美国播 映,我希望它用英语播出,并且我希望得到保证,那就是我的发言会被完整翻译。”Mr. Nixon said there would be an Engl

6、ish translation of Mr. Khrushchevs remarks and added his hope that all his own remarks in the Soviet Union would be given with full translations in that country.(尼克松说,将有专人翻译赫鲁晓夫先生的讲话内容,并且他希望他的演讲也可以同样被翻 译成俄文,并且在苏联播出。)Khrushchev: We want to live in peace and friendship with Americans because we are th

7、e two most powerful countries, and if we live in friendship, then other countries will also live in friendship. But if there is a country that is too war-minded we could pull its ears a little and say, Dont you dare; fighting is not allowed now. This is a period of atomic armament; some foolish one

8、could start a war and then even a wise one couldnt finish the war. Therefore, we are governed by this idea in our policy, internal and foreign. How long has America existed? Three hundred years?赫鲁晓夫“我们希望同美国和平共处,保持友谊。因为我们是世界上最强大的两个国家。如 果我们互示友好其他国家也可以在友好中彼此相待。但是如果有一个国家满脑子战争思维, 我们就要把他们的耳朵拽过来,冲着它说:你怎敢乱搞

9、?现在不是打架的时候。这是核武器 竞赛的时代,一些蠢家伙可能会挑起一场聪明人也没有办法结束的战争。所以,我们在这样 的思想主导下制定内政和外交方针。美国立国多久了?有三百年吗?”Nixon: More than one hundred and fifty years.尼克松“超过150年了。”Khrushchev: More than one hundred and fifty years? Well, then, we will say America has been in existence for 150 years and this is the level she has reac

10、hed. We have existed not quite forty-two years and in another seven years we will be on the same level as America. 赫鲁晓夫“超过150年?那么,好吧,我们要说,美国建国150年了,而他们现在的水平 就是如此。我们建国还不足42年,但是再过7年我们就可以达到美国人现在的水平。When we catch you up, in passing you by, we will wave to you. Then if you wish we can stop and say: Pleas

11、e follow up. Plainly speaking, if you want capitalism you can live that way. That is your own affair and doesnt concern us. We can still feel sorry for you, but since you dont understand us, live as you do understand.“当我们赶上你们,超过你们的时候,我们会向你们挥手致意。如果你们愿意,我们还可以 停下来然后说:请跟上。简单的说,如果你们想要资本主义,你们可以用那种方式生活。那 是

12、你们自己的事情,我们不关心。我们仍然为你们感到难过,但是既然你们不能理解我们的 生活方式,就照你们可以理解的那样过日子吧。We are all glad to be here at the Exhibition with Vice President Nixon. I personally, and on behalf of my colleagues, express my thanks for the Presidents message. I have not as yet read it but I know beforehand that it contains good wishe

13、s. I think you will be satisfied with your visit and ifI cannot go on without saying itif you would not take such a position which has not been thought out thoroughly, as was approved by Congress, your trip would be excellent. But you have churned the water yourselveswhy this was necessary God only

14、knows.“我们很高兴同尼克松副总统一同参观这个博览会。我个人,以及代表我的同僚们,非常感 谢总统先生传达的信息。我还没怎么读这封信,但是我可以预知到其中包含的美好祝愿。我 想你会对这次参观感到满意的并且如果一一我没办法不说这句话一一如果你没有接受副总 统这个职务,这个你当初没有完全想清楚,又被国会批准的位子的话,你的这趟旅程本来可 以更棒。但是你自己却搅混了这盆水一一那就只有上帝知道原委了。What happened? What black cat crossed your path and confused you? But that is your affair; we do not

15、interfere with your problems. (Wrapping his arms about a Soviet workman.) Does this man look like a slave laborer? (Waving at others.) With men with such spirit how can we lose?“怎么了?难道最近在倒霉,所以把你搞糊涂了?但那是你自己的事情。我们不愿意干涉你 们的问题。(他握住一位苏联工人的手臂。J这个人是不是看起来像奴隶苦工?(他向其他人 招手。J我们怎么可能输给这样精神面貌的人呢?”Nixon (pointing t

16、o American workmen): With men like that we are strong. But these men, Soviet and American, work together well for peace, even as they have worked together in building this Exhibition. This is the way it should be.尼克松(指向美国的劳工们)“有了像这样的男人,我们才可以强盛。但是这些人,不论是 苏联人还是美国,都为了和平而工作在一起,他们甚至合力建造了这座展览馆。这就是他们 应当发挥作用的地方。Your remarks are in the tradition of what we have come to expectsweeping and extemp



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