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1、初中英语主谓一致练习题及答案() Haeyo ot som watrt drink?-Hre oure.There_ tll some inthebottle. A. r B were C. is. was( ) 2 ._ there n Americn friend in the shool lsFdy?A. I.as C.Ar D. We ( ). Ther _ agreatan acdens at yar. A wereB.are .is D. was ( ) 4 .-Ho maycildrn_ in thepcture? -Thre. A.has tB.s C. hae thr D.

2、re thre Pr ( ) 1 I 15,abo a hiofU.S A_ cvere byfess. A. were B haseC. / D.wa ( ) 2. Most of our earh_ coverdy wate A. e .is C. ws D.wre ( ) 3. Sndy _the firstday of theweek.isB.r C. m D e( )4.Neither_right. A. awes are B.nsesare C anwe is . answer isnt art ( ) 1. The ppulation o the world_ stil_nw.A

3、. s; gron . will; row Cis; gong D. i own ( ) 2.Ther_ manypeopl runnign thak ery moig. A. isB. were C.ar D. have( ) 3T police ofen_thechlrenacros tstret A.help B. helps helping D. heping at4 ( ) 1._gongt Engla by r nxtweek. A. TheGeenfamily ae B. Thereen my re TheGrens failyare Den aml a () 2.Th whol

4、 faiy_ ejying the beautiful msic . A. is all B. all is Cal areD. are ll ( ) .ur class _ i. A. i B. are C. ee Dwill Part 5 () 1eiter he or _ fCanaaWe are froAustrlia. . is Bar Cam D. be () 2. ither o r h _ rit. A. a B. is C. dos D. wee ( ) 3. Nither Mar norhe brother_ goo t siging.A. is are C.snt D.

5、are not ( ) 4ot only Tmuaso Aiceanda _ busy.A. is B. was.are D. hs Part 6() . Phsics _neesting to us. . ae B.has . is . were ( ) 2 Te new_xcing. We gotexcited at it. Ais B was C. were D are ( ) 3. houg mathmais_ r, weall r t trdA. are B. were C s D. 1How time flis! en yrs _pased. A. hve B has C. isD

6、.e Noonly his pentsbut also hi roher_tothe Smmer Pce. e hvent beenba. A.hve bee B. ave one . as bee. as ge 3.Neiher myfather_ gig to eethepatient. A. nor m B are C. omeae D. or m s 4Lok! Thee _playing wih te touriston Yinhe quar. are a numrof deer B. re a nmbe of eer C is a nero der i a umber of des

7、 Tner f _ in our cls _ fifty. . tuden, isB he sudnts,are C. thesuets, is Dstudents,are 6Th numbe fh sudentsin r cls_ 54. A. is Bre C. has D hae 7Nt onl bs Jane an My_ ired of having oneexaiaaeraothe A.i B.are .am De 8.A ibrar ithfive housn bos_t e atonas a gif. Aiseed. ffereC.ar oed D.haveffred 9he

8、whr to build thenew fctory _yet. .isnotdeide Bare ot decided Ch not ed Dhavendecided 10The uer peope invite_ffty, but a number of te _abet for feentasns A.ere,ws B.as, was C.wa,wereD.wee.er1Beteen the t uildins_a oumn A.is staing .standigC.tans Dsand 1.an a stdet_tat mistae beoe. .amaeB.ha ben mae .

9、hav dD. h made 13.Non of h money _is .iBare Celogs Dwre 14out thee-fths of thewor_de yetrdayA.had .was C.we D.hav 15. Neither our iter nr min _te od ews.Les tel em. Aknow knws .knwI. .用所给动词的合适形式填空。 1.wo husand miles _ (b) too far fo u o telover short vacaion. . Te ol in mycutry_(b) cre f b ther idre

10、n ad gradchildr. There _(be) a ar tousrsontsof. 4 Ten dividd b tw _ (equal) fiv. 5. ThCines peple _ (b) a etpeole. 6. Nobdy ut Tim a m_ (be)n te room. 7 i Fang ikma girls _ (like) dang 8.Eery by an vrygirl_ (want) t go tere 9.reeforth of the surf t eart _ (e)sea.10. ll f heork _ (be)inshd. .选择填空。 Th rch _ ot awa hppy. A.are B. C.a av 2. Thod womn, togeth wither two grndsos, _crosig the ad. A. ar B. is. has . hve 3Tis pir of trer_ Lcs.Yr rousrs _ on yu bed.A.is



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