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1、1. 想做某事2. 在野外生存3. 野生动物4. 变成盘中餐5. 没门6. 同情7. 事实上8. 没有他们会死9. 动物世界的王者10. 的故事11. 叫她希望12. 看起来像只白老鼠13. 重约8千克14. 第一次外出15. 再也不16. 起初17. 开始吃竹子18. 学会照顾自己19. 面临严重的问题20. 繁殖21. 主要以 为生22. 一种特殊的竹子23. 变得越来越小24. 结果25. 有地方住26. 有食物吃27. 处于险境28. 采取行动29. 立刻30. 建更多的熊猫保护区31. 立法保护熊猫32. 什么也不做33. 一个也不剩下34. 朝着水源走去35. 需要洗个澡36. 害

2、怕他们37. 到狮子旁边38. 伤害某人39. 跳来跳去40. 互相玩耍41. 闭着它的眼睛站着would like to dolive in the wild wild animalsbecome dishesno wayhave pity on in factdie without themthe kings of the animal worldthe story ofcall her Xi Wanglook like a white mouseweigh about 8 kilogramsgo outside for the first timenot any morein the b

3、eginningstart to eat bamboolearn to look after oneselfface serious problemshave babieslive mainly ona special kind of bamboobecome smaller and smalleras a resulthave a place to livehave food to eatin dangertake actionright awaybuild more panda reservesmake laws to protect pandasdo nothingnone leftgo

4、 towards the waterneed a bathbe afraid of themgo near the lionshurt sbjump aroundplay with each otherstand with its eyes closed42. 解出简单的数学题43. 飞着正确的路径44. 在他们嘴巴的帮助下45. 迷路46. 按来时的原路返回47. 在冬天来临前48. 在哪儿找食物49. 一本关于动物的书50. 带深色条纹的橙色皮毛51. 一小会52. 能够做某事53. 独居54. 为了骨头捕捉老虎55. 身体的其他部分56. 闻见远处的事物57. 不停歇地跑几个小时58.

5、以团队合作59. 对人类有危险60. 越来越少的生存区61. 失去生存的区域62. 听到这事我很难过。63. 太遗憾了! 64. 失去他们的生命65. 真丢脸! 66. 再也不买皮毛大衣 67. 行动起来去保护野生动物68. 野生动物俱乐部的成员69. 因为捕猎70. 需要我们的保护71. 有他们自己的家庭72. 有幸福感和悲伤感73. 不因为任何理由杀害他们74. 接受我们的邀请75. 感谢你的善意76. 一篇关于种处于危险中的动物的报道77. 四处缓慢移动78. 在白天79. 冬眠80. 吃植物和昆虫81. 采取行动阻止这件事82. 世界上没熊了work out easy maths pr

6、oblemsfly the right waywith the help of their mouthsget lostcome back the same way as they wentbefore winter comeswhere to find the fooda book about animalsorange fur with dark stripesfor a short whilebe able to do sthlive alonecatch tigers for bonesother parts of the bodysmell things far awayrun ho

7、urs without stoppingwork as a teambe dangerous to humansfewer and fewer living areas lose living areasIm sorry to hear that.Its a great pity!lose their livesWhat a shame!not buy fur coat any moreact to protect wild animalsmembers of the Wild Animals Clubbecause of huntingneed our protectionhave their own familieshave feelings of happiness and sadnessnot kill them for any reasonaccept our invitationthank you for your kindnessa report on an animal in dangermove around slowlyin the daytimesleep through the wintereat plants and insectstake action to stop thisno bears left in the world



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