外研社三年级起第八册 Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please教案

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《外研社三年级起第八册 Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研社三年级起第八册 Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please教案(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研社三年级起第八册 Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please.一、 教案背景1面向学生:小学六年级学生 2学科:小学英语3课时:第1课时4课前准备:(1)通过网络收集有关中西方快餐或饮食文化的资料。(2)查询课本内容以外的快餐名称。(3)课前准备:课件、录音机、磁带、单词卡片、各种小贴画(苹果、桔子、桃、草莓)、食物图片.二、教学课题Book8 Module 1 Unit 1I want a hot dog, please.三、教材分析教学内容 :外语教学与研究出版社(三起点)新标准英语第8册Module1 Unit 1 I want a hot do

2、g, please.教学目标(1)能会说并认读下列单词:hot dog, hamburger, want, really, dollar, cent.(2)能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:What do you want?I want a hot dog, please.How much is it?Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.四、教学方法:备课时我通过网络收集了有关中西方快餐或饮食文化的资料,查询课本内容以外的快餐名称,找了一些教案和材料作参考,了解到教学的重点和难点,确定课堂教学的思路和方法。然后根据本节课堂教学需要,利用百度搜索汉堡制

3、作视频,课堂放给学生观看,引起学生兴趣。热身复习任务呈现课文教学合作探究课后拓展五、教学过程:1、热身复习T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: Im Miss Zhu. Glad to meet you . Ss: Glad to meet you, too.T: Do you like English?Ss: Yes, I do.T: In this class, we are going to study together. Now, “Do as I say, not as I do.”Children,

4、 are you ready?Ss: Ready! T: Eat rice, please. (同时模仿喝水的动作。)学生要根据老师发出的指令做动作,而不能简单地模仿老师的动作。(设计意图:通过老师带领全班做TPR活动来有意识多操练“eat”和“drink”这两个动词,把学生引到学习英语的环境中,同时复习以前学过的一些食物和饮料的名称,为后面的教学进行铺垫。)2、任务呈现T: Now, I feel hungry and thirsty. I want to have something to eat and drink. Can you give me some suggestions?Ss

5、: noodles, rice, meat, dumplings, moon cake, milk, juice(通过播放百度上搜索到的食物图片,复习以前学过的一些食物和饮料的名称,激发学习兴趣。)(出示食物图片,让学生看图回答。)T: I want some noodles. Now lets play the first game:What do you want? Can you tell me?S1: I want some rice.S2: I want some meat.S3:I want some juice。T: Ok, Lets see what do Daming , S

6、imon and Simons dad want? 老师引导学生看SB第一单元活动一 ,仔细观察图片,充分发挥想象,努力理解课文中Daming , Simon and Simons dad在美国一家快餐店用餐的场景。3、课文教学S1: 齐读 Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please.,开火车读。T: What do you want? (引导学生说出热狗这一食物。)Ss: I want a hot dog, please.T: Listen and answer:Is it really a dog? Ss: No, it isnt.(出示网上搜索到的热狗的图片,进一步引

7、导学生说出Daming想要吃热狗)T: What does Daming want ?S1: He wants a hot dog.T:Very good, He wants a hot dog. What does Simon want? S1: Ss: I want a hot dog, pleaseT: Right. Please read after me :hamburger. Ss:齐读,分组读,掌握 hamburger.。T: How about you, can you tell me, and what do you want to drink? ( 出示网上搜索到的可乐的图

8、片,进一步引导学生说出Daming他们想要喝可乐,引导学生回答cola和colas.)S1: I want a cola, please. S2: I want two colas, please.T: You are excellent, you can have a sticker.T: Now children, How much is it? Write them on the paper, then tell your partner, lets see which one is the best one?(设计意图:教师 设计一个简单而明确的任务,让学生 自主学习,做课堂的小主人,

9、体现了教为主导,学为主体的教学理念。)(Students practice in pairs for five minutes.)After five minutes.T: Stop here, lets have a check. Now, who can answer: How much is it?S1: Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.T: You are great, you can have a sticker. Ss:齐读,开火车读 ,掌握dollar ,cent。(设计意图:小组合作学习简便易行,效果很好,学生的学习兴趣很高

10、。)T: Now lets play the second game: Lets go to the KFC,Are you happy?Ss: Yes.T: What do you want? 出示单词卡片。S1: I want a cola, please.S2: I want a hot dog, please 。S3: I want a hamburger, please. T: How much is it?S1: It is three dollars and seventy-five cents.S2: Its one dollar.S3: It is two dollars.

11、(设计意图:教师创设真实的情境, 复习巩固单词,学生易于接受。)T: Now lets play the third game: Listen and answer.At a fast food restaurant.Waitress: Hello! What do you want to eat?Amy: I want a hot dog, please.Waitress: And to drink?Amy: Nothing, thank you.Waitress: And what do you want to eat?Sam: I want a hamburger, please.Wai

12、tress: And to drink?Sam: A cola, please.Waitress: And you?Man: I want a hot dog, a hamburger and two colas , please . Im really hungry!(设计意图:通过听对话完成表格,既锻炼了学生的听力,又进一步巩固了本课时的重点和难点,升华了本单元的基础知识。)答案:HamburgerHot dogColaAmy1Sam11Man112Total224 4、拓展练习T: Now, lets play a game: 美食大比拼Ask and answer :请几名同学上台,手

13、举各种食品的单词卡代表各种食品,老师向全体同学提出问题:What do you want? 请单个同学用“I want”回答,台上的学生听到自己代表的食品时就前进一步,最先走下台去的学生所代表的就是最受欢迎的美食。Lets look at picture 1,who can say: What do you want? Ss: I want.(设计意图:这个 游戏要求学生熟练掌握已经学过的一些食物和饮料的名称,用英语点餐,拓展学习内容。)5、课后作业T: Boys and girls, time is up. Todays homework: Please say something abou

14、t: “What do you want?”and “I want”. Next class, Im going to ask some of you to show.设计一个以食品为主题的调查表,调查家人想吃些什么食品,使用“What do you want?”and “I want”.句型进行回答,把获得的信息填入调查表,进行统计分析,做好下一节课在课堂上想大家汇报的准备。(设计意图:课后作业的设计有效地拓展了课堂学习内容,锻炼了学生实际运用英语交际的能力,同时,也为下一节课的学习做好了铺垫。) T: Class is over. Goodbye, children.Ss: Goodbye.



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