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1、人格心理学(PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY)2010-2011学期课程提纲(Syllabus)l 课程简介:人格心理学是从整体上研究人的心理的科学,是对各种形式的心理学的研究成果的有机综合。其主要内容包括人格心理学各流派理论以及相关研究。除了授课内容之外,学习该门课程,学生还需要进行大量阅读和讨论。l 主要参考书籍:人格心理学(第七版),陈会昌等译,中国轻工业出版社,:ISBN 978-7-5019-7342-2陈少华主编,新编人格心理学,暨南大学出版社出版,:ISBN 7-81079-153-2。l 评分介绍:考勤10%平时作业30%(5次阅读任务,3次课堂PPT讨论)课堂表现

2、5%(或为参加研究获分)期末论文55%(题目将在第15周公布)l 课堂规则(Course policies ):学业诚实 Academic integrity:首次不诚作业0分;二次不诚本学科0分。 迟交作业:标准分B,按交作业时间和完成情况给予加分A或减分C。D为不合适。0为无分。书写要求:首行:题目; 次行:学号+班级+联系方式; 正文:宋体,小四体,双倍行间距。评分规则:见最后页,参考使用。l 课堂任务:注意:各课常阅读任务均有限定完成时间,请在阅读完该任务后来到课堂上。I. WHAT IS PERSONALITY AND HOW DO WE STUDY IT?Jennifer Dodo

3、rico McDonald (2008).Measuring Personality Constructs: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Self-Reports, Informant Reports and Behavioural Assessments. ENQUIRE, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2008注:9月15日前完成阅读。对应课程:人格的科学研究和发展(9月15日)以组为单位,书写阅读报告+课堂口头报告检查。文章见附件。内容:各式人格测评方法优缺点。页数:18页。II.THEORETICAL AND EMPIRIC

4、AL APPROACHES TO PERSONALITYAn examination of Obamas use of hidden hypnosis techniques in his speechs.注:10月20日前完成阅读。对应课程:精神分析流派研究探讨(10月20日)以组为单位,提交阅读报告。并于10月20日进行课堂PPT报告(3课时)。内容:奥巴马在演讲中的催眠技术。页数:67页。Widiger,2005. Five factor model of personality disorder: Integrating science and practice. Journal of

5、Research in Personality 39 (2005) 6783Does personality change? Helson(2002)The growing evidence for personality 5.change in adulthood: Findings from research with personality inventoriesRoberts 2008.Personality Trait Change in adulthood. CURRENT DIRECTIONS IN PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE注:11月02日前完成阅读。对应课程:

6、特质流派研究探讨(11月02日)共三篇文章,分组完成。以组为单位,提交阅读报告。并于11月02日进行课堂PPT报告(3课时)。What is the Good Life? Positive Psychology and the Renaissance of Humanistic Psychology注:11月11日前完成阅读。对应课程:人本主义流派研究探讨以组为单位,提交阅读报告。课堂口头报告检查。内容:什么是好的生活?页数:18页。III. OTHER IMPORTANT ISSUES IN PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGYTopic :Self-disclosure1: Adu

7、lt Attachment, Social Self-Efficacy, Self-Disclosure, Loneliness, and Subsequent Depression for Freshman College Students: A Longitudinal Study2:Designing for privacy and self-presentation in social awareness3: Self-Disclosure and Its Impact on Individuals Who Receive Mental Health Services4: Unders

8、tanding Student Self-Disclosure Typology through Blogging注:12月09日前完成阅读。对应课程:人格专题研讨以组为单位,提交阅读报告。并于12月09日进行课堂PPT报告(3课时)。l 师生交流时间:龙洞:每周三晚7点-9点(需提前预约)交流方式: (推荐使用,不推荐手机短信)邮件注意事项: 邮件需要简明扼要介绍问题以及来胧去脉,不接受QQ式聊天语言;需要称呼和署名。附:评分说明:Grading GuidelinesI will use the following guidelines when I assign marks to your

9、 reaction papers: In general, a reaction paper that is turned in on time, is thoughtfully and clearly written, and is related to the assigned reading(s) for the day will receive a “check” (which translates roughly to a “B”). I mostly just want to know what you think and want to give you a chance to

10、express your views in this kind of informal but regular format. I will reserve “check plus” (roughly an “A”) for the occasional reaction paper that is particularly outstanding super thoughtful, provocative, particularly well-written Papers that do not relate at all to the readings will receive a “ch

11、eck minus” (“C”), as will late reaction papers. It is much better to turn in a reaction paper late, however, than not to turn it in at allBelow are the guidelines I follow when assigning grades to final papers. I use plusses and minuses when the work falls in between the qualities associated with ea

12、ch letter grade. Grades are based both on content and on writing style. I encourage you to ask for help from me, the MAXX Center, or any other reasonable source if youd like assistance with writing. Please acknowledge resources you use in a footnote to your paper.“A” grades are assigned to outstandi

13、ng papers. These papers reflect a deep engagement with the person you are writing about as well as with the application of concepts from personality. These papers also include insightful analysis, and excellent mastery of the material from the course. The paper addresses all aspects of the assignmen

14、t fully and clearly. Finally, these “A” papers are well-written with respect to style and grammar.“B” grades are assigned to papers that demonstrate a good understanding of the person you are writing about as well as good mastery of the material from the course, are coherently written, and that cont

15、ain some insightful ideas. Sometimes “B” papers contain some really good ideas, but do not carry out arguments as elegantly as they could. Other times all of the aspects of the assignment are there, but the ideas are not particularly innovative.“C” grades are given to papers that do not adequately c

16、over the assignment, demonstrate that the material was not fully understood, and/or have problems with writing style. Sometimes “C” papers have some really good parts, mixed in with some parts that seem like they were not well-thought out. Papers with consistent grammatical or stylistic problems may receive a “C.”“D” grades are assigned to



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