人教版必修2同步检测:unit 2 the olympic games 第2学时含答案

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《人教版必修2同步检测:unit 2 the olympic games 第2学时含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版必修2同步检测:unit 2 the olympic games 第2学时含答案(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 精品资料英语必修1(人教版)第二学时Learning about Language一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1He looked through the house for the two_(Greece)答案:Greeks2Two of the_(compete)failed to turn up for the race.答案:competitors3Can anything_(place)a mothers love?答案:replace4_(athlete)refers to any kind of physical sports,exercises,or games.答案:Ath

2、letics5As the people of the great nation,we shall take our_(responsible)to make it stronger.答案:responsibility6There are many_(similar)between the two brothers.答案:similarities7In the morning, we went on a_(magic)journey into a world of dreams at Disneyland.答案:magical8Groups of young boys and girls ar

3、e having their physical training in the_(gymnast)答案:gymnasium/gym二、词语活用用框内词语完成下列小段落。 About 500 students will 1._the writing 2._.They will 3._each other 4._the three medals. So anyone who wants to win the 5._must be very 6._and be well prepared.答案:1compete pete petitive三、 动词专练用下列短语的适当形式填空。1Then she w

4、as placed_a small hospital in London.答案:in charge of2It is not only easy to do but it is a fun and natural experience_. 答案:as well3Oxygen _ the atmosphere. 答案:plays a role in4The letter “x”is often used to_ an unknown number.答案:stand for5Students _nine categories.答案:competed in6The children rushed i

5、nto the classroom _,leaving their toys behind. 答案:one after another7.We _ be good friends,but fell apart about a year ago.答案:used to8.It is quite a thirsty plant,so water _to keep it fresh. 答案:every few days四、完成下列句子1我很幸运被北京大学录取了,这是我的第一志愿。Luckily,I_Peking University,my first choice.答案:was admitted to2这次会议是由我们大学主办的。The meeting_our university.答案:was hosted by3这家工厂用机器人替换了大多数工人。The factory_most of its workers_robots.答案:replaced;with4祝你和家人圣诞快乐!Merry Christmas to you and your family_!答案:as well5他们不得不与其他国家竞争国际市场。They had to_other countries for the world market.答案:compete with


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