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1、南京医科大学留学生科学型博士研究生培养流程Cultivation Schedule of Scientific Type Doctor Students, NMU一、准入条件:(Admission Standards)专业限制见各专业具体要求,其他以招生审核为主。No extra requirements, basing on the review of the application profile.二、培养过程:(Cultivation Process)时间/Time内容/Content第一学年第一学期1st Semesterof 1st Year新生入学教育Entrance Educat

2、ion国际教育学院组织新生入学教育。对学生进行常规入学教育和着重介绍研究生期间的课程设置、培养流程及毕业要求等。The School of International Education (SIE) is responsible for organizing the entrance education for new students which include the regular entrance education, the detailed introduction for the curriculum setting for masters programs, cultivati

3、on process, graduation process, etc.依据培养方案确定研究生的学位课程,国际教育学院组织开设公共课程。The secondary schools where the programs are located are responsible for the degree courses arrangement as required by the cultivation plan, and the School of International Education (SIE) organizes the public courses.师生见面会Meeting b

4、etween Teachers &Students导师所在二级学院组织师生见面会。导师及指导小组对学生提出具体要求和培养目标。Supervisors of the secondary schools organize meetings between teachers and students. Supervisors and the Guidance team present the exact requirements and cultivation objectives. 入学三个月内In 3 Months after Admission完成研究生培养计划的制定。Complete the

5、 cultivation scheme for masters programs.入学半年内In Half Year after Admission完成本学期学位课程学习。Degree courses study.第一学年第二学期2nd Semester of 1st Year完成学位课程学习(如有);在导师指导下查阅文献资料,确定研究课题。Complete degree courses if any; review the relevant literature under the guidance of supervisors and determine the research topi

6、c.第二学年第一学期1st Semester of 2nd Year本学期结束前完成开题报告、中期考核。查阅文献,完成综述;开始课题研究。Complete the thesis opening report and mid-term Examination by the end of this semester. Review literature and complete overview writing; get down to topic research。第二学年第二学期2nd Semester of 2nd Year继续课题研究. Continue subject research.

7、导师或指导小组开设专业课和专业汉语课,其他课程由所在学院或学科开设,国际教育学院负责检查督促。Supervisors or the guidance team set academic courses and Chinese Language course, the other courses set by the secondary schools or the discipline departments; the School of International Education (SIE) is in charge of the teaching inspection.第三学年第一学期

8、1st Semester of 3rd Year完成课题研究。对研究结果加以总结,发表与研究内容密切相关的科研论著,发表的刊物均需符合我校授予学位的相关要求。Continue topic research and clinical skills training. Summarize the findings, and publish papers which are closely related to the personal research topic, which should comply with the requirements of NMU degree conferment

9、. 第三学年第二学期2nd Semester of 3rd Year撰写学位论文,申请答辩并进行论文评审。每年在4月20日之前提交答辩申请,并于6月15日之前完成答辩。Write thesis and apply for dissertation defense & review. Submit the thesis defense application by April 20 of this semester, and complete the defense by June 15. 三、申请学位文章要求:(Paper Requirements for Application for th

10、e Degree)参照中国科学型博士申请学位文章要求。The requirements are the same as Chinese Scientific Type Doctor Students.南京医科大学留学生专业型博士研究生培养流程Cultivation Schedule of Professional Type Doctor Students, NMU一、准入条件(Admittance Requirements):1. 初次来中国留学,且申请临床(口腔)专博的留学生应提供执业医师执照。Those applicants who firstly come to China, shoul

11、d provide Doctors License to Practice.2. 其他条件由国教院招生办公室审核. Other conditions in the application pro be reviewed by the enrollment office of SIE.二、培养过程(Training Process):时间/Time内容/Content第一学年第一学期1st Semesterof 1st Year入学师生见面会Meeting between Teachers & Students确定研究生学位课程。国教院统一开设公共必修课和选修课,专业课和专业汉语由导师与指导小组

12、负责,国教院教务办和学院监督检查。 Determine the graduate student degree courses. The School of International Education (SIE) open public compulsory courses and elective courses and specialized courses and professional Chinese language are responsible for the supervisor and the guidance team, academic affairs office

13、 and school supervise and inspect.入学三个月内In 3 Months after Admission完成研究生培养计划制定。Complete the cultivation scheme for masters programs.完成学位课程学习。Complete degree courses study.第一学年第二学期2nd Semester of 1st Year按照要求,进入临床科室进行住院总培训。According to requirements, access to the clinical departments for total traini

14、ng in hospital.第二学年第一学期1st Semester of 2nd Year住院总培训期间进行会诊分析、急诊抢救、有一定难度病案或手术分析,旨在有所突破和创新。During the total training in hospital ,conduct analysis of consultation、emergency rescue, case and surgery analysis with certain difficulty which is aimed at breakthrough and innovation.第二学年第二学期2nd Semester of 2

15、nd Year继续住院总培训,同时完成专业课和专业汉语等的学习并取得学分。Go on the total training in hospital, complete and get scores of specialized courses and professional Chinese language at the same time. 第三学年第一学期1st Semester of 3rd Year担任主任医师助理,能对下级医师进行指导;重点掌握专科临床技能,加强考核其理论知识的运用和临床思维能力。Serve as assistant of chief physician, guide for doctors at a lower level; grasp specialized clinical skills and strengthen application for the use of theoretical knowledge and clinical thinking ability.第三学年第二学期2nd Semester of 3rd Year完成临床论文并发表文章,申请答辩。每年在4月20日之前提交答辩申请,并于6月15日之前完成答辩。Complete the clinical thesis、publish articles and apply for



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