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1、 学海无涯 长喜导航2010年真题答案详解PART IDICTATIONFreshmens WeekBritain has a 1well-respected 2higher education system /and some of the top universities and research institutions in the world. /But to those who are new to 3this system, /it can sometimes be confusing.October is usually the busiest month in the 4ac

2、ademic calendar. /Universities have something called 5Freshmens Week for their newcomers. /Its a great opportunity to make new friends, /join lots of clubs and 6settle into university life.However, having just left the comfort of home and all your friends behind, /the prospect of meeting strangers i

3、n classrooms and dormitories can be worrying. / Where do you start? /And who should you make friends with? /Which clubs and 7societies should you 8join?Luckily, there will be thousands of others 9in the same boat as you. /They worry about starting their university social life 10on the right foot. /S

4、o just 11take it all in slowly. /Dont rush into anything that youll regret for the next three years.【听写提示】第一遍听音时掌握短文主题,记下关键词education system,universities,Freshmens Week等,这样便于把握一系列与主题相关的词和词组,如academic calendar,university life,dormitories,clubs,societies。1well-respected是由“副词+动词的过去分词”构成的复合形容词,类似的词有well

5、-known,well-established等,注意不要漏写中间的连字符。 2按照英语习惯,“高等教育”一般用higher education来表达,正如“高等数学”要用higher mathematics来表达一样。因此higher不能写成原级。3因为this词尾与system词首都发/s/音,故this的/s/音省略不发。考生容易将this误写成the。4academic calendar之间不完全爆破,calendar的拼写较有难度,考生可根据读音进行推断。5Freshmens Week属于专有名词,首字母需大写,第一个单词用的是复数名词的所有格形式。6 settle into uni

6、versity life意为“在校园里安顿下来,习惯于大学生活”,注意此处settle后接介词into。7societies在此与clubs并列,意思是“社团”,是可数名词,因clubs采用复数,根据逻辑societies也要用复数形式。8join作“参加,成为的成员”讲时是及物动词,后面没有in。9(be)in the same boat为固定搭配,意为“处于同样(常指不幸的)境地”。10on the right foot意思是“有一个顺利的开始;处于有利地位”,最后一个/t/音发音很轻。11注意这几个词之间的连读。PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION

7、 A CONVERSATIONSCONVERSATION ONE【听前预测】由题干和选项中的travelers,flight details,tour,price,travel insurance可以推测,该对话与旅行安排有关,可能涉及游客向旅行社询问乘飞机去旅游的具体安排情况。听音时注意旅游细节安排的电话核实、有关的费用说明,以及关于travel insurance的询问。【听力原文】W: Ok, so lets go through the travel details again. 1Two adults. Eight days in Britain from April 26 to M

8、ay 3. Flying from Beijing to London and back with Air China. And youre in a double room.M: Yes, thats right. Umdo you know what the flight times are?W: The outward flight from Beijing is, erlet me see. Yes, 10:30in the morning. And the return isI think, its early eveningyes7:15. Fifteen past seven i

9、n the evening. Local time, that is.M: Right, thats fine. Ohsorry. I cant remember 2what else you include in the price apart from the air tickets. Is it all meals or just breakfast?W: 2Yes, its full boardso all mealsand transport from the airport to your hoteleverythings included.M: Good.W: Now, can

10、you tell me if you need travel insurance?M: 3Yes, yes, we do.W: Ok, well, thats an extra 300 Yuan each. Is that OK?M: 3Well, there is no choice, is there? I mean, we have to have it, dont we?W: Yes, Im afraid so.M: 3Well, all right then.【答案解析】1. The following details have been checked during the con

11、versation EXCEPT【解析】选D。录音一开始,就是一位女士在核对旅行详情,然后提到Two adults. Eight days in BritainFlying from Beijing to LondonAnd youre in a double room.这里的Two与Eight分别对应A与B,“从北京飞往伦敦再飞回北京”显然是飞行细节,故C也排除,答案选D,对话只提到双人房间(double room),并未提及客房服务(room services.),2. What is included in the price?【解析】选D。男士不记得报价里除了包含机票费用还包括其他什么

12、费用,一日三餐还是只是早餐?”女士回答说该价格包含所有的餐费和从机场到宾馆的交通费用,答案很明显是D。 【点睛】听音前分析四个选项,air tickets与local transport几乎每个选项都有,因此,本题的听音重点在于捕捉价格中包括不包括一日三餐。3. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?【解析】选B。当男士被问及是否需要旅游保险时,他表示肯定。虽然之后在得知需要再交钱时试探性地询问这是否别无选择,但在得知不得不买的消息后说了Well, all right then.由此判断B“这名游客已准备买旅游保险了”正确。【点睛】听音前就通

13、过浏览选项得知本题的关键是捕捉有关travel insurance的信息,而且涉及到是否决定买旅游险的细节,因此注意依此锁定听音重点。CONVERSATION TWO【听前预测】预览各题干和各选项可知,该对话主角是Linda与Mark,从第4、5题可以推测Linda似乎在向Mark核实具体接待的人数,而且与机场接机有关;从第6、7题可知讨论涉及到一些表演的安排,据此推测本对话涉及到会议的安排与准备情况。【听力原文】M: Pan-Pacific Tours. How can I help you?W: Good afternoon. Can I speak to Mark please?M: S

14、peaking.W: Oh, hello Mark. This is Linda from Johnson & Sons Events.M: Hello, Linda. What can I do for you?W: I was just wanting to clear up a few details of the conference event were organizing.M: Right. What do you need to know?W: Well, first Ive got to have numbers, delegates to the conference, t

15、heir husband or wives and so on for the transport as much as anything else.M: 4So far weve got 183 who booked up. And we might get a few more.W: Does that include husbands and wives as well?M: Not really. Ill email you the exact number because I havent counted them yet.W: Fine.M: And there will be 6 guest speakers.W: Six?M: Yes. Who want picking up from the airport by car not in a fleet of buses.W:



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