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1、Unit Two ESTABLISHING BUSINESS RELATIONS1.We learn from your letter of April 1 that you are interested in establishing business relations with us for the purchase of our tools.我们从你方4月1日的来信中获悉,你方有意向与我公司建立业务关系并购买我公司的工具。2. Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counsellor s Office of our

2、Embassy in the U.K., we avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relation with you. 从我国驻英国大使馆商务处获知贵方名称和地址,我们借此机会荣幸地写信给你们,以寻求是否有和你们建立业务关系的可能。 3. Through the courtesy of Mr.Freemen, we are given to understand that you are one of the leading importers of

3、electric goods in your area and wish to enter into business relation with us.承蒙弗立门先生的好意,我方得知贵公司是贵地的主要的电器产品进口商之一,并希望与本公司有业务关系。 4.We have come to know the name of your corporation and have the pleasure of writing this letter to you in the hope of establishing business relation with you. 我方已得知贵公司的名字,很荣

4、幸可以写这封信给贵公司,希望我们与贵公司能建立业务关系。 5. Your desire to establish direct business relations with us coincides with ours.贵公司愿与我公司建立直接的业务关系的想法与我公司非常契合。6.We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 我方很愿意在平等互利的基础上,与贵公司建立业务关系。7.The Chase bank has inf

5、ormed us that you are one of the leading importers of tools and instruments and that you are interested in trading with us in these lines. For your selection, we are sending you a list of the items which might be suitable to your market requirements.摩根大通银行已经告知我方贵公司是主要的工具设备的出口商之一。同时贵公司也有意向在这些产品上和我方进行

6、贸易往来。通过贵公司的筛选后,我们将寄予贵公司一系列适合市场需求的产品项目。 8. Your company has been introduced to us by R.G. Nelson&CO.Ltd. as prospective buyers of Chinese sewing machines. As we deal in sewing machines, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you. 我们已通过R.G. 尼尔森公司的介绍了解到贵公司是中国缝纫机的潜在买家。因为我方经营的是缝

7、纫机,所以我方很乐于与贵公司达成直接的业务关系,9.We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of a wide range of electric fans and air conditioners.兹介绍我公司是各种电风扇和空调的主要进口商之一。10.To acquaint you with the light industrial goods we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, several pamphlets for your re

8、ference. 为了让贵公司熟悉我方经营的轻工业产品,我们已通过单独的航空邮件寄给你方许多小册子,供你方参考。11.Specializing in the export of Chinese foodstuffs, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line. 我公司专门从事中式食物的出口,希望能与贵公司在这个方面建立贸易往来。12.Your letter expressing the hope of entering into business connection with us has been receiv

9、ed with thanks.我们很感谢能收到贵公司表示希望与我方建立业务联系的来信。 UNIT THREE STATUS ENQUIRIES1.Will you please be so kind as to furnish us with details, as exact as possible, as to the credit which may be safely allowed to the firm whose name is given on the attached slip.劳烦贵公司提供我方有关所附纸条上注明的公司的信用情况,越准确越好。 2.Messrs,Schnei

10、der&Kern have given us your name as a reference respecting their financial standing. Will you please inform us, in confidence, of the extent of their resources and also as to their reputation. Schneider & Kern公司推荐我方向贵方了解他们的金融财务状况。请贵方告知他们的资金财力和信誉情况,一切保密。 3.We should be obliged if you would inform us,

11、 in confidence, whether your business relations with Messrs.J.A.Hussain Co. during the past would lead you to advise us to allow them 3 months credit, without security, to the amount of US$6.000.00贵公司如能以保密的形式告知我方过去与J.A.Hussain公司的业务关系,以帮助我方判断是否可以提供J.A.Hussain公司3个月无担保的600.000美元的信用额度,我方将感激不尽。4. Any inf

12、ormation you can furnish as to their capital and reputation would be greatly valued and treated in confidence by us. 你们能够提供有关他们资金信誉的任何情况,我们都将十分珍视,并保密。5. We should be glad to know: a) whether they are in the wholesale trade; b) if their financial position is considered strong; c) if they are among le

13、ading wholesale firms in your city; d) whether they have the reputation of paying promptly; e) whether they have the reputation of keeping their engagements promptly and fully;f) what credit it would be safe to allow them; g) whether their credit is at all doubtful; h) whether they appear to have su

14、ffered very much from the strike in your district. 我们很乐意了解:(1)他们是否经营批发;(2)他们的财务状况是否很好;(3)他们是否是贵市的主要批发商;(4)他们是否付款及时;(5)他们是否及时彻底地守约;(6)他们的信用贷款是否充足;(7)他们的信用是否可靠;(8)他们是否在贵地有工人罢工的麻烦。 6. This is a case in which caution is necessary and we suggest that you make additional enquiries through an agency. We ac

15、cept your assurance that the information we have give will be treated in strict confidence and regret that we cannot be more helpful.在此情况下,警告是必要的。同时我们建议你方能通过一个代理商来制定附加的咨询。我方接受你方的保证,我方给予的信息将被严格保密,反悔对双方都无好处。7. In reply to your enquiry dated 30th October 19 concerning Messrs. Willing & Co. , Sheffield,

16、 we are pleased to say that we have every confidence in the uprightness of this firm.兹回复你方在19XX年10月30日对Willing公司的询问。我们很高兴地告知你方:对于该公司的诚信我们有足够的信心。 UNIT Four Enquiries And RepliesIV. Useful Expressions 1. As we are in the market for, we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotations.由于我方经营,因此贵公司如能将您认为最合适的报价告知我方,我方将很乐意。2. We have seen your advertisement in and shall



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