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1、仅供个人参考abidevi. 逗留 , 居住 They abide in a remote village. 他们居住在一个偏远的村子里。vt.容忍 , 忍受屈从How can you abide such a person?你怎么能屈从于这样的人?aboutprep.转到相反的方向About turn口令:向后转!【真题例句】 Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face because it was the federal circuit itself that introduced such patents

2、with is 1998 decision in the so-called state Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. 【 2010 年阅读 Txte2】对商业方法专利权的限制表明了法庭的态度发生了重大的转变,因为正是联邦巡回法院在1998 年被称为“州街银行案” 的决议中引入了这类专利, 当时法院对一种共同的投资基金资产的管理方法授予了专利。abrupt adj 指语言上不连贯的 an abrupt style of writing 不连贯的写作风格; (指斜坡)陡峭的

3、;absence n缺少 ,缺乏 U(+of) ;缺席的时间;外出期;不注意,心不在焉The absence of color in that drawing makes it dull.那幅画因没有着色而显得晦暗。He repeated absences from school.屡次缺课。【真题例句】 There is “ the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse, and the casualness and absence of deference” characteristic of popular culture. 【 2

4、006 年 Text1】在美国, 大众文化的特点就是“在服饰和谈吐方面大众化的一致性、漫不经心和不拘礼节。”absolute adj 有无限权力的专制的 An absolute ruler can do just as he please. 一个专制的统治者可以为所欲为。非相对的 Theres no absolute standard for it.它没有绝对的标准。独立的;绝对的We now have the absolute proof of his guilt.我们现在有他犯罪的确凿证据。absorb vt 并入,使合并;减少(冲击、困难等的影响)The surrounding vill

5、ages have been absorbed by/into the growing city. 周围的村庄已经合并到了日益扩大的城市。Buffer absorbed most of the shock. 减速器大大减少了震动。academic n. C 学术的学者【真题例句】 If the preoccupation of schools with academic work was lessened, more time might be spent teaching children surer values.【 1995 年 Text4】如果学校对学业的强调减少一些,也许就有更多的时

6、间教孩子更重要的价值观念。【真题例句】 Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much “ reengineering ” has been crude.【1998 年阅读 text2】哈佛学者伦纳德?施莱辛格是一家迅速扩张的美味面包店的前总裁,他说, 许多“企业重组”都不成熟。accentn 强调 ,着重 U(+on) 重点;强调In all our produc

7、ts the accent is on quality. 我们所有的产品都要强调质量。accept vt 欢迎He was never really accepted by his classmate.他从未真的受到班上同学的欢迎。acceptance nC( 商 ) 承兑,认付; Documentary credit acceptance advice跟单信用证承兑通知书acceptable n 可承受的危险,牺牲(商)利润率accessorynC 从犯 ,同谋 (+to)妇女饰品 ;房间陈设 P1He is Toms accessory.他是汤姆的帮凶。不得用于商业用途 供个人参考Even

8、 if she doesnt actually read it, a folded pink paper sticking out of her bag is a nice fashion accessory.就算她 并不看, 但从她的包里探出一卷粉 色的 ,也是个不 的 尚装 。形容 a. 1. 附加的 ,附属的 ; 助的 2. 同 的 ,帮凶的 3. 非主要的 ;副的With two years working experience of sale electronic products or electronics accessory;.两年以上 售 者 先。It was an acce

9、ssory food supply. 它提供 助的食物。accident n 机遇 By accident of birth, he is entitle to British civil. 出生地原因他有 成英国公民。 accommodate vt 迎合,考 accommodate the special needs of minority groups. 考 到少数民族的特殊需要。accommodation n 解,和解They reached an accommodation with neighboring countries.他 同 国和解了。accompany vt 与 .同 生;

10、 strong winds accompanied with heavy rain 雨交加 充增加 The text is accompanied by illustration. 正文附有插 accomplishaccomplished fact 既成事 accord n【 】 予 ; 予 ;授予 O1 ; (国家之 的 ); 条 C(+with/on);自愿 U He was accorded a warm welcome at the airport.他在机 受到 烈 迎。The government expected a temporary accord with the Opposi

11、tion before the end of the year.政府期望年底以前和反 党达成 。.I know you were there of your own accord.我知道你是自愿去那儿的。accounton sb s account for 了 . 故account for sth/sb解 明;摧残, 死Don t change your plans on my account. 不要因 我的原因而改 划。His illness accounts for his absence. 他因 生病 , 所以才缺席。Our anti-aircraft guns accounted fo

12、r enemy bombers. 我 的高射炮 落了 机。acidadj 尖酸的,尖刻的Everyone doesnt like to hear the acid remarks.没有人喜 听那尖酸刻薄的 the acid test 峻的考 The acid test for a good driver is whether he remains clam in an emergency. 一个好司机来 决定性考 就是看他能否在 急情况下保持 静。acidly 刺地acidify酸化acquire an acquired taste 好 嗜好 Abstruse art is an acquir

13、ed taste. 抽象 是一种通 学 才能 得的 好。act n. C ( 常大写 )法案 ,法令; vt 装出 ; 像Would you tell us something about the new Education Act? 你 我 新的教育法好 ? He acted the wise man who knew everything and never made mistakes. 他装成无所不知 ,从不出 的 明人。active adj 放射性的actually adv 地, 在地居然竟然She actually won it!她居然 了!acuteadj 重的巨大的 There

14、s an acute shortage of water. 里 重缺水。精明的有洞察力的He is an acute observer. 他是个敏 的 察家addressvt 致函,写姓名地址; 【 算机用 】 址address oneself to sth 向 ;忙于致力于Kindlyaddress yourselfto the chairman, not directlyto other representatives at this不得用于商 用途 供个人参考meeting. 你向主席 , 不必直接向与会代表 。Let us address ourselves to the matter in hand.咱 来干手 件事吧。【真 例句】 Depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different. 【 2002 年 Tex1】 不同的听众,要 的 也 不同。【真 例句】 Prior to his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter. 【 1986 年 第3 】在离开之前,他 他女儿写了一封信。adhere vt 遵循原 We adhere to the principle that ever


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