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1、方位介词专项练习题A 、根据中文提示,用适当的方位介词填空:1.There is a big pear tree _ ( 在的前面 ) my house.2.Who was _ ( 在 的后面 ) you when you were waiting in a line?3.What s _在(的下面 )the desk?4.The children are playing hide-and-seek. Maomao is hiding himself _(在里)the wardrobe.5.The tallest boy in my class sits _ ( 在的隔壁 ) me.6.The

2、y are standing _ the door. ( 在 外面 )B、用适当的介词填空:1.You can t see the ball. Itdoors.the2.Shall we meet _ the gate of the cinema?3.Is he playing _ the street or _ the road?4.Are they _ a factory or _ a farm?5.I sit _ the twins. The elder sister is _ my left and the younger one is_ my right.6.The big tree

3、 _ our classroom is nearly 100 years old.7.The teacher is writing on the blackboard _ the classroom.8.- Where is the light? - It s just _ thetable.9.- Where are the lamps? - They are _ the desks.10. A plane is flying _ the clouds.C、翻译句子:1. 梅梅坐在我的前面,我坐在她的后面。_2. 她正在学校门口等着妈妈。_3. 迈克坐在吉姆和萨姆之间。_4. 医院对面有一家

4、银行。_5. 盒子里有什么?_6. 讲台上有些彩色的图片。_7. 看,孩子们跑进了屋子。_8. 我正站在玩具店的外面。_9. 床下有双运动鞋。_10. 黑板在教室的前面。_11. 教室前面有棵大树。_12. 那条河上有座桥。_13. 餐桌上面悬挂着一盏灯。_14. 许多鸟正从我们的头上飞过。_中考练兵() 1. The birds fly _ the woods.A. aboveB. onC. underD. inside() 2. - Can you see the hole _ the wall? ( 河南 )A.onB. inC. amongbetween() 3. There is a

5、 map _ the wall. ( 北京 )A. onB. fromC. in() 4. - Where is Lily? - We are all here _ her. (辽宁 )A. besideB. aboutC. exceptD. with() 5. Miss Gao is standing _ all her students.A. betweenB. middleC. centreD. among() 6. - Guess, how much does it cost?(广东)- I think it costs _ 15 and 20 dollars.A. fromB. be

6、tweenC. amongD. with() 7. Some shops open _ 10 a.m. and 3:30 p. m. during the Spring Festivalholidays. (山东)D. atD.A. atB. betweenC. fromsome any 练习题D. about用 a, an, some, any 填空1. That is _big house.2. There is_apple on the basket.3. There are_computers in the room.4. Is there _English book in the d

7、esk?5. Are there _chairs in the classroom?6. Is this _bedroom?7. Is there _telephone on the wall?8. Are there _pictures on the wall?9. There isn t _milk in the glass.10. There aren t _flowers in the garden.A. Some or Any?1. - Would you like _ more coffee ? (some/any)- Yes, please.2. I wonder if _ wi

8、ll show up at the meeting ? (someone/anyone)3. Doesnt _ know the answer to this question ? (someone/anyone)4. On TV _ said that smoking does not cause lung cancer. (someone/anyone)5. (annoyed and emphatic) How can _ tell such a pack of lies ? (someone/anyone)6. It must be difficult to live without _

9、 money. (some/any)7. Have you seen my shoes ? I cant find them _. (somewhere/anywhere)8. - Can you believe weve run out of milk !- Would you like me to get _ at the nearest shop ? (some/any)9. _ say the internet is just a hype and that it will blow over. (Some/Any)10. _ day peace will come to Northe

10、rn Ireland. (Some/Any)11. Our shipment is due to arrive _ day now. (some/any)12. I havent seen you for _ time now. (some/any)13. If in _ event a fire would break out, the first thing you should do is evacuate the building. (some/any)14. Is there _ real evidence that my client has actually committed

11、the crime ? (some/any)15. Is there _ I can do for you, madam ? (something/anything)不定代词练习题 . Choose the best answer() 1. This is a very old song, so _ young people know it.A: fewB: littlec: a fewD: a little) 2. The two fishermen saw _ in the sky while they were fishing by a river.A:something strangeB:anythingstrangeC:strange somethingD: strangeanything) 3. There arentmany oranges here, but y


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