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1、轻型汽车悬架设计THE DESIGN OF A LIGHT TRUCKS SUSPENSION 2009 年6月 交通大学本科毕业设计(论文) 第页摘 要本文主要研究轻型货车的前后悬架设计分析方法,以及悬架运动与前轮定位参数的变化关系。首先根据设计给定的四个参数对整车进行总体设计,包括整车的尺寸参数、质量参数和性能参数,在选择这些参数的时候可以通过国家标准以及相关的经验参数得到,在选择之后进行了相关的验证,保证各参数能达到各项性能的基本要求。在总体设计完成之后,对前后悬架进行方案的选择,本设计前悬架采用麦弗逊独立悬架,后悬架采用纵置钢板弹簧。然后对悬架的性能参数进行选择,包括前后悬架的偏频、相


3、性、轮胎寿命以及汽车布置设计中的运动干涉等诸多方面,是汽车设计过程中十分重要的问题,欲设计合乎需要的悬架结构,必须准确分析悬架结构的运动特性。所以为了研究悬架结构的运动学特性,本文采用了空间解析几何的方法,探讨分析了麦弗逊式悬架的运动学特性,由于该方法能够直接使用整车布置设计坐标系,无需进行坐标转换,且直观方便,易于理解,所以具有实际应用的意义。关键词: 麦弗逊 悬架 动态特性 交通大学本科毕业设计(论文) 第VI页AbstractThis article is mainly about to study the method of designing a light trucks front

4、 and back suspension, also the article analyze the relation between suspension movement and front wheel alignment parameters. First, it designs the scheme of whole car based on the four parameters which was already been given, this including the whole cars size parameters, weight parameters, and pro

5、perty parameters. we may choose those parameters refer to national standards or some relative experience parameters. we may also do some work to prove the chosen was correct after those parameters being chosen, as to make every parameters meet the basic demand of every property. when the whole car s

6、chemes were already designed, it then comes to choose the scheme of the front and back suspensions, and in this design, we use McPherson type front suspension, Back suspensions steel spings.and then, we choose the suspensions property paremeters,including front and back suspensions frequency, relati

7、ve viscosity,unsprung mass and roll center height, roll angular rigidity which effect the cars controllability and stability,besides,we also choose the trim center height which effect the cars longitudinal controllability. After these basic parameters were chosen, we comes on to calculate the spring

8、 of the suspension,(spiral spring in front suspension, leaf spring in back suspension),and the calculation including checking both the springs stiffness and strength, as to make the spring designed to meet the demand of frequency. And next comes to design the control bars of the front independent su

9、spension, it contains to design the roll center height an trim center height and the locations of the main controlbar.Then,we design shock absorbers to match with the front and the back suspension, including calculate the size of the absorbers and also check the absorbers to see if it meets the dema

10、nd of strength. Since McPherson type front suspension is lack of roll angular rigidity, in order to meet the property demands of cars under steer speciality,Here it also designs a anti-roll bar to improve the front suspensions roll angular rigidity. As suspensions kinematics character relates to a w

11、hole cars controllability ,steering agility, ride comfort,tyre life and motion interference in the design of the whole cars scheme. the kinematics character comes to be a very important question, to make a good suspension structrue,it needs to analyze the kinematics character of the suspension.And i

12、n this article, we uses Spatial analytic geometry to discuss McPherson type front suspensions kinematics character. Because the method is able to use the whole car scheme design coordinate system directly, there is no need to transform the coordinate system. It is more convenient and easy to underst

13、and,so,it makes more actual application sense. key words:Mcpherson suspension kinematics character 交通大学本科毕业设计(论文) 第IX页目 录第1章 绪论11.1 论文研究的目的和意义11.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势11.3 论文主要研究内容2第2章 汽车的总体设计32.1设计参数与设计目标32.2汽车形式的选择32.2.1 轴数32.2.2 驱动形式32.2.3 布置形式42.3汽车质量参数的选择42.3.1 整车整备质量42.3.2 汽车的总质量52.3.3 汽车的整备质量利用系数52.3

14、.4 汽车的轴荷分配62.4 汽车主要尺寸的确定72.4.1 轴距72.4.2 前后轮距和82.4.3 汽车的外廓尺寸82.4.4 汽车的前悬和后悬92.4.5货车车头的长度92.4.5货车车箱尺寸92.5 汽车主要性能参数的选择102.5.1 动力性能参数102.5.2 燃油经济性指标112.5.3 汽车的最小转弯半径112.5.4 通过性几何参数112.6 汽车发动机的选型与轮胎的选定132.6.1 发动机基本型式的选择132.6.2 发动机主要性能指标的选择142.6.3 轮胎的选定17第3章 汽车悬架的结构选型与分析203.1 悬架的设计要求203.2 悬架的结构形式分析203.2.1 悬架结构形式的分类203.2.2 悬架的组成及各部件作用223.3 前、后悬架方案的选择22第4章 悬架的设计计算244.1 悬架主要参数的确定244.1.1 影响平顺性的参数244.1.2 影响操纵稳定性的参数284.1.3影响纵向稳定性的参数314.2 弹性元件的计算354.2.1 前悬架螺旋弹簧的设计计算354.2.2 后悬架钢板弹簧的设计计算384.3 独立悬架导向机构的设计514.3.1 设计要求514.3.2 前轮定位参数与主销轴的布置524.3.3 横臂轴的选型与布置544.4 减振器的设计584.4.1 减振器相对阻尼系数584.4.2 减振器阻尼系数的确定59



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