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1、#2016年公共英语五级考试全真模拟试题Part AYou will hear a talk.As you liste n.an swer Questi ons 1 to10 by circli ng True or False. You will hear the talk ONL Y ONCE.1、听录音:点击播放回答1-10题:Water is a ki nd of chemical substa nee.andTRUE/FALSE2、 Water is as importa ntas vitam ins, mi nerals protei ns for life.TRUE/FALSE3

2、、Women have more fat cells so women have less water.TRUE/FALSE4、Bone contains no water.TRUE/FALSE5、Warm water cant cool us, But cold water can.TRUE/FALSE6、Sugar in cold sweet drinks slows the fiquid from gett ing into the blood-stream.TRUE/FALSE7、Fat cells block body heat from escaping quickly.TRUE/

3、FALSE8、A 15% 20% drop in body water can cause the blood system to fail.TRUE/FALSE9、Health experts say that all kinds of people should dr ink at least about 2 liters of liquids every day.TRUE/FALSE10、Meats also contain water.TRUE/FALSEPart BYou will hear 3 conversationsor talks and you mustanswer the

4、 questions by choosing A, B, C or D.You will hear therecordi ng ONL Y ONCE.11、听录音,回答以下问题。What does the speaker suggest that the stude nts shoulddo duri ng the term?A. C on suit with her freque ntly.B. Use the computer regularly.C. Occupy the computer early.D. Walt for on es tur n patie ntly.12、What

5、service must be paid for?A. Computer classes.B. Tra ining sessi ons.C. Laser prin ti ng.D. Package borrow ing.13、What is the talk mai nly about?A. Computer lab services.B. College library facilities.C. The use of micro-computers.D. Pri ntouts from the laser prin ter.we14、听录音,回答以下问题。According to the

6、woman, what governs the clothes wear?A. A desire to express on eself and show on es wealth.Bn dividual taste and love for beauty.C.Love for beauty and a desire to impress other people.Dn dividual taste and a desire to express on eself.15、Judgi ng by the extraord in arily warm clothes some people wea

7、r, what might we lear n about them?A. They may be homesick and feel in secure.B. They are either cold or very sick.C. They may try to attract other peoples atte nti on.D. They want to protect themselves from physical injuries.16、what is the relatio nship betwee n the man and the woma n in the dialog

8、ue?A. Reporter and fashi on desig ner.B. Husba nd and wife.C. Shop assista nt and customer.D. Teacher and stude nt.17、听录音,回答以下问题。andWhat is this passage mainly about?A. The humannose as an organ for breathingsmelli ng.B. The nose provid ing us with various expressi ons.C. A woma n poets wish to have

9、 two no ses.Dn teresti ng comme nts made on Cleopatras no se.18、what does A pers on who is led around by the nose mean?A. A pers on who lets his in sti net guide him.B. A pers on who has no will of his own.C. A pers on who is decisive.D. A pers on who is full of imagi natio n and creativity.19、Who c

10、an be described as a man to have his noseput out of jo in t ?A. A gay man.B. A sick man.C. A man who wants to smell a flower.D. A man who feels hurt and depressed.20、What does it is as plain as the nose on your facemea n?At is easy to solve.B. Somethi ng looks like your no se.C. It is someth ing qui

11、te un dersta ndable.D. There is a pla in-look ing nose on your face.Part Cyou will hear a talk.As you listen.you must answer Questio ns 21-30 by writi ng by writ ing NO MORE THAN THREE words in he space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE.21、听录音,回答以下问题What did the speaker talk about

12、last time?22、What does the talk mainly concern?23、What does the speaker refer the activity of any orga ni zati on to?24、What does bus in ess concern usually do?25、What adva ntages does work have?26、What is behavioral man ageme nt based on?27、Why should a manager study behavioral man ageme nt?28、Acco

13、rding to the speaker, what does a manager haveto treat every one of his staff as?29、It sounds a bit un scie ntific that a good man ager israther than30、Behavioral management is very useful but is not fike scie ntific man ageme nt.Secti on II Use of En glish (15 mi nutes)31、回答31-50题:Children who grip

14、 their pens too close to the writing point are likely to be at a disadva ntage in exam in ati ons, (31) to the first serious investigation into the way in which writing tech nique can dramatically affect edu-cati onal achieveme nt.The survey of 643 children and adults, ranking frompre-school to 40-p

15、lus, also suggests (32)pen-holdi ngtechniqueshave detedorated sharply over one generation,with teachers now pay ing far ( 33 ) atte n-ti on to correct pen grip and han dwriti ng style.StephanieThomas, a learningsupport teacher (34)findings have bee n published, was in spired to in-vestigate this area (35) he noticed that those students who had the most trouble with spelling (36) had a poor pen grip. While Mr. Thomas could not establish a significantstatistical link (37)pen-holdingstyle and accuracy i



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