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1、Unit 5 Reading period1学案学习内容与目标:一、 语言知识目标:1、 词汇:educational, exchange, culture, host, local, British, glad, guest, chopstick, weekday, tour ,fantastic, experience, already, introduce, success, yet, respect。2、 短语:at first, so far, a bit of, introduceto, come over等。二、 阅读技能:能读懂记叙文体裁的文章;在标题,小标题和图片的提示下,

2、理解文章的主题和文章大意;能通过阅读首句、尾句和主、副标题掌握略读的阅读技巧。三、 学习过程。 I. Getting ready.1. Look at the cartoon and answer questions. (1)Where is Hi going? (2)How long will he stay there?(3)How will he go there? (4)What does Lo say?(5) Why does Lo say this? (6) Do they understand the word “fly” in the same way?2. What can

3、you do if you study abroad? _3. In your opinion, what is educational exchange? 4. Finish exercise A on page 66. 5. What else will students do when they go on an educational exchange? educational exchangeII. Before you read. Look at the photos, the title, the introduction and the sub-headings of the

4、article on page 51. Then answer the questions.(P66, B)III. While you read.1. Skimming. Read the article quickly and choose the right answer.( )1. Where do Sarah and Eric come from? A. China. B. America. C. Britain.( )2. What do they do at the weekend? A. Study with Chinese students. B. Tour around B

5、eijing. C. Learn how to use chopsticks.( )3. What will Eric keep trying to do? A. Paint Chinese pictures himself. B. Learn about Chinese culture. C. Learn about Chinese history.( )4. When will the second part of the exchange begin? A. Next week. B. Next month. C. Next year.2.Read again. Find out wha

6、t have students done during the visit? 2. Read the passage and finish exercise D1 and D2. 3. Detail Reading- find out what/ who the pronouns refer to.(1) I was very nervous at first. _(2) and theyre teaching me a little Chinese. _(3) At the weekend, they tour around Beijing and visit places of inter

7、est with their host families.(4) Its been a fantastic experience so far. _(5) and I really enjoy it. _(6) because theyll come over to the UK for the second part of the exchange next month. _4. Read the judge the following sentences T/F.(1)A group of students from France come to Beijing on an educati

8、onal exchange. ( )(2)Sarah has learnt a lot of Chinese while she is staying with her host family. ( )(3)Sarah isnt nervous any longer because her host family are friendly. ( )(4)Sarah hopes to keep in touch with her new friends after she goes back home. ( )(5)Some students from Xinhua Junior High Sc

9、hool in Beijing will visit London in two months. ( )IV. Vocabulary 1. Finish exercise C1 and C2 on page 682. Finish the following exercise with the words from the passage. Eric: Hi Sarah. Did you enjoy your _ visit in Beijing?Sarah: Yes, it was _. My _ family were really friendly.Eric: I enjoyed the

10、 visit too. It was a great _. Ive learnt a lot about Chinese _. The teacher_ us _ some ancient Chinese stories.Sarah: Ive _ read some ancient Chinese stories. They were interesting. Ive also learnt to use _.Eric: it must be difficult. Have you had any _Sarah: Yes.Post-reading1. Make a dialogue in gr

11、oups of three. One is a reporter and the others are Sarah and Eric. Unit 4 Reading period2 -Language points学案1. However, my host family are really friendly. 不过,我的寄宿家庭成员都很友好。host family 意为“_”。与寄宿家庭有关的成员有:寄宿家庭爸爸_ 寄宿家庭妈妈_寄宿家庭兄弟_ 寄宿家庭姐妹_【拓展】family 意为“家庭”,表示“家庭整体”这一概念并作主语时,谓语动词用_形式;表示“家庭全体成员”时为集合名词,谓语动词用

12、_形式。例如:我家是一个大家庭。 My family _a big one.我家人今晚要一起吃晚饭。 My family _ going to have dinner together tonight. exercise: 1. Kates family _(enjoy) listening to music after dinner.2. Her family _ (be) full of love.2. “Its been a fantastic experience so far,” says Eric. 埃里克说:“到目前为止,这是一次很棒的经历。”(1)experience 意为“经

13、验;体验”时是_名词;意为“经历;往事”时是_名词。例如:经验是最好的老师。 Experience _the best teacher.那是一次不愉快的经历。That was _ unhappy experience.【拓展】experience 还可用作动词,意为“体验;经历”,后面一般接名词。例如:你体验过艰苦吗? Have you _ the hardship?(2 )so far 意为“_”,可与up to now互换使用,常用于_的句子中。例如:到目前为止,我见过那个老人三次。I _ _ the old man three times so farexercise: 1. Mr Chen has much _ in teaching.2. Can you tell me about your _ when you were in Beijing?3. Everyone _ these problems at some time in their lives.3. Ive learnt a bit of tai chi, and I really enjoy it. 我学了一点太极拳,并且我非常喜欢它。a bit of 意为“_”,后接_名词。a bit 意为“一点”,用于修饰动词、形容词和比较级。【拓展】a little 也意为“一点”,可以直接修饰


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