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1、Test to Romantic AgeI. Fill in the blanks. (30)1. The Romantic Age began in 1798 when _ and _ published _ and ended in 1832 when _ died.2. Romanticism was in effect a revolt of the English _ against the neoclassical _, which prevailed from the days of Pope to those of Johnson.3. In the preface of th

2、e 2nd and 3rd editions of _, Wordsworth laid down the principles of poetry composition.4. _, _, and _ are referred as the “Lake Poets” because they lived in the Lake District in the northwestern part of England.5. The plot of Shelleys lyrical drama _ is borrowed from _, a play of the Greek tragedian

3、 Aeschylus.6. Many critics regard Shelley as one of the greatest of all English poets. They point especially to his _.7. _ was memorized and honored as “the heart of all hearts” after his death.8. Byron employed _ from Italian mock-heroic poetry. His first experiment was made in_.9. Child Harolds Pi

4、lgrimage is a long poem created by _. It contains four cantos in the _ stanza, namely a 9-line stanza rhymed ababbcbcc, in which the first eight lines are in iambic pentameter while the ninth in iambic hexameter.10. Shelley mourned for _s premature death in an elegy “Adonais”, writing “He is made on

5、e with Nature”.11. In “To Autumn”, Keats writes, “Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,/ Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun,/ Conspiring with him how to load and bless/ With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;/” The figure of speech used in the lines is _. 12. _ are generally rega

6、rded as Keatss most important and mature works.13. _ is considered “the father of the historical novel” which opens up to fiction the rich and lively realm of history.14. _ is a great critic of the Romantic Age on Shakespeare, Elizabethan Drama, and English poetry. He is also a master of the familia

7、r essays.15. With _, the essay is no longer chiefly a mode of intellectual inquiry and moral address. Rather, the essay becomes a medium for a delightful literary treatment of lifes small pleasures and reassurances.16. Pride and Prejudice is generally accepted as _s masterpiece, while Ivanhoe is the

8、 masterpiece of _.17. _ and _ gave great impetus to the rise of the Romantic Movement.18. Thomas Grays poem _ is taken as a model of sentimentalist poetry, esp. the Graveyard school.19. _ wrote some patriotic poems, in which he expressed his deep love for his motherland, such as My Hearts in the Hig

9、hlands.II. Identify the author with his or her work. (6)_( 20) Shelley (A) Emma_( 21) Byron (B) To a Nightingale_( 22) Keats (C) Essays of Elia_( 23) Lamb (D) Characters of Shakespeares Play_( 24) Austen (E) Oriental Tales_( 25) Hazlitt (F) To a Skylark III. Choose the best answer. (15)26. Which of

10、the following works are not written by Thomas De Quincey? A. The Confession of an English Opium-Eater B. On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth C. The Spanish Military Nun D. Wit and Humor27. As a poet, Leigh Hunt is chiefly remembered for _. A. About Ben Adhem B. Jenny Kissed Me C. The liberal D. T

11、he Story of Rimini28. “Beauty is truth, truth is beauty” is an epigrammatic line by _. A. John Keats B. William Blake C. William Wordsworth C. Percy Bysshe Shelley29. The first poem in The Lyrical Ballads is Coleridges masterpiece _. A. The Prelude B. Kubla Khan C. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner D.

12、 Tintern Abbey30. Which of the following is Shelleys love lyric? A. One Word is Too Often Profaned B. When We Two Parted C. A Red, Red Rose D. Song to Celia31. Jane Austens view of life is generally a _ one. A. romantic B. sentimental C. realistic D. pessimistic32. The Romantic period is a great age

13、 of all literary genres EXCEPT _. A. poetry B. prose C. drama D. novel33. Which are Shelleys lyrics on nature? A. The Cloud B. Ode to the Nightingale C. Prometheus Bound D. Song to the Men of England34. Which poem shows Shelleys attitude towards the position of women in society, besides the theme of revolutionar


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