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1、Key to College English Extensive Reading 1窗体顶端V. Key to Lesson 1 Comprehension of the text. 1. 1) T2) F3) T4) F5) T6) F7) T8) T 2. 1) D2) B3) D4) D5) B6) D 31) 他安静,性情温和,时常心不在焉,对待金钱像个孩子。 2) 连Theo也不得不承认,即便他自己读,也不大可能读得像他一样流利。 3) 他的情绪受到很大干扰,无法换一种方式来表达同样的思想。 4) 他既困惑又高兴,简直摸不着头脑了。 Learning to use phrases a

2、nd expressions from the text. 1. 1) applause2) candidate3) all the same 4) impressed 5) interview 6) memorize7) getting on with8) Leaning9) sense10) choice 2. 1) Faced with a lot of evidence, the man had to admit that he was the head of the drug ring. 2) Tommy offered to drive us to the seaside in h

3、is car, but insisted we should share the petrol costs. 3) On-the-job smoking is not allowed in our company. So many employees have to give up smoking or reduce the amount they smoke. 4) When you apply for a job, the first thing the employer sees is your resume. 5) When you find yourself often upset

4、about small matters, youd better cultivate a hobby.窗体底端窗体顶端V. Key to Lesson 2 and Lesson 3 2. Never Late The Flying Bluebird Comprehension of the text. 1. 1) T2) F3) T4) F5) T6) T7) F8) T 2. 1) C2) C3) B4) B5) B 31) 时间绰绰有余。 2) 总算到了曼德佛,我欣慰地站了起来。 3) 我有点发慌。 4) 车外的人听不见我说什么,车内的人又若无其事。 Learning to use phr

5、ases and expressions from the text. 1. 1) 企业2) (从事)商业 3) 因公事4) 正事 5) 公事公办 6) 商业7) 营业额8) 事务 9) 职责10) 事务 2. 1) as far as2) hope for 3) Again and again4) care 5) is covered with6) all the way7) in front of8) as usual 9) stand in her way10) unusual 11) waste 12) far away from 3. Never Late The Man in Bl

6、ue Comprehension of the text. 1. 1) T2) F3) F4) T5) F6) T7) F8) T 2. 1) D2) B3) A4) D5) C 3. 1) 我看他快气疯了。 2) 然后他说:“你等着瞧吧,有你好看的。” 3) 我的两只箱子也给我带来了不少麻烦。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1. 1) got hot 2) at the end of 3) taken the place of 4) made so much noise5) at the same time 6)

7、 get through 7) in the air8) look through9) made signs 10) lost the hope of 2. 1) above2) over3) through4) out of5) about 6) next to 7) in8) at 9) with, for 10) of窗体底端窗体顶端IV. Key to Lesson 4 Comprehension of the text. 1. 1) T2) T3) T4) F5) F6) F7) T8) T9) T10) F 2. 1) D2) C3) C4) D5) D6) A 3. 1) 英格兰

8、南方下了几天大雪,地上积雪有几英寸厚。 2) 托马斯凯林顿在伦敦一家事务所工作,可是他的家在伦敦以南40英里苏塞克斯郡的一个叫希尔帕克的小镇。 3) 凯林顿向来注重仪表。 4) 有些人发现凯林顿的鞋子很脏,这让他有点害臊。 5) 当晚凯林顿应邀赴宴,与老朋友们共度了几小时的愉快时光。 6) 没时间去候车室了,可是他总不能穿着笨重破旧的拾掇花园时穿的鞋子在伦敦大街上到处逛游,或是坐在办公桌旁办公吧。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1. 1) deep 2) notice 3) collect 4) thick5) a

9、re catching 6) placed 7) follow 8) care9) heavy 10) turn 2. 1) We went to bed that evening around 10:30 as usual. 2) She left her kid with a friend and went to town. 3) The walls in our house are only a few inches thick. 4) The German base from which they had been attacked lay about sixty kilometers

10、 to the west of the front line. 5) Although being early may mean wasting a little time, this will be less than if you miss the train and have to wait an hour or more for the next one. 6) I had been told that the hotel was not beautiful but you were better fed there than in any other place in London;

11、 and that was what I wanted then.窗体底端窗体顶端V. Key to Lesson 5Comprehension of the text. 1. 1) T2) T3) F4) F5) F6) F7) T8) T 2. 1) C2) D3) C4) D5) A6) A 3. 1) 风把我的帽子吹到路上,我跑下了人行道去捡了回来。 2) 天气预报说大部分地区都有严重冰冻。 3) 这活可不轻,但总得干。 4) 而现在即使这么暖和的天气我都觉得水太凉。 5) 也许我最后一次游泳是十年前在希腊一个岛上愉快地度假的时候。 6) 可现在一到星期天,总要有几百辆小轿车和长途客车

12、穿过村子的大街,速度快得吓人。 7) 一个农夫要是不懂机器就无法在农场干活。 8) 我可没时间既看书又看电视。 9) 去年冬天砍下来的老苹果树可够今年大半个冬天生火了。 10) 没有什么比结冰的雪更危险了。 11) 地上的雪那么厚,有好几天我们和外界完全隔绝了。 12) 希望今年一月可别再那么糟糕。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1. 1) full of2) bad for3) ran after 4) cut down 5) cut off6) enjoy7) pass through8) knocked do

13、wn 9) used to be10) looked forward to 2.1) Day 2) sky 3) pouring 4) down 5) clear 6) shine 7) falls 8) made9) sunny 10) carrying 11) raining12) afternoon13) weather14) conversation15) discuss窗体底端窗体顶端IV. Key to Lesson 6 Comprehension of the text. 1. 1) F2) T3) F4) T5) F6) F7) T8) T 2. 1) D2) C3) D4) D5) C6) B 3. 1) 首先要问那张五英镑的钞票是怎么来的? 2) 我们这儿有人手脚不干净。 3) 我把钞票对折了一下,夹在案头词典里。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1. 1) accompanies2) folded 3) hide 4) fetch5) round the



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