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1、精品文档高考英语听力必备场景词汇精选听力的短对话和长对话部分,其话题范围涉及学习、工作、衣食住行等场景。英语是模式化的语言,固定场景只会用固定词汇,所以分场景总结记忆听力词汇,效果更佳。A. 校园1. subject n.学科2. major n.专业3. course n.课程4. math/maths/mathematics数学5. physicsn.物理6. chemistry n.化学7. biologyn.生物8. politicsn.政治9. historyn.历史10. geography n.地理11. computer n.电脑12. literature n.文学13. a

2、rt n.艺术14. P.E.( physical education) n.体育15. science n.科学16. middle-term exam n.期中考试17. final exam n.期末考试,18. testn.测验19. quiz n.小测验20. marks/grades分数21. homework/assignment n.家庭作业22. task n.任务23. lecture n.演讲24. text book课本25. campus n.校园26. public school公立学校,27. private school私立学校,28. term/semeste

3、r学期29. president/headmaster/principal校长,30. professor教授B.图书馆1. library n.图书馆2. librarian n.图书管理员3. library card借书证4. bookshelf n.书架5. author/writer作者 / 作家6. novel 小说7. story-book故事书8. picture book图画书9. science fiction科幻小说C. 交通运输1. means transportation交通工具2. by plane/airplane/air乘飞机3. by train/expres

4、s train乘火车 / 特快列车4. by taxi/cab乘出租车5. by bus乘公交车6. by coach乘长途汽车7. by bike /bicycle乘自行车31. lecturer讲师32. primary school student小学生33. middle school student中学生34. freshman 大一新生35. monitor n.班长36. assistant n.助手,助理37. scholarship奖学金38. tuition n.学费39. classroom n.教室40. playground n.操场41. dormitory n.寝

5、室42. dining-hall n.食堂,餐厅43. lab/laboratory n.实验室44. library n.图书馆45. language lab语音室46. reading room阅览室46. Bachelor s degree 学士学位47. Master s degree 硕士学位48. Doctor s degree博士学位49. Students card 学生证50. have a lesson上课51. cut a class逃课52. be absent from class缺课53. preview vt.预习54. go over/review vt复习5

6、5. take an exam参加考试56. pass the exam考试及格57. fail(in) the exam考试不及格58. take part in the English Speech contest参加英语演讲 比赛10. newspaper 报纸11. magazine 杂志12. reference book参考书13.borrow books借书14. keep the books for two weeks书借两周15. renew vt续借16. return the books还书17. overdue借书逾期18. pay a fine交罚款8. by boa

7、t/ship/sea乘船9. by subway/underground乘地铁10. walk/on foot步行11. airport n.机场12. railway station /train station火车站13. subway station地铁站14. bus stop公交站点。1 欢迎下载15. booking office/ticket office售票处16. waiting room候车室17. platform站台18. fare车费19. ticket罚单,车票20. driver s license驾照21. driver n.司机22. conductor n.

8、售票员23. passenger乘客24. policeman警察25. officer n.警官26. pedestrian/passer-by路人,行人27. garage修车库29. parking lot停车场30. tunnel隧道31. carriage车厢32. express way/high way高速公路33. one way street单行道D. 机场1. airport机场2. flight航班3. flight number航班号4. Welcome on board欢迎登机5. plane/airplane飞机6. book a ticket订票7. one wa

9、y ticket单程票8. round trip ticket往返票9. timetable时间表10. destination目的地11. nonstop/direct flight直航12. take off起飞13.departure time起飞时间14. check in登记15. boarding card登机牌D. 电话1. telephone电话2. mobile phone/cellphone手机3. smartphone智能手机4. pay phone公用电话5. telephone box/booth电话亭6. operator接线员7. long-distance ca

10、ll长途电话 ,8. answering machine留言机9. put/get through接通电话10. dial the wrong number拨错号码11. hold on/hang on不要挂断F. 医院1. hospital医院2. clinic诊所3. doctor医生4. surgeon 外科医生5. physician内科医生精品文档34. sidewalk/pavement人行道35. rush hours交通高峰期36. traffic jam交通堵塞37. traffic rules交通规则38. traffic lights交通灯39. heavy traffi

11、c拥挤的交通40. car accident事故41. over speed超速42. run the red light闯红灯43. park vt.停车44. give sb a ride让某人搭便车45. break down汽车抛锚46. flat tire爆胎47. fix/repair修理48. departvi出发departure n.出发49. see sb off给某人送行50. meet sb/pick sb up接某人51. drop sb off中途载某人16. security check安检,17. fasten the safety / seat belt系好安

12、全带18. land着陆19. behind schedule晚点20. cancel取消21. luggage/baggage行李22. suitcase行李箱23. passport护照24. visa签证25. captain机长26. pilot飞行员27. flight attendant/airhostess空姐28. first class/business class/economy cabin头等舱 / 商务舱 / 经济舱12. hang up挂断13. leave a message留言14. take a message捎口信15. chargevt.充电16. give sb a call / ring给某人打电话17.The line is bad/ busy / engaged.电话占线18.Who s speaking?/Who s that?请问是哪位?19.Hello! This is speaking喂,我是。20. hold on, please/hold the line稍等片刻21.I will call back later.我一会再打6. dentist牙医7. nurse护士8. patie



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