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1、【素材】 Book 4 Unit 10 Money L 1 A Material World 重点单词1. fact 名词,既可可数,又可不可数。例如:This report is based entirely on fact. 这篇报道完全是根据实际情况完成的。搭配: fact 常构成的词组主要有: in fact 实际上; as a matter of fact 实际上。【高考链接】 The winter of 1990 was extremely bad. most people say it was the worst winterof their lives.At last B. I

2、n fact C. In a word D. As a result解析:答案为b o in fact “实际上”,进一步说明1990年天气的寒冷。At last最后;in a word总而言之; as a result 结果是。【跟踪再练】Two middle-aged passengers fell into die sea, , neither of them could swim.A. In fact B. Luckily C. Unfortunately D. Naturally解析:答案为 Coin fact 实际上; luckily 幸运地是; naturally 自然地; un

3、fortunately 不幸地。从所给的情景 neither of them could swim 可以判断,他们都不会游泳。2. destroyvt.破坏,毁坏,消灭。The fire destroyed all my books. 这场大火毁了我的全部书籍。搭配: destroy itself 自灭; destroy oneself 自杀辨析: destroy /damage / harm / hurtdestroy “毁灭;消灭”,主要指通过某种有力的或粗暴的手段使之毁灭或无用,一般 不能或很难恢复;damage损失”,主要用于物,表示部分的损失,一般可以修复;harm 伤 害;损害”,

4、常用于口语,指“肉体、精神、健康”等方面均可;hurt 主要指精神上或肉体上的“创伤;损害” 。【高考链接】What happened to the priceless works of art ?A. They were destroyed in the earthquakeB. The earthquake was destroying themC. They destroyed in the earthquakeD. The earthquake destroyed them解析:这句话的意思是: “那些无价的艺术品怎么样了?”“它们在地震中遭到了破坏。 ”上文问句 What happe

5、ned to the priceless works of art ? ,虽然不是被动语态, 但是其侧重点与 被动语态相同,因此应选择的 destroy 过去式的被动语态。而 D 项虽无语法错误,但是不 符合“特定的实际交际情景” ,不能选用。故答案为 A 。【跟踪再练】 地震毁了整个城市。The earthquake the whole city. 他们设法修复了受到损害的房子。They managed to repair the houses and . 吸烟严重损害了你的健康。Smoking your health. 他的话伤了我的感情。His words my feelings.Key

6、s: destroyed had been damaged seriously harmed hurt3. believe辨析: believe / believe inbelieve 表示“相信具体事物的真实性或人说的话的可靠性” ,后面也可接名词、代词 或从句作宾语,也可接复合宾语。而 believe in 的意思是信仰,信任某人,指人的品格、作 风、为人方面的情况,相当于 trust 。比较: I believe what you said. 我相信你说的话。We usually believe in him, but this doesn t mean we always believ

7、e him. 通常我们信任 他,但并不是我们总是相信他所说的话。【真题演练】You can ask Tom if you don t what I said.A. believe B. believe in C. have belief in D. trust in解析:B, C, D三个选项都有“信任”之意,所以只能选A,意思为“相信某人说的话。” 【跟踪再练】 - Do you think its to rain over the weekend?A. I don t believe B. I don t believe that C. I believe not so D. I beli

8、eve not 我们坚信这个理论。We firmly that theory.Keys: D believe that4. howeverhowever 作副词,当意思为“不管怎样,无论如何”时,修饰形容词、副词;当意思 为“但是,然而”时,可用于句首、句末或句中。例如However cold it is, she always goes swimming. 不管天气有多冷,她总是要去游泳。Later, however, he decided to go. 可是后来他决定去了。注意: however 修饰形容词、 副词时引导让步状语从句, 相当于 no matter how; however

9、表 示转折时, 其前面或后面要加逗号隔开, 如在句中, 其前后都要加逗号; however 不 能与 but 连用。【高考链接】He tried his best to solve the problem, difficult it was .A. however B. no matter C. whatever D. although解析: 答案为 A。 however 后接形容词或副词引导让步状语从句, 句子倒装, 意思是“无 论”。no matter, whatever , although 都可以引导让步状语从句,但句子结构不能倒装。本句子的意思是:无论困难有多大,他都试图解决好这个问

10、题。【跟踪再练】 他说这是如此的,可是他错了。He said it was so, he was mistaken, . 然而爱因斯坦夫妇付不起小阿而波特所需的学费。The Einsteins , , couldn tpay for the education that young Albert needed.Keys: however however5. feel(1)意思为“触、摸;觉悟,感到”时,为及物动词。例如:The doctor felt my pulse. 医生摸到我的脉搏。A hibernating animal can not feel any pain. 一个冬眠的动物不会

11、感到疼痛。(2)当意思为“认为,以为” 时,有下列 5种句式: feel 名词 代词 to be 短 语(宾补),feel +名词/代词+ 动词原形(宾补):feel + that从句;feel +名 词/代词+ v-ing (宾补):feel + it + 名词(宾补)+ 不定式。例如:He felt the plan to be unwise. 他以为这个计划是不明智的。I felt someone touch me on the arm. 我感到有人碰了一下我的胳膊。Didn tyou feel the ground trembling ? 你感到地在颤动吗?I feel it my d

12、uty to do so. 我觉得有义务那样做。I feel that he has done his best. 我感到他已经尽了力。( 3)作不及物动词时, 往往为系动词, 后面接形容词作表语, 意思为 “(事物) 摸起来,(人) 觉得”。例如: Cotton feels soft. 棉花摸起来很柔软。搭配: feel as if 觉得好像: I feel as if itsgoing to rain. 我觉得好像要下雨; feel like + v-ing , 意思为“想要” : Do you feel like walking with me ? 你想要和我一起走走吗? 【高考链接】

13、-Ow, I ve burnt myself ?How did you do that ?I a hot pot .A. touched B. kept C. felt D. held解析:答案A。 touch表示“触摸”。因为触摸锅被烫伤。Feel表示“触摸”时,指有意 识地触摸某物。【跟踪再练】 我觉得有重复的必要。I to repeat it. 我现在不想吃。I don t now.Key: felt it necessary feel like eating6. interest( 1)作名词,当意思为“兴趣,趣味时,为不可数名词;当意思为“感兴趣的事” ,为可数名词;当意思为“利益”

14、时,多用复数。The last part adds interest to the story. 故事的最后一部分增添了故事的趣味。His two interests in life are music and paintings. 他生活中有两个感兴趣的事:音乐和绘 画。(2)作动词,意思为“使发生兴趣”。The teacher made an effort to interest the students to the current affairs . 老师努力使学生对 当前的大事感兴趣。( 3)意思为“感兴趣的” ,主语往往是人;意思为“令人感兴趣的” ,主语通常是物,很 少修饰人。H

15、e was interested in the interesting film. 他对那部令人感兴趣的电影发生了兴趣。搭配:be interested in 对 感兴趣 ;take ( an ) interest in 爱好,关心;a place of interest名胜【高考链接】 It is believed that if a book is , it will surely the reader.A. interested; interest B. interesting; be interested C. interested; be interestingD. interesting; interest解析: 本句的意思为 “大家都认为, 如果一本书是令人感兴趣的话,它必然会引起读者 的兴趣”。综上所述,答案应为 D 。【跟踪再练】 What me most is that such a pretty girl interest in raising eggs.A. interests; take so



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