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1、2022年考博英语-西安建筑科技大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题It is anticipated that this contract will substantially increase sales over the next three years.问题1选项A.apparentlyB.slightlyC.considerablyD.steadily【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。substantially“实质上;充分地;大幅地”;A选项apparently“显然地;似乎,表面上”;B选项slightly“些微地,轻微地”;C选项considerably“相当多地;

2、非常地”;D选项steadily“稳定地;稳固地”。句意:预计该合同将在未来三年内大幅增加销售额。根据句中“increase sales增加销售额”可知substantially在这里的意思为“大幅地”,因此C选项相当多地正确。2. 单选题To absorb a younger workforce, many companies offered retirement plans as incentives for older workers to retire and make way for the younger ones who earned lower salaries.问题1选项A.

3、rewardsB.opportunitiesC.motivesD.stimuli【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。incentive“激励;奖励;诱因”;A选项reward“奖励;奖赏”;B选项opportunity(其复数形式为 opportunities)“时机,机会”;C选项motive“动机,目的”;D选项stimuli(其为stimulus的复数形式)“激励;刺激;促进因素”。句意:为了吸收更年轻的劳动力,许多公司推出了退休计划,以激励年龄较大的员工退休,为工资较低的年轻员工让路。根据句中“retirement plans退休计划”可知incentive在这里的意思应为“激励”,因此D

4、选项正确。3. 不定项选择题As in the case of so many words used by the biologist and physiologist, the word acclimatization is hard to define. With increase in knowledge and understanding, meanings of words change. Originally the term acclimatization was taken to mean only the ability of human beings or animals

5、or plants to accustom themselves to new and strange climatic conditions, primarily altered temperature. A person or a wolf moves to a hot climate and is uncomfortable there, but after a time is better able to withstand the heat. But aside from temperature, there are other aspects of climate. A perso

6、n or an animal may become adjusted to living at higher altitudes than those it was originally accustomed to. At really high altitudes, such as aviators may be exposed to, the low atmospheric pressure becomes a factor of primary importance. In changing to a new environment, a person may, therefore, m

7、eet new conditions of temperature or pressure, and in addition may have to contend with different chemical surroundings. On high mountains, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere may be relatively small; in crowded cities, a person may become exposed to relatively high concentrations of carbon dioxi

8、de or even carbon monoxide, and in various areas may be exposed to conditions in which the water content of the atmosphere is extremely high or extremely low. Thus in the case of humans, animals, and even plants, the concept of acclimatization includes the phenomena of increased toleration of high o

9、r low temperature, of altered pressure, and of changes in the chemical environment.Let us define acclimatization, therefore, as the process in which an organism or a part of an organism becomes used to an environment which is normally unsuitable to it or lethal for it. By and large, acclimatization

10、is a relatively slow process. The term should not be taken to include relatively rapid adjustments such as our sense organs are constantly making. This type of adjustment is commonly referred to by physiologists as “adaptation”.Thus our touch sense soon becomes accustomed to the pressure of our clot

11、hes and we do not feel them; we soon fail to hear the ticking of a clock; obnoxious odors after a time fail to make much impression on us, and our eyes in strong light rapidly become insensitive.The fundamental fact about acclimatization is that all animals and plants have some capacity to adjust th

12、emselves to changes in their environment. This is one of the most remarkable characteristics of living organisms, a characteristic for which it is extremely difficult to find explanations.1. According to the reading selection, all animals and plants( ).2. It can be inferred from the reading selectio

13、n that( ).3. According to the reading selection, acclimatization( ).4. By inference from the reading selection, which one of the following would not require the process of acclimatization?5. According to the passage, a major distinction between acclimatization and adaptation is that acclimatization(

14、 ).问题1选项A.have an ability for acclimatizationB.can adjust to only one change in the environment at a timeC.are successful in adjusting themselves to changes in their environmentsD.can adjust to natural changes in the environment but not to artificially induced changes问题2选项A.every change in the envir

15、onment requires acclimatization by living thingsB.plants and animals are more alike than they are differentC.as science develops, the connotation of terms may changeD.biologist and physiologists study essentially the same things问题3选项A.is similar to adaptationB.is more important today than it formerly wasC.involves positive as well as negative adjustmentD.may be involved with a part of an organism but not with the whole organism问题4选项A.An ocean fish placed in a lakeB.A skin diver making a deep diveC.An airplane pilot making a high-altitude flightD.A person going from daylight into a darken



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