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1、公开课教案:运用逻辑关系来解答七选五Tecing aims:1.To help sudets nertancohesion n te otext;2.To l estudent et somskl o Gap-flligin h NME.Tecin imprtan and dffcult pints:.Get soe sills of Ga-illinginthME adn coesion;.Apl theriesto prctie.Teaching Poedures:Sp 1: Waing up. Ask sudns to reathollowing2 psses and tinkbout

2、th question:ha method deste torse o deelop te ext?AQ: he ethod theauhr ses todevete tet is_Some chemialscn cas fo oisonig. hey eoften add t fo hlit ibein gown, rocesed,orepred.Forexaple, m farmrs sray(喷洒)chemls optkill wed ninsects.Som pel may ae bad an to hse chemicls whntheyeat thes.B: he mthdteau

3、thor useodevelo t tex s _.Make yur tme wrth it When dfind imeto ooa meal, mae most f t ad sveyouself tim lar n. Are youaing oneoafof brd? Mak hr or four intd.It aes aroun the sameamout of meto make mre ofsothng. o sve yourself e efort r a futremal2Intrusom ai racsi of Gap-flingt 2: Psntation of slls

4、 d methos常用逻辑关系: 因果关系 并列递进关系 转折关系 解释关系 例证关系因果关系 常用词:_Ex1: It s aood thng tota ntouh ever, ry not opress yor nefren with cas, messag orvst as this wul likey wahim er ot ad finallyyou may se your rind _ Thebest fendships ae he oes that grwnaturall Makin new friends comesesyfor some peole.B For a iendh

5、ipto develop you ned t stayi tchC So ouwill ed ogie you frinte to ract to y.Ex 2: (全国) Prtsshold heteir cilen understndmoney _So umay sr takin aout moey when your hi shs an intestin byn things, cndy ts, formpeAskyorslf what thngs tht cot mone are m imrtano ou. ou shol teach yorchildrtheauo mone sry

6、as posile.C. The bt time otch a child nthi about money is whn h sowsn intrest.并列递进关系 常用词:_Ex 1:Enoy yor friendhip The bst ay njo you fensips toalow urfriends to be themeve _ ry not tchng hm from wh heyae towh o wantthe o be.ecomethe kind ofrin yu will w yur frento be o you.A. Doot aito bespon o. B T

7、r not tond fult wih ou rends. . akie reds comes eas for some peope.Ex 2:You wil wat t takenot during lassromdissons andil reding a textbookor dng research or reor. _ Wener or hwevr ou ae noes, keep in int ntaing a scti processA. Otheise, omay no be ale to read yountes lae. You will asowant tdeveop y

8、ourownmeh for takin notsC Tat meas youmst frst decide whts importa enoughto incld in younte.转折关系 常用词:_x 1: Friendshi is vey mpotanthuman relatinship ad eeyoe eeds oo frieds.Good frindshi hs mny benefs. It ofsompanionhip, improes elf-rh nd promotesgod heat. Ther r tims in lives sch swhenwe a recenty

9、oed ino a nen, or hned ur jbs o schools. uc chanes ot av s withou afriend. _ Bt for may ofs the prosisdfficut an require courae.Beo are somehelpfu ugestonson hotomaeand kee friends. . D ot wait to be sokento.B.Trynt to fid ulith ou friendC Making nwendcos asy fr soe eope.Ex 2: You didlose “everythin

10、”. Onc trust s lost,hati left? nstead f loing atth situton o is hpeless angle, lookat everyhng yu stilhve and b thanfl for l f the good in our lie. _ Instea, its a healty wto work tough the eperece o lw romor positiv grwthnd rgiens. hyv en too badlyhurt and thycantbeatolet i happenagain. hs knowlge

11、cres oer in eir attue toard thrfutur reatinhs.C. Seeinth positieideof things doesnt enore gnoi wat happened.解释关系 常用词:_解释例证关系是指背面的句子对前面的句子作解释(是什么)、引申(有本意引出新意)、例证(举例阐明)、使意思更加明了,具体。Ex : (全国II) _ Thmaysurpriseu, bt one f tettosfr aknong wot your ti exprimenationt give uhe hance o hitpn nw ideas and recies thatcan wok wll withyur apttean schedule. h oeyo learn andte mor you ry, the bettrailtyo hae o ake conrol of ourood



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