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1、2022年五年级英语上册Unit2Doyouwantsomerice教案1湘少版一、教学目标1、能听懂、会说、会读新单词 water, soup, vegetables, breakfast, lunch, supper, pepper, salt;2、在小组活动中能灵活运用句型“Do you want some?”“Yes please. / No ,Thank you.”进行对话。二、教学重点及难点重点:将本单元新单词熟练灵活地运用于句型“Do you want some?”难点:理解新单词的含义。三、教学准备一杯水、一碗汤、一小瓶盐、一小瓶胡椒粉、单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。四、教学

2、步骤Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。2.复习句型。游戏Happy passing (快乐传真)教师将“Do you want some?”“Yes please. / No ,Thank you. I want some ”小声地告诉每一组的第一个学生,该生通过手势或口型传给后面的同学,依次传递,各组最后一名学生说出句子。传得又快又准的一组为胜。 Step 2 Presentation and drill1. 教单词water。T: Im thirsty. I want something to drink.做动作,帮助学生理解。 S1:Do you want a cold

3、drink? T:No, Thank you. I want some water.指着桌上水杯里的水,帮助学生理解water的含义。出示单词卡片,板书单词,带读。2. 教单词soup, pepper, salt。1)T:Look! I have something to eat. Do you want to have a try?准备一碗汤,让学生上来尝。T:Is it delicious? Yes, its very delicious. What is is? Its soup.带读单词soup。T:Do you like soup? What soup do you like bes

4、t?S1:I like chicken soup.S1:I like tomato soup.帮助学生说出他们喜欢喝的汤的名称。2)出示装有盐的瓶子。T(将盐撒入汤里):Whod like have a try?让几个学生上来尝,并猜猜老师在汤里加了什么。T:Is the soup delicious now? Perhaps not. Because there is too much salt in it.将装盐的瓶子给大家看,带读单词salt。3)用类似的方法教单词pepper2. 教单词vegetables。出示一些蔬菜的图片,如cabbage(白菜),onion(洋葱),pea(豌豆

5、)等。T:What do you call them?Ss:T:Yes, they are all vegetables.带单词vegetables。T:Vegetables are good for our health. You should eat more vegetables. What kind of vegetables do you like best?Ss:4. 教单词breakfast,lunch,supper。1)教师边出示图片边给学生提示,学生猜出单词。T(出示表示早晨、吃面包、喝牛奶的图片):Morning. Eat bread. Drink mink.S1:早餐。T

6、:Yes. Breakfast.板书单词breakfast,带读。2)T:Look!Its twelve oclock. The girl is having lunch.板书单词lunch带读。3)用类似的方法教单词supper。Step 3 Practice1. 听课文B部分录音,跟读。2. 情景练习。T: Im hungry. I want something to eat.S: Do you want some rice?T: No, thank you.S2: Do you want some noodles?T: Yes, please. Thank you.S3: Do you

7、want some salt?T: No, thank you.S4: Do you want some pepper?T: Yes, please. Thank you. Its very delicious now. Do you like some pepper ?S5:Yes, please. / No, thank you.然后引导学生们就彼此的喜好互相进行调查了解。Step 4 Consolidation1. 小组活动。每个小组准备好pepper, salt, rice, noodles, cake, orange, apple等图片,通过交换卡片进行交际活动。S1: Do you want an orange?S2: OKS3: Do you want some milk?S4: Yes, please.S5: Do you want some pepper?S4: No, thank you.2. 评价。3. 练习。(见练习册P6)答案:B. 1. thank you; 2. please; 3. thank you; 4.please4. 家庭作业。


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