Unit 5 Nelson Mandela学案(新人教版必修1)

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1、金太阳新课标资源网 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero课前预习单词拼写1. We had a _(平静的)afternoon without the children.2. The drug was tested over a five-week _.(时期)3. He was permitted to _(继续) with his work while in prison.4. Youre putting me in rather a difficult _(形势).5. The hills were covered with a thick _(毛毯)

2、 of snow.6. In general, children of _(受到教育过的) parents tend to get better grades.7. When marchers gathered on a third day of protest, _(暴力)erupted and buildings were burned.8. The school has a system of _(奖金) and punishments to encourage good behavior 9. I was sure he was involved in some kind of _(罪

3、犯) activity .10. People fled in _(恐怖) as fire tore through the building.重点短语1.丧失勇气或信心 _ 2.处于不幸中,在监禁中 _ 3.担心 _ 4.失业 _ 5.青年团 _ 6.事实上_ 7.爆炸 _ 8.把投入监狱 _9.当权,上台 10.设立,建立_11被判处_ 12.乐于做某事_13积极参与_ 14.反对,同斗争_15充当,担任_ 16.信任,信仰_17放弃_ 18.用和平方式_19以暴力对抗暴力_ 20.在某点上,就某种意义上来说_小组探究课文理解Read the passage silently and qu

4、ickly tell whether they are true or false.(1)Elias met Nelson Mandela at school. ( )(2)Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer. ( )(3)Elias was unable to read or write because he was lazy. ( )(4)Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job。( )(5)Elias was happy blowing up the government buildings. ( )(6)Nelson

5、Mandela believed that black people were being treated as well as white people in South Africa. ( )(7)Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people.( )(8)The government were happy with Nelson Mandela and the ANC ( )Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.1.Elias was unh

6、appy in the prison because_A. he was kept with the criminals B. the prison guards studied with himC. he had to studyD. he could not study for a degree2.Nelson Mandela showed how good a leader he was because_A. he fought the guards in prisonB. he refused to let the guards study in his schoolC. he let

7、 the guards study in his school but not take the exams.D. he let the guards study even though the prisoners could not take the exams3.Life for Elias was not too bad in prison because _ .A. he had to study B. he could study with the guards.C. he wanted to studyD. he could study and get a degree 4. As

8、 leader of South Africa, Nelson Mandela helped prisoners of Robben Island by_A. giving them an educationB. giving them moneyC. putting the guards in prisonD. giving them a job.全员探究Warming up1. What are the qualities you should find in a great person?你认为伟大的人物拥有什么品质?要点导航 quality U&C 质量;C(尤指好的)人品,素质,品德

9、(通常用复数)。例如:When costs are cut product quality suffers.一旦降低成本,产品质量就会受到影响Its very important 拥有一批高素质的教师是非常重要的。思维拓展 quality和quantity辨析:quality 表示 “质量”。和quality连用的动词有improve, judge;连用的形容词有poor, high, good, top等。例如:Their quality of life improved when they moved to France.他们移居法国之后生活质量提高了。This new model is

10、of high quality and is not expensive either.这种新型号质量非常好,而且也不贵。quantity 表示“数量”,常与large, small等词搭配。例如:He ate a small quantity of rice. 他吃了少量的米饭。 He died and left unpublished works.他死了,留下大量未及发表的作品。2. Are you willing to do Public service work without pay?你愿意不要报酬为公众服务吗?要点导航 willing adj.愿意,乐意;自愿的,乐于相助的。例如:

11、They keep a list of people who 他们有一份愿意夜间工作的人的名单。I told them 我告诉他们我非常乐于帮忙。 他们是志愿工作者。 思维拓展 表示“乐于帮助他人”的结构有: be ready/prepared to do somethingbe glad/happy/pleased to do somethingnot mind doing something问题探究 willing的两个含义,用法上有什么不同?提示: 注意willing在句中的位置。表示“愿意;乐意”,一般作表语;表示“自愿的;乐于相助的”,通常放在名词前作定语。3. Are you ac

12、tive in school activities?你积极参加学校活动吗?要点导航 active adj.积极的;活跃的。例如:What is the active ingredient in aspirin? 什么是阿司匹林中的有效成分?They were .他们两人在政治上都很积极。Although hes nearly 80, 尽管快80岁了, 他还是十分活跃。思维拓展 active构成的短语有:take an active part in 积极参加。例如:She takes an active part in school life.她积极参加学校活动。take active step

13、s 采取积极措施。例如:They took active steps to prevent the spread of the disease.他们采取积极措施,防止疾病蔓延。be active in 积极参加。例如:The company is active in promoting overseas investment. 这家公司积极促进国外投资。4. Do you easily lose heart when you are in trouble?当身处困难时,你容易失去信心吗?(1) lose heart要点导航 lose heart 丧失勇气或信心。例如:We mustnt when people complain.当人们抱怨时,我们不能泄气。思维拓展 lose ones heart to = fall in love with 爱上I had lost my heart to the little, golden flowers that brightened the meadows like a thousand suns. 我爱上了这种金黄色的小花, 它们象许许多多的太阳点燃了整个草原。This very thing


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