剑桥预备级下册期末测试题(DOC 4页)

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《剑桥预备级下册期末测试题(DOC 4页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《剑桥预备级下册期末测试题(DOC 4页)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 ENGLISH PRE-STARTERS Name_ Teacher _ Point _听 力一、 圈出你所听到的单词。(20分)1. pear carrot mango banana2. turtle giraffe socks T-shirt3. glasses shorts spider sheep4. plane train bike jeep5. ship bus car mouth6. red yellow green pink 7. my his her their8. nine ten seven six9. body hands hair farm10. rabbit mo

2、use snake parrot二. 圈出你所听到的句子的序号(10分)1.AWhat can you see? B. I can see a big book .CD0 you like apples? 2. A. Tell me please. B. Jump and touch . C. Catch and count3. A. Whats he doing? B. Whats she doing? C. Whats they doing ? 4. A. You and I. B. He and she. C.We and you5. A.Im Nick. B. Shes Pat . C

3、. Hes Tom 6. A. I like cats. B. I like dogs. C. I like ducks.7. A. Hes taking a bath. B. Hes having supper. C.Hes watching TV.8. A. We are going to school by bus. B. We are going to school by car C.We are going to school by bike.9. A.This is a hand. B. This is an ear. C.This is a leg.10.A. Whos that

4、? B. Whose book is it? C.Whats your name?笔试一、给下列单词选出合适的反义词,并写到横线上。(6分)sad cold short old small right happy_ left_ tall_ young_ big_ hot_ 二、给下列句子选出合适的答语。(15分)( )1. What can you see?A.This is big. B. I can see a big book. C. I like cats. D. This is Aa.( )2. Do you like apples?A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I d

5、ont.C. No, I do. D. Yes, I can.( )3. Whats your name?A. My name is Lin Hua. B. His name is Tom. C. Her name is Ann. D. Its name is Bobby.( ) 4.Hello! Whose book is it?A. I like playing football. B. Thank you very much. C. Come on. D. Maybe its my book.( ) 5.Where are you going?A. We are going there

6、by ship. B. I dont like trousers.C We are going to shang hai三、连线(22分) reading 钓鱼running 读书fishing 踢足球swimming 跑步playing football 游泳singing 唱歌jumping 加油come on 一枝钢笔dancing 跳舞a pen 跳thank you 谢谢四、从下面字母中选出合适的字母组合,填到横线上,使其组成单词。(7分)( ne th y f tw pp c )O (一) O(二) ree(三) ive(五) a le(苹果) e e(眼睛) at(猫)五、给下列

7、词语选出合适的英语单词(10分)( ) 1.火车 A. train B. bus C. cat D. plan( ) 2.土豆 A. carrots B. potato C. peas D. onions( ) 3.红色 A. yellow B. red C. green D. black( ) 4.夹克衫 A.glasses B.dress C.handbag D. jacket( ) 5.手提包 A. dress B. cap C. mirror D. handbag六、把下面的句子翻译成汉语。(10分)1.What do you like doing? 2. Do you like oranges? 3. What can you see? 4. What animals do you like? 5. Thank you very much. 家长签字留言:



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