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1、2 Module1 be conn e cted=b e r el awit h ted t osth.和保持健康2 0 keep usfit/heal t h y保持我们的身有联系体健康2t akee xerc i se= e xe rcise21befitfor锻炼适合3 be crazyab ou t2 2 be off wo rk作,休息迷恋2 3beo u tofworkgocrazy失业变得疯狂24b eatwork4 h ave at e mp e rat u re/fever在上班发烧25 k e ep away使离5liedown开躺下26atleast6beginwith至

2、少以开始27atmost7 put - i nt o将投至多入28 be worri e d/anxious abou t为8 beco me/fa 1 li1 1而担忧生病2 9 b ea n xio u sfor9headt ow ards/t o/for -渴望朝前进3 0bea n xious for sb to do1 0c atc h/getac old渴望sb做感冒31 see sbdoing看至ij sb正11getflu在做染上流感32makesure12havea s weettoot h确保,确实好吃甜食33 wo u1 d rather d o13 get/ beinj

3、ure d宁愿做受伤wouldrat her sb did sth .宁愿某人做某1 4ret ur nt ono rm a l事(过去时表示现在和将B o ok1h恢复正常eal t h yfit/19 ke e p15 above normal准超过正常标ldra来的情况)sb had dong宁愿某人做某事(过去完成时表示过去1 6 below于正常标准normal17 breath e深呼吸18de e ply=tadeepre a t h3节食情况)beona d ieta th35 a点儿b itof一点儿,有上气不接下气c踹口气atchone sbrath屏住呼吸h oldeat

4、h3缺课3支付michor 38free heare sy stem39theproblemwith的问题4 0 have probl ems with 有一的问题41 pick sb up(用车)接某人42 be pr i vatel yowned.私人拥启4 3 I rarely getto o thach e .=Rarely d oI gett o othach e .我很少牙痛、4 4 . Th isisbecau se 这是因为4 5 . m ak eaPr e d ict ion进行预测46.co ntri b uteto 把贝献于免费医疗体系禁止ce做某rests破门进入一个大

5、与某人有关听s th. 就14.give up弃15.sh ar e- -wit hs b和s b分享16. c 0mp are把比做1 7 .com pare wit h 把做比较c 0mp a re dw i与比18 . do/make a s urvery个调查19 .make a list o f一个名单2 0 . s to p sb fr o m doi n g s b做某事keep sb from doingpreve n t sb f rom doi n g21.a g a ins tth el违法breakthe1a违法obeythe1a守法to和th/to做一列阻止a www

6、2 2 .un d在治疗中ermedical tre atment23. c o ntinue t继续做o do= c on t inue do in g放24.off e r sb s th=of f er sth to sb向sb提47. Take more exercise _or you wi ll be co me ill.多锻炼锻炼身体,否则你就会生病的。Take more e xerc ise an d you w i 1 1 become rea 1 l y fit.多锻炼锻炼身 体,你就会变得健康。4 8. Im c a p ta i n o f the class te a

7、matschool.我在学校是班级足球队的队长。Mod ule 21 be/be c ome/get addic t ed to sth.对某物上瘾2 b e i n dang er 处于危险之中3 b e ou t of danger脱离危险4 ban s b fro m doing sth. 某人做某事ban d o i ng 止做某事5 The re is a ban on 一个关于禁令6 affect=hav e an effe c t on 有影响influe n c e=hav e an i nf 1 ue7 . N o po i nt (in) d o ing st h事没有意义

8、8 D e v e lop int e 培养兴趣9 . break into a hous e房子1 0 . b re a k into t ears哭起来11 . be rela t ed to sb.系/关联12 .ta ke/fo 1 lo w o nes advice从某人建议gi v e s b s o me advi c e on 某事向某人建议1 3. i n or d er to(句首句中),so as to(句中)为了,以便供sth44.reduceto25. ca use many death s导致许多减少到人死亡reduceby26.i 1 Inesses (which

9、 are)re 1 a t e d to s mok i减少了ng和吸烟后关的疾病45.I co uldn t agree mo re我再27. die0 fh u nge r同意不过了死于饥饿46. That s a g ood p oint.后道28.diefr 0 m a nacc i d ent理死L起事故Toth ep oin t29.Thisi s m y tre a t切题我请客47.p a r ti c ipate intr e at sb. to sth.用某物参与款待某人4 8.d i st r actf r omtr e at sb .as 把某分心人视为Module 3

10、30.a hea r t a t tack一次心1. sb. is i mp r essed with sth.某人对杲事脏病发作印象深刻3 1 .as ksb f or mo n e y=um press sb. with sth.向sb要钱st h. m ak e a good i m pr e ssion o n sb.某32.be i n pain处于痛事给某人苦之中留下好印3 3 . t ake sth. t o sw .把某象物带到某地2. split up分裂,分割,离34.leav e scho o l辍异/婚学,离开学校3. mak e/t ake a not e of记录,

11、35.minddoing做笔记开忌做takenote of = tak enotice o f36.inpublic注意到当众地4. compa r e notes with sb.与某人37.thepublic交换意见公众与某人互道38.set/f i x a d ate确te一个感想日期5. changeinto 把39.increaseto 变成增加到6. m usi cin s t r u m ents40.increas eby 乐器增加了7 . of all t ime有41.bythistime史以来到这时为止8. something wonder f ul很精彩的某种42.du

12、ring t he 1990s一十世纪东四九十年代9 .the res t o f his l i f ein the 199 Os / 1990s他的余生4 3. i n ject i nto注10.godeaf入笠聋1 1 . No wa y !没门,不可能12. at an early age在很小的时候13. a 1 e ad i ng/to p composer 个优秀的/ 首席作曲家14.receive manypr i zes获得了许多奖15. p 1 ay the violin /pian o演奏小提琴钢琴16. have t alen t fo r 具有的天赋17. s h ow tale nt for表现出对的天赋a tal e n t e d mus i cia n一个启人赋的音乐家18


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